The Dead Man
Apr 16 2004, 12:53 PM
Any gamers around in the Midlands (particularaly Wolverhampton / Birmingham area?). Im looking to start gaming again when I finish my placement down in Sunny Kent, and all of my old gaming group have moved away / lost touch / lost interest.
Apr 26 2004, 06:56 PM
I'm in the same situation, I run a small game weekly just to the south of birmingham , don't mind travelling though. When do you get back?
May 21 2004, 01:53 PM
g'ah lots of Uk runners and all at least an hour or so's drive away *8-< Ah well... *8->
Jun 4 2004, 05:09 AM
I'm in a group in the Aberystwyth area, theres about 4 regular players. Were having a break for a few weeks right now while people finish things off before the summer but new players are always welcomed.
Jun 4 2004, 12:09 PM
I live in Wolves and currently attend a games club up near Cannock on Sunday evenings (
Armageddon RPG Club) but have been trying to get some midweek gaming going on Wednesday nights when my wife goes to college.
Are you only interested in Shadowrun, or do you also play / GM other games.
In terms of my games, I do Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Star Wars D20 and many, many others.
The Dead Man
Oct 17 2004, 09:50 PM
Sorry, not sure if you guys are still around, but i'll reply here and PM you as well. Im up for playing anything but really only GM Shadowrun, even though I don't have that much experience! I have all the core SR3 books as well as a smattering of SR2 source books. Apart from Shadowrun Ive only played a couple of systems, most notably D&D. Email or PM me through the boards for more info!
Nov 5 2004, 02:48 PM
Now is anybody running SR in the Surrey/Kent area?
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