This is my submission for a Character skeleton for a 'naked' Street Sam to kick maximum ass without resorting to being actually naked and invisable. The "Pink Mohawk" of this challenge. Feel free to use this with typical armor/weapon loadouts if you are the kind of person who isn't very much fun.
BP 400
Creation Rules followed:
5 in one skill or 4 in two skills, rest are < 3
Shadowrun Missions base character creation rules
This character was intentionally made under pretty harsh character creation rules as to make it as flexible as possible.
Introducing Milan Four-SeasonsDaughter of some rich corporate hotel-shmuck, Milan has never has always been a "bad girl" and source of trouble in the family. Being a rich girl who gets wasted and endangers the lives of innocent bystanders behind the wheel of a car is so 2012, Milan prefers to be a rich girl who gets wasted and endangers the lives of innocent bystanders by Shadowrunning for kicks.
Loaded for cash she bought as much of a cyber replacement as possible (except her beautiful face, which she covers with a Luchadore mask during runs) and has earned herself a reputation as quite the hell cat among young runners. Her father has recently cut her out of the will and out of high-society life, which has left her outside of his protective nest should the authorities come a-knockin'. Using the last of her contacts and money she carves out a new life in a ramshackle appartment with bare minimum transportation and licenses under the guise of Security Consultant Alotta Flechetta.
Tactics:if(targetRange = melee){
//end of line
Qualities:Born Rich
Restricted Gear 2 (Cyber Torso and Cyber Machine Pistol)
Attributes:B:4 (EIGHT)
A:1 (7) -- (8 for melee attacks or shooting)
S:1 (EIGHT) stupid smileys
R:5 (6)
(Covered the most important bases for defense on a character like this. Will for spells and Body for pathogens/toxins/drugs)
Initiative: 8 (9)
Initiative Passes: 1 (2)
Essence: .25 (.8 with Biocompatibility: Cyberware. I highly recommend adding this quality).
Physical Condition Track: 17
Stun Condition track: 11
Armor: 9/9 (butt naked. 17 dice to soak. butt naked).
Gear:Low Lifestyle
Thundercloud Contrail
Fake License (Cyber Machine Pistol) - 4
Fake License (Synaptic Booster) - 4
4 Fake License (Enhanced Agility) - 4
5 Fake License (Enhanced Body) - 4
5 Fake License (Enhanced Strength) - 4
Fake License (Driver's License)
Fake ID (Alotta Flechetta)
Stylish Wrestling onesie
Stylish Luchadore Mask
'WareCyberware:Obvious Full Right Cyberarm (1 capacity remaining)
Custom: B: 5 S: 6 A: 6
Enhanced: B:3 S: 2 A: 2
Armor 1
Machine Pistol
External Clip Port
Obvious Full Left Cyberarm (1 capacity remaining)
Custom: B: 5 S: 6 A: 6
Enhanced: B:3 S: 2 A: 2
Armor 2
Spur - Ceramic Parts 1
Obvious Full Right Cyberleg (9 capacity remaining)
Custom: B: 5 S: 6 A: 6
Enhanced: B:3 S: 2 A: 2
Armor 2
Obvious Full Left Cyberleg (9 capacity remaining)
Custom: B: 5 S: 6 A: 6
Enhanced: B:3 S: 2 A: 2
Armor 2
Obvious Cybertorso (2 capacity remaining)
Custom: B: 6 S: 6 A: 5
Enhanced: B:2 S: 2
Armor 2
Bioware:Synaptic Booster 1
Athletics Group 2 (10 Dicepool for most actions)
Blades 4 (12 Dicepool)
Automatics 4 (12 Dicepool. 14 if you can access the smartlink. This is taken if your GM is
not a dick)
Exotic Ranged Weapon: Cybergun 4 (12 Dicepool. 14 with smartlink eye stuff. This is taken if your GM
is a dick).
Knowledge Skills
Security Design 3 (keeping up appearances and important to a runner anyway)
This leaves you with 46,000

, 108 BP to spend (50 can be spent on Attributes, 15 on Qualities), 35 BP to gain through negative qualities of your choice, and however many contacts/knowledges you have leftover when you're done tinkering with everything else. This is also a character who has all of the necessary licensing to walk into a place that cybered up and raise eyebrows instead of alarms. Machine Pistol is licensed, the spur is ceramic (who makes a spur a felony while automatic weapons require licenses? What kind of world is this?). Also ask your GM about licensing for the Cyberwear enchancements, Chummer recommended a "per cyberlimb" basis, but that seems pretty wonky. Could free you up a couple grand.
I highly recommend:Some method of interacting with the Machine Pistol's smartlink. I didn't include it incase someone wants to "cheat" with contacts/goggles/glasses
Biocompatibility: Cyberware
Ars Cybernetica or equivalent with +1 Blade DV. Take as many times as you see fit.
Upping relevant combat skills if your GM isn't stingy
Dodge or Gymnastics
Possible "Plug ins":Half Assed Face: Tailored Pheremones, increase Charisma, purchase Social Skills and maybe Emotisoft/toy. Without the Empathy software you can still hit 10+ dice with absolute bare minimum effort.
Half Assed Decker: 46000

isn't a
lot, but it can get you good enough programs to accomplish a "smash and grab" very easily. Increase Logic and related skills with BPs.
Half Assed Rigger: Yeah I'm not sure if I can recommend this really, but hypothetically you might have enough cash for absolute bare minimum drone support. In this case I'd recommend cybereyes with an Eye Laser Designator system, flying drones (You're going to be hard pressed to have enough cash to lug drones with you, but 6 hr op time will get them across seattle from base assuming they aren't seen) that you arm with whatever you can pull off. You wont rig in to anything unless things are absolutely dire and will instead let their rudimentary Pilots figure it out themselves, direct them with your eye laserbeams if necessary (Standing orders to shoot what I designate, if nothing designated shoot what is shooting at me or defend yourselves). It is a really half-assed way to go but half-assed air support is still pretty awesome. You're not going to win the Spider of the year award or anything, but being a Street Sam who can essentially call in his own bombing runs (strafing runs from an Air Drone with MGL-12 Grenade Launcher) isn't too shabby. Tacnets are expensive, perhaps prohibitively, but they are an option for this play style as well. Why more Street Sams don't eventually branch into this in a game community that is notoriously short on Riggers is beyond me.
Absolute Combat Monster: Take Biocompatibility: Cyberware. This gives you 45,000

, .8 essence, and just a hair under 100bp to become as vicious as you want to be. Platelette Factories, Reflex Recorders, Trauma Dampners. You don't have a lot of money/essence to screw around with but you still have lots of options to add more oomph. Skills can go straight in to shooting or infiltrating or whatever else makes you a battlefield threat.
Disclaimer: About the Rigger thing. There are 3 books which have Rigger and Drone related rules. Out of these three books there are a total of about 7 or 8 pages of rules pertaining to Riggers, and half of them contradict eachother. Rigger rules are also where the notorious SR4A pg 245 ISSUING COMMANDS paragraph decides it doesn't want to provide any useful information so it references you to itself instead (p 245).
So whether this will work or not depends on what your GM thinks of Pilot intelligence, what he thinks the Command program will let you get away with, and most importantly how sane he is. Whether the rules allow it or not (which is kind of murky at best) letting a Street Samurai lead his own little fireteam of Dobermans and LEBD-1s is pretty ludicrous, so only do it if you promise to never do anything more gamebreaking like: Summon a Force 5+ Spirit, use Stick n Shock in anything but a Shotgun, or build a character around Possession. Pinky swear okay?