Hi everyone !
Just wanted to hear the opinions of the dumpshock oracle about this topic:
Genetic heritage lets you start with one genetic modification for FREE.
Does that mean it just doesn't cost you any money but you still pay the essence cost for it?
Or does it mean you get one modification for free and you DON'T pay essence for that mod?
Since it says that you INHERIT a modified genome from your parents, you don't "alter" your essence in anyway since you're born this way! Otherwise Surgelings would need to pay essence too, since their DNA is also modified from birth (altough not engineered DNA)? A Person is born with 6 essence. That would mean that genes that get inherited shouldn't cost essence right?
What is the dumpshock oracle's opinion?
Edit: (Runningwild) apparently warforms and chimeras don't have to pay essence for positive genetic modifications that get inherited when they breed and get children, why shouldn't this apply for humans (metavariants) ?