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Full Version: Shadowrun Missions Season 2 Denver - The Godz
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Hey there!

We are currently running the Denver campaign and there is a question that hopefully someone can answer. smile.gif

The third mission (The Grab) has that scene where Lady Jade and the team are attacked by a bunch of Gangers from The Godz.

The text says, that the reasons for this will be explored later.

Now I found a hint in the legwork section, but so far I couldn't find any mission that explored this topic further. While there is one that features Lady Jade again and picks up from where The Grab left us, it is focused on the actual run, not this sidetrack.

So, my question is... does anyone know if this is explained anywhere else in more detail? smile.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Apr 15 2012, 09:24 AM) *
Hey there!

We are currently running the Denver campaign and there is a question that hopefully someone can answer. smile.gif

The third mission (The Grab) has that scene where Lady Jade and the team are attacked by a bunch of Gangers from The Godz.

The text says, that the reasons for this will be explored later.

Now I found a hint in the legwork section, but so far I couldn't find any mission that explored this topic further. While there is one that features Lady Jade again and picks up from where The Grab left us, it is focused on the actual run, not this sidetrack.

So, my question is... does anyone know if this is explained anywhere else in more detail? smile.gif


if I remember correctly this line ties up in a later mission ... its been a couple years ... but Im fairly certain that it does ... dont remeember the name of it tho
The only one I could find (amongst the season 2 missions) is Chasing the Dragon, which does continue the main storyline, but not this sidetrack, as far as I have seen.

Did you check Thrash the Body? That had a lot of gang activity.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Apr 17 2012, 09:30 AM) *
The only one I could find (amongst the season 2 missions) is Chasing the Dragon, which does continue the main storyline, but not this sidetrack, as far as I have seen.


IIRC its in That one ... and its not much of an explanation ... like I said its been a couple years ... and IIRC its not even that important
Thanks! I'm mostly wondering if there is more to it. smile.gif

But if there isn't that much, then I will just fill in the blanks, I guess.

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