Okay, so, I've been brainstorming an idea for a run. It's only in the early phase of brainstorming, but I think it's going to be tricky enough to be worth running by Dumpshock.
The background is simple: During the last Run, there was a massive thunderstorm that was used as cover for a Run; Seattle's main power grid was disrupted with a precision blast, and in the power fluctuations that followed, some Runners slipped a virus into the Seattle LTG that propagated with the system's reboot.
Basically, this virus monitors for DocWagon emergency priority calls going out in the vicinity of Seattle, and then makes them wait about two or three hours before they reach DocWagon - but they go immediately to CrashCart. Per the reciprocal service agreements CrashCart has with DW and vice versa, if an alert for one of the companies goes out and a response team from the other receives it and arrives on-site first, they administer full care at the equivalent service package level, and the other company pays them for it - full reimbursal of expenses and half of whatever the other company would have charged that customer for that service.
Needless to say, with that virus in play, things in Seattle could get ugly. CrashCart simply doesn't have the resources that DocWagon has, so while they're poaching some customers, the ones they can't get - like the poor bastards who go down in GhoulTown - get to croak. This is seen as a win-win by the CC executive who had the run take place; they get to poach customers for a tidy sum, and word will eventually spread that DocWagon has been dropping the ball a lot, hopefully precipitating a mass abandonment of DW's customers to CC.
That's where my players come in. Johnson introduces himself as a DocWagon Johnson, and states that he wants them to investigate, find out how CrashCart made it happen, then fix it if possible, or send the details to a data-drop so DW can fix it on their end. He gives them data on the likely suspect; Dixie Flatline, a ruthless, thieving bitch of a former Street Doc who made her fortune in the '50s by confiscating 10% of whatever injured people (including Runners) who washed up in her clinic had on them. ('Fortune' is right - she pulled in enough to buy in at the top floor of the CrashCart franchise in Seattle when it started. She must have got lucky and caught a few Runners coming back from mega-scores with multi-million nuyen ebony credsticks on their persons.) Now she runs the CC franchise. He suggests that they start by finding a DocWagon customer who's an undeserving asshole and sufficiently physically imperiling him to set off his response bracelet, then tracing the outgoing call, but however they proceed is up to them.
So, there's a couple of things they could try. They could try to break into CrashCart to find paydata there; they could try to track down whatever team did the data insertion and get a copy of the virus to reverse-engineer, they could start randomly scanning nodes until they find a copy of the virus to disassemble, or they could do as Mr. Johnson says, find an undeserving prick and do him some physical harm. The virus itself is benign, no IC or anything, and they could do any number of things with it; it has a self-updating feature that lets an update be dissiminated easily and anonymously to make the virus update itself. They could send it an 'update' to disable it completely, they could deliver the information to civil authorities, or DocWagon.
The kicker (there's always a twist) comes at the end: Mr. Johsnon is going to screw them. Mr. Johnson doesn't work for DocWagon, he works for CrashCart. He's a practicing surgeon moving into the corporate ranks, who was educated outside of the corporate system before he took the job at CrashCart, and a consequence he has a conscience and an oath to do-no-harm to uphold. This play by his boss was causing people to die, and that is unacceptable; and worse, he was worried that if it went on much longer, DocWagon would catch on - for real - and initiate some reprisals, which he doesn't want. Unfortunately, because he's not actually a company Johnson, he doesn't have an expense account to pay them with; he's scraped together maybe 1,500 out of his own pocket, and he can fiddle the systems he has access to and get them a CrashCart basic contract - functionally equivalent to the DocWagon version. (Anything higher would be audited, but he has the access to put them in place under the same category the actual company Johnsons put in the clients who don't have to pay - IE, Runners who receive contracts as payment - without it being noticed.)
This one should (probably) wind up being a reasonably short run, depending on how hard they brickwall trying to figure out what was done to impair DocWagon's legendarily swift responses. Potential complications might include running into an actual DocWagon-hired team (or team of company troubleshooters) investigating the situation; or, if they break into CrashCart, they might actually see Mr. Johnson and twig to something not being right. Mainly, though, I want to see how they react at the end. So far, my players have demonstrated mercy and a good-guy streak, I wonder how far that will extend if they go through everything, only to get screwed - and in the name of a good cause.