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Full Version: Dragon*Con 2012 - Aug 31 to Sept 3, Atlanta, GA
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The Masked Ferret
Hi, I am the Masked Ferret, and I will be running some of the Shadowrun games at Dragon*Con this year. I will post a schedule soon of what we will be running. If you have any questions or need some more info about Dragon*con, please let me know.
SoyKaf Adict
Awesome, might stop by to meet-and-greet a fellow dumpshocker. We should have an unofficial South-Eastern dumpshockers unite meeting!
I will be there as well, playing Jack the Secret Pixie and Old Man Jones.

Jones is likely to hit 150 karma and retire at Dragoncon. smile.gif

Jyust a note Karma, 150 isn't a forced retirement number. you can keep playing him past 150.

You only have to "Check" for Prime Runner status at the beginning of a Missions Season. So when Season 5 starts, you'll need to look at his karma total. Until then, please, keep playing out the Season 4 stuff with him.
Have fun, everyone! I wish I could make it, but GenCon and Dragon*Con is just a bit too expensive. Have a good time, folks, and stay safe. If I had any idea what costumes my buddies who are going will be in, I'd tell ya to hassle 'em...but they're getting off easy this year, I guess. wink.gif
QUOTE (Bull @ Aug 28 2012, 09:34 PM) *
Jyust a note Karma, 150 isn't a forced retirement number. you can keep playing him past 150.

You only have to "Check" for Prime Runner status at the beginning of a Missions Season. So when Season 5 starts, you'll need to look at his karma total. Until then, please, keep playing out the Season 4 stuff with him.

Ahah. Just as well, since I just found his DexCon and Origins paperwork and it seems he's closer to 190 Karma after adding that stuff in.


I wonder if I can get him to Legendary before Season 5?

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Aug 29 2012, 04:19 PM) *
Ahah. Just as well, since I just found his DexCon and Origins paperwork and it seems he's closer to 190 Karma after adding that stuff in.


I wonder if I can get him to Legendary before Season 5?


Who wants to be a legend when you can be drunk on a yacht? Retirement is pretty sweet.
You can have both, ya know. smile.gif

A huge thanks to everyone at DragonCon. I had a great time and managed to find characters that were odder than mine.

Mini-thulu. Hrgh. My brain hurts.

Ended up with 201 lifetime Karma for Old Man Jones. So Legendary is within grasp.

On the other hand, 15 Public Awareness. Does this mean Lofwyr knows who I am?

Also, Ally Spirit successfully summoned & bound. So Jones is throwing 22 Spellcasting dice now. <glee>

almost normal
The last round I played, was with a crop of new players.

In order to not overwhelm them, I had Old Man Jones stay by the base camp, snoozing in his wheelchair under a sun umbrella, while I ran his Ally Spirit assisting the rest of the team.

Closest thing to playing a legal Free Spirit character in Missions. Was kinda fun, even if she was limited to three spells.

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