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Full Version: Access ID, persona, and node
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
While pondering the functioning of trace in the wireless matrix, it hits me that access id is not tied to node but persona.

This means that although you can analyze a persona to get a access id, take tells you exactly nothing about the node the persona originates from.

So this means that in order for a spider to counter hack a hackers comlink, he first needs to run a trace to know what node to attack.

This because the nature of the matrix is that the traffic routing happens via access id, with the go between nodes not caring about the end node. They just look at the access id, and either send it to the last known other node that handed it some traffic from the same id in the past (if that node is still in range), or sends out a general "can someone please forward this?".

So in a sense, access id is more like a mobile phone SIM. I can swap the phone, i can swap the number, but as long as i have the same SIM any call, text or similar directed towards my number will reach whatever phone i happen to have my SIM in at the time. But for all the caller knows, i can be on the other side of the planet thanks to network roaming and such.

So it may well be that some squatter has a access id without owning a comlink. This by having some kind of card or similar that holds his access id, that he then uses when buying matrix time at a matrix cafe.
Seriously Mike
Access ID is generated by the commlink. There are options in the corebook to spoof it either by software or hardware means.
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 16 2012, 09:45 AM) *
While pondering the functioning of trace in the wireless matrix, it hits me that access id is not tied to node but persona.

This means that although you can analyze a persona to get a access id, take tells you exactly nothing about the node the persona originates from.

So this means that in order for a spider to counter hack a hackers comlink, he first needs to run a trace to know what node to attack.

This because the nature of the matrix is that the traffic routing happens via access id, with the go between nodes not caring about the end node. They just look at the access id, and either send it to the last known other node that handed it some traffic from the same id in the past (if that node is still in range), or sends out a general "can someone please forward this?".

So in a sense, access id is more like a mobile phone SIM. I can swap the phone, i can swap the number, but as long as i have the same SIM any call, text or similar directed towards my number will reach whatever phone i happen to have my SIM in at the time. But for all the caller knows, i can be on the other side of the planet thanks to network roaming and such.

So it may well be that some squatter has a access id without owning a comlink. This by having some kind of card or similar that holds his access id, that he then uses when buying matrix time at a matrix cafe.

A persona AID is based on the originating nodes AID. UW pg. 48, 51.
Ugh, making track basically worthless when a simple analyze can provide the same info. Thanks Catalyst...
You expect the matrix rules to make sense? Have they ever, in any version of the rules? So it's not really Catalyst's fault.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 16 2012, 02:37 PM) *
Ugh, making track basically worthless when a simple analyze can provide the same info. Thanks Catalyst...

Having the AID (from an Analyze) does not provide you the location (From Trace), though.
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 16 2012, 09:37 PM) *
Ugh, making track basically worthless when a simple analyze can provide the same info. Thanks Catalyst...

If all you want is the Access ID then Trace is serious overkill.

If you the slightest idea of the physical location that the persona is logged in from you need Trace.

If you want to spoof commands then you can use analyze to find the Access ID and Spoof to generate a command to a third party that pretends to be from them (drone:shutdown, door:unlock, email to girlfriend, etc).

Meh, i just found the whole matrix thing to click more into place if one considered the access id to be a persona thing rather than a node thing.

For without it, trace becomes largely meaningless as one can just as well hack the persons node and read off their GPS data.

But if it was hard to figure out what node the persona in front of you originated from without a trace then trace becomes worthwhile again.

Note btw that trace as a location finder only really works for fixed nodes. A comlink needs to be triangulated from known fixed points independently of running a trace.
1) Besides the ton of stuff that will stop working if you read the rules.

2) Track uses an extended, possibly opposed test. Needing it often would be deeply annoying. It has itīs place in tracing hard-to-hack targets, and in getting the last known location after an evildoers AID has been spoofed. UW pg.99 (Spoofing a Data Trail Online).
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