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I can't find a listing for the ranges. Is it based on time at cruising speed or something?

Also, how many people can be carried with the default low lifestyle on my fishing boat (utility watercraft).
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Sep 18 2012, 12:38 PM) *
I can't find a listing for the ranges. Is it based on time at cruising speed or something?

Yes, Operational Range is 6 Hours Cruise...
You will have to figure individual ranges for each vehicle if you want Miles/Kilometers traveled on a tank of Juice/Gas/Coal/Whatever. smile.gif
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Sep 18 2012, 12:44 PM) *
Also, how many people can be carried with the default low lifestyle on my fishing boat (utility watercraft).

I would treat it as a APC for capacity purposes of Metahumans, so 10-14. Fishing Boats (Utility Boats) are not really all that small, unless you are talking about a Personal Fishing Craft.
Speed Wraith
Vehicles and drones are considered to have a 6-hour operational time, without modifications to increase that. The rules don't really account for economy of fuel usage (speed, maneuvering, road conditions), probably in the interest of keeping things simple.

As for the boat, that's really more up to your GM's call. I remember when the number of passengers was an actual stat, but that's not so much the case anymore. Assuming its a smaller utility boat, my guess would be 4-6 passengers, but half that if you're talking about having a shared living space.
I'm picturing exactly the boat in A Perfect Storm, which I think is the same as the boats in Swords: Life on the Line. Which appear to have Squatter x4 and Low x2.
My grandfather was a commercial fisherman and his boat could carry (comfortably) four people.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Kesendeja @ Sep 18 2012, 02:54 PM) *
My grandfather was a commercial fisherman and his boat could carry (comfortably) four people.

Must have been a smaller boat. My Uncle's boat (commercial) held 12 (workers). Course, it was not for living on, either, it was strictly a working boat. They went out and came back each day, from what I understand. *shrug*
Well, unless you're a troll, you're not going to be able to throw a vehicle that far...
Even the 6 hours is more of a super-rough guideline than a rule. As we know, there are several places where it doesn't make much sense (either way too short or way too long).
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 18 2012, 11:40 PM) *
Well, unless you're a troll, you're not going to be able to throw a vehicle that far...

It would probably use something similar to the metahuman body improvised weapon throwing range, i.e. (Thrower's strength-Vehicle body)/2 short range, can't throw longer than short.
Well... absolute maxed out troll strength is something like 19? Plus an effective 6 for Power Throw, totalling 25. An Ork can reach 16 on the strength, so an effective 22...


QUOTE (Umidori @ Sep 19 2012, 12:09 AM) *
Well... absolute maxed out troll strength is something like 19? Plus an effective 6 for Power Throw, totalling 25. An Ork can reach 16 on the strength, so an effective 22...



A bear shifter could max out at a bit more (16 (24) if SURGE is allowed for them, with metagenic improvement, deltaware genetic optimization and of course exceptional attribute), and thus a total of 30.
Even more with a very permissive gamemaster that allows a troll-base bear shifter.
QUOTE (Halinn @ Sep 19 2012, 06:20 AM) *
A bear shifter could max out at a bit more (16 (24) if SURGE is allowed for them, with metagenic improvement, deltaware genetic optimization and of course exceptional attribute), and thus a total of 30.
Even more with a very permissive gamemaster that allows a troll-base bear shifter.

Add milspec armour with the power armour option (can't remember the name) at rating 3, as that adds to your strength and can go over your augmented maximum.
that ups the total strength to 33... which is pretty impressive, all things considered.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Halinn @ Sep 18 2012, 04:20 PM) *
Even more with a very permissive gamemaster that allows a troll-base bear shifter.

Why would he need to be permissive? It is perfectly legal by the rules. Though I guess that they may only be Optional RUles.

Bear Shapeshifter with the Not always Quite Human Option.

Not Always Quite Human
Shapeshifters look mostly human—normally. Through some quirk of magic or paragenetics, some shapeshifters can transform into a form that more closely resembles another metatype, or even metavariants. This is represented by changing their Shift (Human) power to another, as appropriate—Shift (Elf), Shift(Oni), etc.—and spending an additional number of BP equal to the typical cost for that race –10 BP. A shapeshifter with a different metatype gains their standard metatype abilities (see Metatype Attribute Table, p. 72, SR4) when in that form.
QUOTE (Halinn @ Sep 18 2012, 05:20 PM) *
Even more with a very permissive gamemaster that allows a troll-base bear shifter.

All you'd gain is a +1 Armor, +1 Reach, and Thermographic Vision while not in bear form. I don't know how that helps you with your Attributes.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Neraph @ Sep 19 2012, 01:31 AM) *
All you'd gain is a +1 Armor, +1 Reach, and Thermographic Vision while not in bear form. I don't know how that helps you with your Attributes.

I know where you are coming from, and you are right. However, if you were an actual Troll (rather than a Human) Shapeshifter, it would be crazy entertaining. And Crazy Expensive, in My Opinion. Glad it is not an actual option, as it would likely be crazy overpowered, as well... smile.gif
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Sep 19 2012, 05:28 AM) *
Why would he need to be permissive? It is perfectly legal by the rules. Though I guess that they may only be Optional RUles. [sic]

For theoretical optimization purposes (as this is, with the quite large costs in both karma and nuyen), one generally assumes no optional rules.
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