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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Dragon-like UFO spotted in clouds in China
And so it begins!
I welcome our new draconic overlords!!!
If, by the end of the year, I cannot spontaneously conjure intangible forces to do my bidding, I will start saving up for all those juicy implants.
QUOTE (Stormdrake @ Mar 13 2012, 02:39 PM) *
I welcome our new draconic overlords!!!

I will be a benevolent overseer. There's no need for fear.
Hmm....better start looking at causing a Great Crash too, we need to prepare for the SINless.
QUOTE (VykosDarkSoul @ Mar 13 2012, 03:52 PM) *
Hmm....better start looking at causing a Great Crash too, we need to prepare for the SINless.

Won't they be raptured?
Harpoons . . where the hell are my Harpoons . .
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