I first conceived of Boomer's magic as being Hermetic, but the more I think about it, the less sense that makes. She wasn't brought up among metahumans, and there's no reason for her to subscribe to metahuman metaphysics. The following, then, is an attempt to construct a magical tradition that makes sense (in my mind, anyway) for pixies.
PIXIE SHAMANISMConcept: As inherently magical beings, members of a species where everyone can directly perceive the astral plane and its denizens, pixies are naturally far more accepting of magic and magicians than metahumanity. While not every pixie develops the ability to shape mana and commune with spirits, those who do occupy places of importance in their clan; they protect the clan by propitiating the spirits of a vast and often hostile world, and through their guidance help other pixies to feel more connected to the world and their place in it. Pixie magic is a form of shamanism, with emphasis placed on communicating with spirits, particularly pixie ancestor spirits.
Combat: Beasts
Detection: Air
Health: Plant
Illusion: Water
Manipulation: Guidance
Drain: Willpower + Charisma
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Mar 11 2012, 03:47 AM)

I don't get, why you paid the markup for pixiesize and then use it like a normal sized weapon. If it is customized it can be used normally.
That's extremely questionable, IMO. Pixie customization can't possibly scale down the entire weapon; if it did, it would no longer be a 6P, AP -1 light machine gun. I think the customization sizes the grip and trigger down to where a pixie's hands can use it, and maybe moves the sights to the side so that she doesn't have to lay her head down on top of the weapon to get a sight picture. She also can't use the detachable folding stock. The action and barrel are still full size, because they have to be.
Can pixies use simsense? If so, why not go the DNI route.
I don't know of anything that says they can't, but I also can't think of any advantage she gets from doing so, nor do I think it fits the character. Boomer is quite childlike, in love with anything that makes noise. She would want to get as close to personally wielding the weapon as possible; she can't really wield it the way a human could (she could probably bench-press the White Knight, but that's not the same as having the leverage to wield it), but using a smart firing platform's servos as a power-assist lets her come pretty close.