QUOTE (DuckEggBlue Omega @ Mar 19 2012, 07:29 AM)
A campaign I've been running on and off for some time is coming to an end (some players have left the game and some are leaving the state, perhaps never to return) and I thought I'd wrap things up with this classic, but I'm not sure if I should run it as is or alter it significantly.
For example, the campaign has had a horror influences, one character especially, and part of me wants to alter things to better reflect the metaphors that have already been used and this would involve something like a cave rather than a bridge. Also, there are no female PC's anymore, and cutting out the Lancelot adventure doen't seem like the worst thing in the world. There are a few other things I've considered aswell.
On the otherhand, I keep thinking if I'm going to run Harlequin's Back then I should just run it, and concentrate on avoiding some of the pitfalls of the adventure, instead of potentially creating new ones.
One idea for the Lancelot part (if you don't want to go all genderbender)...you said there aren't any female PCs
anymore - perhaps bring back a deceased female PC for that section? It was a really long time since I ran HB, but as I recall the arthur-theme is present in one way or another through all the metaplanes in the adventure (and ties in with Harlequin himself).
It should be fairly easy to just change the visuals of a place, though - say, if you want to change the 'weird west' section into a 'weird ww1' - and just alter appearances and gear but keep the story and mechanics in place.
I do think you should add or change some stuff so it hints back at previously done stuff, though. Tying things together and referencing previous horror-related stuff you've done would be a good thing. If you do change stuff radically, I suggest taking some extra time to make it work well.