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Full Version: Well, looks like we have a rigger.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
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Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jun 5 2012, 11:04 PM) *
Straightedge. It has the same basic principle (no drink, no drugs, no f*ck)

Also "no fun, no life".

The cat was dead due to unrelated causes before it was turned into a kittycopter, so it's not like someone harmed it for kicks and giggles. I really can't see a problem here.
i find myself wondering if this could be a photoshop. Anyone have a video of this thing flying?
There are several . .
What do you have against this Stahl, I thought recycling was mandatory in Germany?
Not too long ago, people were jailed or admitted to mental institutions for electroshock therapy for this kind of behaviour . .
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 7 2012, 07:46 AM) *
Not too long ago, people were jailed or admitted to mental institutions for electroshock therapy for this kind of behaviour . .
Hell, they used to electroshock for alcoholism.
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Jun 6 2012, 04:26 PM) *
Also "no fun, no life".

You know nothing.

Interview with the creator.
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jun 8 2012, 08:46 PM) *

Yet again, CBC comes through.
Even dead the cat's face seems to say "please end my humiliatino, wasn't killing me neough?"
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