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Full Version: Iron Will power armour?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I've been toying with an idea for converting an Iron Will suit into something akin to power armour. It's not on par with what you can do with milspec armour by any means, but I think it's a cool idea none the less.

Here's how it breaks down:
1) Take one Iron Will power lifter.
2) Add armour 12 to it (it's body six). This means that the suit itself cannot be easily destroyed by anything short of AV rounds or other weapons designed to pwn light vehicles, and stops it being a weak link.
3) Add personal armour 10 in the form of a bullet-proof glass canopy and an enclosed metal blast shield to protect the rest of the body. This reduces the pilot's status as a weak link, though additional armour is probably advisable.
4) Add either rating 1 or two environmental seal. Rating 1 takes up only one slot, allowing step 5 to be completed, while rating 2 takes up the remaining three slots and ends the construction here.
5) *optional* The remaining two slots are filled with a combo of chameleon coating, gecko tips, expanded sensor array, suncell, improved economy, multifuel engine, or indeed any other upgrades that work for the tactical role you wish the Iron Will to take.

The price tag on this bad boy is fairly hefty depending on your options, but personally I can see such a suit as being a good tool for 'guns blazing' or otherwise 'Pink Mohawk' groups.

I'd probably scratch-convert a motorbike to represent the same effect. You will get a better result out of it.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Sep 19 2012, 01:52 PM) *
I'd probably scratch-convert a motorbike to represent the same effect. You will get a better result out of it.

Been there, done that. I basically made a light mech with an enclosed turret... ah, those were the days. Better results, but somehow less fun frown.gif
I'd scratch the environment seal in favor of wearing a chemsuit with a gas mask - those don't cost slots on a vehicle. Other than that I'd prefer Chameleon Coating, maybe Special Armor (Nonconductivity), and a Rigger Cocoon?
QUOTE (Neraph @ Sep 19 2012, 03:48 PM) *
I'd scratch the environment seal in favor of wearing a chemsuit with a gas mask - those don't cost slots on a vehicle. Other than that I'd prefer Chameleon Coating, maybe Special Armor (Nonconductivity), and a Rigger Cocoon?

I did consider the rigger cocoon... Its flavor text didn't really fit with how I was envisioning the armour but that's more a limitation on my imagination than a reason not to do it.

The strength of the full environmental seal option, as I saw it, was that the Iron Will suddenly becomes able to walk along the bottom of rivers ect... though granted that might require an environmental adaption as well.
I should point out that the AMP walkers used on Pandora wouldn't have needed a level 2 enviroseal. There was everything humans needed to breathe on Pandora - it just had some extra shit in the air that would make them stop breathing far too soon for them to appreciate it. So it only needed to be sealed well enough to filter the air - sounds like a level 1 enviroseal to me.

That said, I'd say that starting with a custom anthroform vehicle is probably the better bet to represent them.
It would require the Environmental Adaptation also. If you just get the Environment Adaptation you can get an Evo HEL suit and put an hour or two air tank inside it. Or hell, with P4MO and R5 Oxyrush you can hold your breath for like 5 hours without having to make Tests.
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