Apr 14 2004, 08:03 PM
Hey all - just got handed a character who was built for a game with some old edges/flaws I have never seen before. Wondering if anyone could shed some light on them for me. Access to Betaware and Unusually Large are the edges and the flaw is Trouble magnet. Anyone?
Apr 14 2004, 08:27 PM
Aren't those house rules?
Unusually large sounds a lot like WoD....
Trouble magnet sounds made up since there are no "random encounters" in SR.
Access to betaware sounds like the nebulous "SOTA" edge that i've never seen in a book...it may be 2nd Ed but the others I doubt.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 14 2004, 08:29 PM
Unusually Large and Trouble Magnet are definitely "house rule" versions. You can find them on the web, including one of my favorite old sites
Talia Invierno
Apr 14 2004, 10:42 PM
If I remember correctly, the 2nd edition Companion SOTA edges included access to alphaware (2 points), betaware (4 points), and deltaware (6 points).
Apr 15 2004, 08:41 AM
Those edges and flaws are listed at
Isle of Shadows. It seems to be a pretty popular house-rule site, and I've used a few of their E/Fs in my games.
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