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I'm working on adding the wonders of magic to my face's abilities. While some would say that such a thing is impossible for a mundane character in play, I prefer to look at it as a challenge smile.gif

Now obviously I'm never going to be casting spells of my own... but that doesn't mean that I can't make people think I'm a mage (I have astral hazing, which means anyone trying assensing on me is going to get... interesting results)! I have a decent palming skill, so here are a couple of my planned 'magic' tricks:
1: Flash powder. The ability to conjure fire from the air is a classic mage ability, and the ability to fake it should give me some cred among non-mages when I make that my cover.
2: Tesla gloves. Evil force user style lightning bolts should make people sit up and take notice.
3: Silenced hold-out: Used carefully, the ability to take out foes with no apparent weapon is again a very mage thing to do... though this one is fairly easy to stuff up.

Being astute readers you've noticed by now that this is mostly playing to popular images of mages, rather than what mages can actually do. This is the plan, as there are times that having non-mages think you're a mage can be a serious edge in negotiations smile.gif
I don't want to invest too much in this, but if people can come up with some ideas to help me pull this off I'd greatly appreciate it.
Holo Cloak from Attitude (I use it for some of my ....more distinct Chars Myself)

with a disguised Dance
...Why didn't i think of that?


With a missing brain dance
FuelDrop nyahnyah.gif
I thought of this some time ago. I think a Charlatan negative quality would be cool. It would work like Elf/Ork Poser, but be for people that try to emulate magicians.

There are a lot of tricks a mundane could pull to fool other mundanes. Deceiving real magicians would be another matter, and most of the tricks would unravel under close astral investigation.

If you have a real magician in your party, or magical contacts, I think having one of them ordering a spirit to manifest and pretend to be bound to the charlatan would be convincing to most people. What do you think about a portable trid device to cast "illusions" that are really just projected 3D images? Finally, the magician in your group could cast various illusions and spells on you or on your behalf. For example, the magician casts invisibility on himself, and follows you. Then he could levitate you while you "fly" into a meeting with style. He could read the thoughts of people, and then mind link with you to tell you what he read. Then you tell that person those things to make them think that you read their mind. The list of things you could do is endless.
I've got a character based on the concept of Style over Substance, who does most of his work through "special effects", illusions and manipulation.

Here is an extract from my work in progress on the Style over Substance book (see link in sig for the latest public draft), about passing off as a mage:
QUOTE ("Style Over Substance")
The Mundane Mage

Magic is cool and impressive, right? You know what else is cool and impressive? An Ares Alpha. Seriously, this does half the things magic does, and you don't need to be The Chosen One to use it!
Combat spells are obvious: normal rounds, gel rounds, taser rounds, incendiary rounds, and the corresponding grenades for the version with an area of effect. But it can also do Mind Manipulation: point it at someone and ask him to do something, and he'll do it right away. You can control emotions as well, such as fear or relief. Sure it doesn't do all the spells by itself, but you know any mage who does?

The Ares Alpha isn't the only piece of equipment that can turn you into a mage. Invisbility? Chameleon coating does that just fine. Illusion? A speaker can do audio illusions, a holographic projector can do visual and an ORA can affect all senses.

You expect to fool people with an holographic projector?
If they don't observe in detail (and most people won't unless their suspicious of something) they won't notice it. It's especially true in the middle of a fight.

Healing is pretty obvious, and with the right nanites, you could probably even do it by just touching the wound, if you're so inclined. Sure you can't levitate, but just wait for functional jetpacks to get here.

Tell me about it. I'm still waiting.
>> Fastjack

Reading someone's mind? I'm pretty sure you can do it with the right gear and software, but getting into someone's commlink can already tell you a lot. And if you want to make him talk, gamma-scopolamine or other similar substances work just as well as a mind probe spell.

What about all these spells that boost some of your abilities or reduce the opponent's? Well, you know all these stories that end with “there was no spell, the magic was in you all along!”? Well, turns out you can do pretty much the same thing. Get yourself some implanted horns and/or nanites that change your skin color and/or cybereyes (or contact lenses) with customizable looks. Use them to change your face for a second or so, while looking concentrated and you've got yourself a shamanic mask. Bonus points if you mumble or move your hands in the air. Then you can say to your ally that you've made him better, and BAM! Confidence boost leading to a really better action. Or use that to scare your enemies, do that in front of the guy you're interrogating and then tell him: “I'll know when you lie to me”.

Except you still don't
Just start by asking questions you know the answer to. If he lies, say with a deep, unhuman voice (a voice modulator helps) “LIE!”. Normally, after that any time he lies, he'll be afraid of what you're going to say. Any good lie detector will be able to detect that angst, or the relief if a lie gets through unnoticed, or the look of surprise when hearing you say he lied when he didn't.

Can you tell the difference between a hologram and a spirit? Me neither. Both have something unnatural about them, both seem to ignore bullets as they just go through them, and if you add a drone in the middle of the hologram, both can be as deadly. Congratulations, you are now a summoner as well!

Just a word of caution, when trying to pass off as a mage: ever heard about geking the mage first?
I have had a hacker, after covertly gleaning the location of an NPC from a car's onboard computer, going up to another captured NPC who was refusing to talk. The hacker placed his hand on the prisoner's forehead, invoked a droning chant for a minute, and then announced, "Our target is at <this location>, let's go."

Since most of the other players and the NPC had not seen me hack the car, they just stared after my character for a bit, since he was heavily cybered and known to not have a magical bone in his body.

I must say, "FuelDrop" is a pretty appropriate name for a mundane throwing fireballs. smile.gif

The Flamethrower spell can be replicated with a... well... flamethrower. nyahnyah.gif

The Calling rules can also be used for summoning. With Astral Hazing it will not be very optimal (actually it would be: Call a F5 spirit, when it arrives it is only at F1 so you can easily get a lot of services out of it, and then send it on remote missions so it goes back up to F5), but it can be done.

Altskin can be used to try and convince people you are a MysAd with the Melanin Control ability.
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