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That roll WAS my Matrix Perception, sorry, forgot to say.
Edited to include what was seen.
almost normal
3 hits for perception.
Also, for expediency Almost Normal, need infiltration test
Soo...any signs of life?
*drums fingers against table four times in sharp procession* I'm alive~
Waiting on ALmost Normal.
almost normal
Sorry. Was white water rafting over the weekend. Figured the point of sending our sheets in is so folks aren't waiting around for a single schmuck to make a roll when he's a few hundred miles from his computer. Ah well. 5 hits on infiltration. Using the flexible adept power as well to get through the window with ease.
Didn't know you went white water rafting, sounds like fun.
almost normal
Never been before. It was a blast. Love my girlfriend now more then ever. The whole time on the raft Im trying to be calm, not be mean, not say anything to the two idiot women in front of the boat who couldn't give a crap about paddling, when all of the sudden my woman yells 'START FUCKING ROWING ALREADY!'

I love her <3
That one's a keeper smile.gif
SO, you're climbing in while it's occupied? That takes balls...
almost normal
Oh. Inside the bathroom. Not inside the house. Okay. Yeah. I'll do whatever infiltration thingie is most prudent as I snoop!
Almost, you're out. Sick of waiting for you to post. Which is irony since you were the one concerned about the pace of posting.
Anyone else need to get anything done or can I forward the timeline to shortly before the meet?
almost normal
Uhh.. What? I've been waiting on a post for a while, you know, since it's impossible for me to talk about what I see in the building since i've got no clue what's inside, and that was really not what I was expecting to see.

GG. Have fun gents.
Meety time works for me.
Yeah, works for me. I was kinda wondering when something was going to happen with this. Anyhoo, it's 1:50am here so I'll post tomorrow smile.gif

Since I'd kinda prefer not to lose a player already, shall we just accept there was a failure to communicate to a certain extent, move the game to the time of the meet, and go from there?
almost normal
Thanks but no thanks. There's a certain level of intelligence and patience that I require in a GM, and it just wasn't met. That's no slight to Nikoli, and I hope you guys have a great game.
The hell it wasn't. So, be off with you.
Button slapping in my post is activating the manual control override for the van. So, y'know, folks gotta physically break into and actually drive the van to steal it. Can't be too careful when you forget to install an alarm in the dang thing. smile.gif And sorry for the wait, was slugging my way through a homework assignment that I needed to finish.
3rd worst week of my life so far. Will post after sleeping.
Still waiting on Ears to reply.
SO, aside form Faces, who is meeting the Johnson, who is sitting nearby and who is skulking outside?
Also, you have a little over 3 hours of prep time outside the pub if you need any actions. Once I know the disposition of the team, we'll advance.
Suppose that is the question. Bill-Roy isn't a great talker, and would probably take on the role of dumb muscle that keeps quiet while sitting at the negotiating table. Could also be assisting Proxy with data searching as the conversation goes and shunting information that we find that could be handy in the negotiations over to Faces. Guess it depends on whether or not the J wants to meet and greet the whole team.
Proxy is more the thoughtful, deeply paranoid type, so I'll head in a bit before everyone else and see if I can take up a position either at the bar, or a table over looking the one the meet is going down at.
Professor's just going to lurk quietly and try not to piss anyone off.
How about you head in on your own a bit later, then? It's not like we're in a hurry. wink.gif

And 'cause I feel like it, a Judge Intentions roll against the bartender:
Intuition (4) + Charisma (7) = 11 dice, yielding 4 hits, no glitch
Apologies for the slow pace the last few days. My only vehicle, a zuma 125, was experiencing some mechanical problems and dramatically increasing my stress levels as we've had record high temperatures in GA over the last week weren't helping. It's still having some problems, but fewer and they are identified (potentially faulty O2 sensor wigging the fuel injection out).

I'm hoping I can make it up to you guys.
Well, real life has this unfortunate tendency to crop up when you least need it. Happens to everybody.
And two-wheeled vehicles behaving strangely really are not fun.

btw, want to roll for Carousing? wink.gif It's not like I'm after new best friends or deeply guarded secrets, just some smalltalk, maybe a bit more info on that table and a way for my guy to spend a few ours doing something other than brooding over beer.

Carousing is a thing? God I love this game.
While I accept this is due to things beyond anyones control, should we declare this game to be on hiatus and/or dead at this point?
Dunno, usually when PbPs die, it's because folks don't visit DS anymore. But I got the feeling I've seen most of us logged in recently. Maybe everyone's waiting for someone else to do something?

How 'bout a roll call, see where we really at?
Waiting on to see who else is taking an action.
Sorry guys, I'm still here. Grandmother finally came home from the hospital and the last few days have been a game of 'acclimate to having two elderly people in the home who need care and attention'. My posting may be delayed by a few hours, but I'll still be scanning the forums and watching the game for posts. I'm sorry for the delay, and if you'd prefer I leave with it, I can't really blame you.
Truth is just waiting at the table for the meeting to start, he doesn't really have any reason to socialize.
Imp, it's cool. Good luck with your family and dealing with the stress it brings.
I'm at the bar with a drink using my radar and signal scanners to keep watch.
Roll:4d6=17 to detect cyberware and weapons as per pp262 SR4A
So, shall I roll negotiation now or are we gonna do some more IC?
Roll negotiation :)
Then the dust will settle
Bucklesworth, that was 2 hits (did you remember the +3 dice when observing in detail?). You don't notice anything designed as a weapon, though easily a half dozen things that given the incentive could be used as a weapon.
QUOTE (Nikoli @ Jul 15 2012, 10:25 PM) *
Roll negotiation smile.gif
Then the dust will settle

Hmm, let's see about any dust.

I've eyeballed the J's suspicious outlook (who wouldn't be?) and that spending more money is a harmful (rather than annoying or disastrous) result (besides, "Yeah, I got my girlfriend back and now we both live in the Barrens." ain't much of a reputation. wink.gif).

Charisma (7) + Negotiation (4) + Kinesics (2) + Cool Resolve (5) + Suspicious (-1) + Harmful (-3) = 14 dice for 8 hits, no glitch

Eh, I think I'll forego spending Edge on it to reroll. wink.gif
Hey gents, apologize for the lack o' me, long week or two w/birthdays, fourth of July, last bit of class, etc. At this point, I think insinuating myself into the bar is probably a bad idea, just won't feel right y'know? Doesn't really seem to be any information that the man's giving to cross check/look up things to give Faces any more of a bonus, so once the meet is finished it may be a TripB staggers out of the restroom looking distressed or something kinda deal.
Heh, any more and the poor guy's head's gonna explode. wink.gif
'sides once the talk bits are over, I guess there's gonna be a whole lot of data search and related stuff to be done by TripB and Proxy.
Just off the top of my head:
- getting that stupid security cam vid (maybe going there in the flesh might be helpful),
- getting into that cigar bar and retrieving her data thingy if it really is there (guess we got a choice of hacking, talking, sneaking, brute forcing or a combination thereof),
- looking at her previous stories to guesstimate who she was after (assuming her kidnapping actually has something to do with her investigation).

Anyway, good to have you back.

Before I have Faces shake hands and abscond with the money ^err let us all get to work: Wanna chime in and demand a pint of the girl's blood for a little magical LowJack? Not that we can't break into her apartment and just steal some hairs from her brush or whatever, but can't hurt to ask.

@All: Any brilliant ideas for last-second demands?
Demands...not so much. A thought though. May want to split the cash out Team members +1 ways when it's all said and done. Everyone gets their pay, and then there's some sort of account that needs 3+ folks or something to access that the +1 part goes into that we can use for team expenses. Crash pads, extra vehicles, spirit parts, dumpable commlinks. Just all the fun stuff that always seems to come up.

Can't think of anything else off hand that we need. Oh, Proxy or myself may wanna hack the establishment's cameras (if it doesn't look like it'll present too much of a challenge) to muddle up the camera footage. Doesn't pay to have folks caught on camera, after all.
FYI: Everyone 2 Karma as the time passing doleout.
Just so you know, I'm now picturing Professor, stripped to the waist, standing in the middle of a ritual circle and holding the teddybear over his head in both hands, chanting, "Teddy Bear of Omens, Give me Sight Beyond Sight".

...yeah, my brain works in weird ways.
Heh, that image alone definately is worth getting Sympathetic Linking. wink.gif
I like how everyone at Mickey's Table changed their location to the Bar in the informative sections of the posts. wink.gif
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