Jun 14 2012, 04:44 AM
Okay gents, we're declaring this one open.
Need you guys to post once in the OOC with Character description (based on general observation) and what information your character has shared with the team.
IC posting format:
Inner monologue
Electronic Conversation
"Speech in English"
"{Language}Speaking in non English language"
(Subtle Actions, Commlink changes, equipment activation,etc)
Post rolls as: X Pool = Y Hits in OOC with notation as to action being undertaken so we can keep what rolls are what straight as possible. This is the honor system.
Signatures & Emoticons should be disabled in the IC thread, emoticons should be disabled in OOC to keep the visibility clean as possible.
Jun 14 2012, 05:43 AM
Truth appears to Asian, or at least part Asian, human, and young, around 17-18 if you had to guess. He wears a pretty plain suit normally, but when anticipating trouble he is lightly armored. He seems to stick out as a runner, suggesting that its not his first choices in careers. His skills and personality also seem to be ill suited for being a runner as well. He is very informative in matters involving police, and forensics, he is also very cautious about leaving his mark. He is agile for a human, however he is pretty frail in appearance, in a fight he is fast and would prefer to subdue an opponent than kill him. As for his past he hasn't really revealed too much about it he seems to be working for a greater purpose, one he seems reluctant to share.
Jun 14 2012, 05:53 AM
btw, opening post was a cinematic cut scene...more to come once the players have "assembled"
Jun 14 2012, 06:03 AM
TripB, having also introduced himself as Billy-Ray, is a youngish ork in his early twenties. Green skin, blond mullet and a penchant for chewing tobacco are his hallmark. Clothing looks like it consists of hillbilly chic when he's not actively being shot at as opposed to his overalls and leather jacket when the lead is flying. He's kind of twitchy, like his body is moving much faster than he's capable of handling. Behind the y'alls and the shucks and the gazintas, its fairly obvious that he has a keen mind and a fair bit of common sense in him. He hasn't met a gun or exploding ammo that he didn't like, and near as anyone can tell through his accent he's just in the shadows to drive fast and to get the necessary nuyen to drive even faster.
Jun 14 2012, 08:32 AM
Faces is a lean 6'2'' tall elf with brown eyes, black hair, a pointy nose and a one inch scar on his left cheek - that is if he doesn't look completely different.
Going from what he tells you, he popped into existence in the 60s, no parents or other relatives, working scams, living the good live, which for him includes sometimes clothing as if he'd been born in the other 60s - he's got a favourite suit (velvet) with cravate getup. That's what you get for being an arteeste, right? People and paintings, thanks for asking. On the job, he'll wear whatever is appropriate, whether it's street bum (better be some real cred behind that one) or très chic. Seeing as everyone seems to want to talk about fighting: He doesn't like the idea at all. Not the hurting other people bit, but that he could get hit. As for keeping opponents alive / killing them: he'd rather not kill, save for good reasons (cred alone probably won't qualify).
Oh, and obligatory starting cash roll:
4D6 -> 16, adding 12 for leftover cash yields 28 * 500 = 14k; let the good times roll.
almost normal
Jun 14 2012, 03:34 PM
So yeah. Working on my character. It'll be up by lunch.
I've got much of the concept done, but the name kept eluding me. My guy is one that spends most of his time on rooftops observing, waiting for the perfect time to strike, rather then waiting for the perfect strike. A subtle difference, I know, but it's there.
Anyway, looking for names, I come across this.
'Kasha - A cat-like demon that descends from the sky and carries away corpses.'
How badass is that?
Kasha, when he chooses to be seen, appears to be about six feet tall. His body is always wrapped head to toe, in black wrappings during informal sessions, and in a chameleon suit during a run. When asked for an identifying signal of sorts, to differentiate him from a potential imposter, he pulled up his right sleeve, revealing his green tinted skin, and a tattoo of an octopus. His concentration on stealth leaves him with a disdain for electronic devices. He, when not actively avoiding detection, carries a commlink on his body only out of courtesy towards his current team. Otherwise, he leaves it behind on a roof somewhere nearby, making him completely invisible to those detecting hidden nodes. His attitude and conversation make it clear that he doesn't view himself as part of this world, though he has shown affection towards animals and plant life in the past. While he dodges questions about his personal life, and *never* reveals his whereabouts while not meeting or on a mission, he tries to be friendly towards the group, with some difficulty. He's also given each member of the group an origami octopus, with the instruction that it be placed on a windowsill in their house should they need to get in touch with him discretely.
Jun 14 2012, 05:21 PM
And I'm late to the party.
Professor is a 6'6" tall bald male with jet black skin and neon green eyes so bright they seem to glow. Athletically built, it's been proven he's sturdier than he looks by means of being an ork of some sort, though the lack of visible tusks makes that claim hard to believe. On a casual day he can be seen wearing business casual; suit jacket, button-up shirt, slacks, neatly polished black shoes. He speaks with a slight Russian accent, making his point of origin easy to determine, and tends to slip into Russian when he's upset. He has no moral compunctions about doing wetwork, unless he's not being paid properly for it. He likes to show off with his magic on occasion, whether it's a nice big stunball or calling up a spirit - fire seems to be his favorite to throw around. He barely interacts with the technological world, save for the bare minimum to get along in an AR world. On the job, he wraps himself up in armored layers; an armored bodysuit beneath a greatcoat that he tends to keep buttoned to the neck. It may look silly, but he'll take looking silly over being dead. And he likes to talk. And talk. And talk. Don't ever ask him about his research unless you want to be bored out of your mind. He also has a compulsive need to tidy up; he absolutely hates messy workspaces or living spaces. He's given each team member his commcode, or at least, the commcode corresponding to the SIN 'Jack Carter', though he insists everyone calls him Professor.
Starting Nuyen Roll:
3d6+9*50, 750.
Jun 14 2012, 06:01 PM
@almost normal: So, freak, but reliable freak? Like it.
@Nikoli: Mens Rea in the title and what could count as actus reus in the opening post, any more legaleese coming our way?
almost normal
Jun 14 2012, 06:21 PM
Thats the plan at least, Ears.
Starting cash = 11x100 for 1100 Nuyen.
almost normal
Jun 14 2012, 07:38 PM
Posted. Hope it's good enough.
almost normal
Jun 14 2012, 09:49 PM
Yeah, sorry Ears. Kasha doesn't do the whole hacker/bugs/rigging thing. It's all Mark I Eyeball.
Jun 15 2012, 02:59 AM
And I'm latest to the party.
Karvusta, good sized ork, about 2 meters tall weighing in at 140kg. He has a bald head and heavy scarring on the left side of his neck. His tusk-teeth are prominent and well groomed. He usually wears a bulky leather jacket and jeans concealing his habitually worn body armor. He's heavily associated with the Crimson Crush gang in Redmond and does a lot of 'freelance consulting' for them. He drives a low slung Thundercloud Contail and has a tendency to disappear with absolutely no notice. Nobody knows exactly where he lives. On the job he is silent and highly professional. He has no compunctions about the work but if he doesn't get paid he will hurt people.
Starting cash:
3d6=12*50 + 1321 leftover = 1921
Jun 15 2012, 04:45 AM
Forgot about that whole starting cash thing.
Jun 15 2012, 03:40 PM
Since I can't seem to find the starting nuyen calculation, could somebody please remind me what it is?
almost normal
Jun 15 2012, 03:48 PM
Moderate is 4d6 * 100.
Low seems to be 3d6 *50
Jun 15 2012, 06:53 PM
R4 data soft, 40
Hah, first to spend cred!
@almost normal: You addressed your IC message to Ears.
almost normal
Jun 15 2012, 07:00 PM
4th wall, Bitches. Watch me break it.
Lol, sorry, ill edit it.
Jun 15 2012, 07:46 PM
Double checked the data search rules, think I did it right. Assuming a separate extended test for each topic. Subtracted 1 die on each test, blah blah blah, only did out to 6d6 due to roller limitations, can extend further if necessary/beneficial, but seems pointless. Apologize for the sloppy here. Once I see someone else do another extended test style roll, I'll get better, honest.
Data Search + Browse + Encephalon (11) extended test -> 16 hits
Data search roll for information on the Johnson.(10d6.hits(5)=3, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2)Data Search + Browse + Encephalon (11) extended test -> 17 hits
Data Search for information on Guadalupe Torres (10d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2)Data Search + Browse + Encephalon (11) extended test -> 15 hits
Data Search for information on Toohey's in Redmond (10d6.hits(5)=3, 9d6.hits(5)=5, 8d6.hits(5)=2, 7d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1)And I forgot my encephalon bonus. Going to do the 11d6 that I'd get for each in a single roll, first one is for Johnson, second is for Guadalupe, third is for Toohey's. Silly encephalon.
Encephalon boosted first roll on each data search. First is Johnson, second is Guadalupe, third is Toohey's. (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=2)
almost normal
Jun 15 2012, 07:51 PM
Jeeeepers. 16 hits ftw.
Im also figuring on not using timestamps/locations on matrix correspondence, it'll clutter up the story unnecessarily.
Jun 15 2012, 07:56 PM
16 hits assuming I'm doing it right, heh. I think I am, but I houseruled in my meat game that my data search technomunchkin gets a single roll, and I've adjusted thresholds accordingly. But, it means less dice rolled in person which means more game.
Jun 15 2012, 07:57 PM
I've never played a hacker before, and I'm a little rusty on the SR4 ruleset in general, so forgive me if I make mistakes, but as far as I understand it given I want to do a Data Search for anything on the name Jaime Garrate it should be Data Search (5) + Browse (5) + Logic (5) meaning I'm rolling 15 dice right? (I apologise for asking stuff like this, I just wanted to be sure)
Also, starting nuyen = 1935 leftover + 3d6 x 50 for a total of 2535
<a href="">1d6=2, 1d6=4, 1d6=6</a> being the roller I used.
Jun 15 2012, 08:05 PM
Actually, Logic doesn't figure into it at all.
It's skill + programme + mods (this includes any bonuses to Logic-linked Skills because Data search is one, although you never roll Logic + Data Search)
Jun 15 2012, 08:05 PM
Matrix is typically rather divorced from your stats. If I remember right, it's just Data Search (5) + Browse (5)
Jun 15 2012, 08:43 PM
Someone want to shoot me a matrix message and hire me into the run?
Jun 15 2012, 08:46 PM
But then we're splitting the take ever further. NEVAR!!!!
Jun 15 2012, 09:04 PM
Damn, did I fuck up or what?!
Sorry, completely forgot about you, haven't seen you post in the thread for so long.
So, how about we retcon you having received my first message, I got a reply from you sometime and sent you the last 'to all' (heh) one as well.
Seems it has its reason, I usually play the "What is it and how do we kill it?" type of guys.
Jun 15 2012, 10:00 PM
Starting Nuyen High 5500
Jun 16 2012, 04:23 AM
QUOTE (almost normal @ Jun 15 2012, 09:48 AM)
Moderate is 4d6 * 100.
Low seems to be 3d6 *50
All the rules can be found in the Main SR rulebook, in the same section in both SR4 and SR4A; "Creating a Shadowrunner->Finishing Touches->Starting Nuyen" (there's a table near the paragraphs that tell about it). It's:
Street (1d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 3))*10
Squatter (2d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 6))*20
Low (3d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 9))*50
Middle (4d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 12))*100
High (4d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 12))*500
Luxury (4d6+1 per 100 nuyen (max 12))*1000
So d'Ark's starting nuyen would be (2+4+6)+(9)*50 or 1050 nuyen.
Jun 16 2012, 05:45 AM
Data Searches
Jaime Garrate
His client list is dwindling as his credibility is waning. He needs this story, whatever it is to break big.
Guadalupe Torres
Missing persons report filed on her June 22nd. Her Airwave was recovered, smashed as though run over. Report details clothing matching those she was wearing when last seen were found in Redmond, though there is a slight anomaly with the cuts in the clothing. The initial slices are rough, as though she struggled, soon into the process it seemed she stopped struggling. There was one functioning camera, but KE was unable to acquire the footage as they cannot ascertain who owns it.
Toohey's Pub
Often mistaken for a "Cop Bar" it was primarily a first responder's bar. A place where SPD, ambulance drivers and firemen could unwind at the end of a shift, the problem is all everyone remembers is the plethora of SPD cars in the lot. When Lone Star picked up the contract, the fallout encouraged the other groups to find different bars, when Knight Errant picked up the contract the powers that be decided that their officers should only drink in approved bars. Mickey's Table refers to the table that the only patron to die at the bar was sitting at. It's considered bad luck by the regulars.
Jun 16 2012, 09:20 PM
Data Search (5) + Browse (5) extended test search for info on Jaime Garrate gives me: for a total of 7 hits, assuming I'm doing this right (gods I hate being this rusty)
Jun 16 2012, 09:42 PM
Hey d'Ark,
Typically with an extended test, you make multiple tests while subtracting one from your dice pool until you reach some point (which point, I don't know exactly, if someone else does please clue me in?). For instance, when I was data searching, the roll I used was
That that does is makes all those rolls for you, and since hits is 5, it counts anything that is a 5 or a 6 as a success. Saves you from having to make a bunch of rolls.
Jun 16 2012, 11:59 PM
Oh ok, thanks. I'm in the process of rereading huge chunks of the SR4 rulebook as it's been a couple years since I last played, from what I can remember. I'm also going to blame my near coma inducing anemia as a reason why my brain refuses to function <.<
almost normal
Jun 17 2012, 12:25 AM
So.... About that address.
Jun 17 2012, 12:55 AM
Guessing I didn't sleuth him out as well as I'd hoped.
Jun 17 2012, 04:27 AM
Sorry, yes, you find the home address for Jaime as well as his business matrix address.
Jun 17 2012, 06:22 AM
Edited my post to include a message sent to Kasha. Have fun Mistah Norm.
Jun 17 2012, 05:39 PM
So with taekosin fixing my hits, did I find anything useful? More specifically, did I find out if he has a Matrix site of his own?
Jun 17 2012, 08:04 PM
Yes, he has his own Matrix site, however you'll have to hack it to find out where it's physically hosted. It consists mainly of his boiler plate contracts for prospective freelancers looking to hire him, a link ofr contacting him and of course a brag sheet of his current big clients. That last part is fairly thin, but that's normal being how widespread the game of freelance journalism would be.
Jun 18 2012, 12:29 AM
Ok, so I'm going to Analyze the node he has for his business to see if there's anything out of the ordinary.
So it's Computer (4) + Analyze (5) + 2 for HotSim which gives me
1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=4, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, 1d6=1, 1d6=4
Jun 18 2012, 01:29 AM
Run via Nexi, physically located at his house. Not top of the line.
Jun 18 2012, 10:52 PM
So, waiting on d'Ark to find that camera footage and fool around with the Nexi, as well as for Almost Normal to check out the J's pad? Also, note to self, start investing in some cheap, throwaway bugs/drones for monitoring/snooping purposes
I'm thinking chameleon coated linetapper drones with upgraded sensors. Have them tap into a hardline (those gotta exist even in the wireless world of today) and leave them as little perma-surveillance info gatherers. Always handy for getting dirt to sell.
Anything else I need to be doing at the moment? Could throw out a few assist rolls or something here and there.
Jun 19 2012, 12:13 AM
I didn't wanna hog all the action so I was waiting for other people to do stuff. During this time I realised I never posted a physical description, so here it is:
Proxy stands at over average height, a shade or so over 6' 2", and has the compact musculature that comes as a result of prolonged physical activity as opposed to gym sessions. He keeps his hair cut into a short, spiked mohawk that's currently a dark blue/black colour, and has eyes like quicksilver. Aside from a small scar on the left side of his neck he's unmarked, and has no tattoos or piercings. He tends to dress for ease of movement, favouring cargo trousers, casual shirts and loose jackets to conceal a firearm. His complexion is the sort of pale you'd expect of someone from northern Europe that spends quite a lot of his time in the Matrix.
Speaking of the Matrix, in VR he appears as a hazy, wraith like human figure made entirely of smoke, completely featureless bar eyes that glow with a cold blue light. As previously mentioned, he's fairly sarcastic and keeps his speech short and to the point, and his accent & choice of slang marks him as English, though he tends to curse in Norwegian or German.
Jun 19 2012, 12:31 AM
Now for the relevant stuff.
I'm going to try and get an admin account into his node (So +6 to the threshold, unless it's a peripheral node). Meaning I'll be going for this:
Hacking (4) + Exploit (5) + 2 (HotSim) (targets Firewall, Complex Action) extended test. Which will get me:
1d6=2, 1d6=5, 1d6=5, 1d6=5, 1d6=2, 1d6=1, 1d6=3, 1d6=2, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=41d6=1, 1d6=4, 1d6=3, 1d6=2, 1d6=4, 1d6=5, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=3, 1d6=61d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=2, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=6, 1d6=21d6=2, 1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=1, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=1, 1d6=5Which is 4 tests. I think I may have the formatting wrong on this, so apologies, I just couldn't figure out how to do it the way taekosin did. And, as ever, my apologies if I got the rules wrong. I swear I'll pick them up eventually.
Jun 19 2012, 12:51 AM
Hey d'Ark,
Just paste 11d6.hits(5);10d6.hits(5);9d6.hits(5);8d6.hits(5);7d6.hits(5) into the dice field on invisible castle. It does what you did, just all as a single roll. What the hits(5) does is have it count your hits for you automatically, which makes life a lot easier.
almost normal
Jun 19 2012, 03:49 AM
Yeah, Ill post tomorrow, hopefully in the marnin, but lunch the latest.
Jun 19 2012, 09:31 AM
d'Ark, you got in.
Need Matrix Perception test. Also, what are you looking for?
Jun 19 2012, 10:57 AM
Ok, so, Computer (4) + Analyze (5) + 2 for HotSim =
1d6=3, 1d6=1, 1d6=6, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=4, 1d6=3, 1d6=3, 1d6=4, 1d6=4, 1d6=1I'm looking for a list of every file on the node, sorted by size & date of creation.
Jun 19 2012, 11:02 AM
I still need the Matrix Perception Test
But you'll have the file list.
almost normal
Jun 19 2012, 09:38 PM
Thats wierd... my post got deleted, and i cant figure out why.
Anyway, at the risk of incurring mod wrath,
I need the location of the Johnson. Type of house, neighborhood, etc.
Jun 19 2012, 11:20 PM
The address is in Renton, near Touristville.
Need your perception test, Almost Normal.
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