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Full Version: Resources for Tampa...
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Jeremiah Kraye
I'm looking for resource ideas for things like "government" and "state of affairs" for C.A.S. States.

I found a good overview someone did on GITP for Tampa so now I'm looking for background info to round out my campaign.
Would you mind linking to the overview? I always appreciate folks' work smile.gif

Tampa Bay gets mention on pg 70 of SoNA; you can also check Cyberpirates, because I'll bet they'll mention Tampa and the west coast of Florida in there.
Tampa is mentioned in CP, but iirc it was heavily involved with Gunderson as well, which would make most of it obsolete. You couod also try 6WA, as I am reasonably sure it gets decent information there, as opposed to Nashville.

If you want to get really ancient, try Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America, though that info seems to just get regurgitated.
Jeremiah Kraye
Mostly I'm looking for general information about C.A.S and it's culture. But also some info on Florida in general.

Here's that overview:
You will find very little about CAS in the books. It is Shadowrun's red-headed stepchild. Books for the kind of information you want that haven't been mentioned include Denver, Spy Games, and maybe War. But a lot of that information will likely just repeat. As an example, two of the thres key facts about Nashville are originally user posts in NAGtNA. Those points (btls and hookers) get repeated as in-text facts from then on.

I haven't read your link yet, but odds are good that any effort you put into it will be more thoughtful than any official release of the last decade.
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