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Full Version: Improving Distance Strike
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
The Jopp
This might sound like powerful abilities but remember that the main ability will cost a normal adept 33% of his magic and with a full complement of these abilities it will take up 62% of his magic rating (if we take a lvl 4 of Improved Distance).

Distance Grab
Cost: 0,50
Prerequisite: Distance Strike
Action: Complex
The adept have learned to reach out and call objects to him through the astral. The adept can grab object at a maximum weight of up to 1/2 his magic rating kilograms. This ability cannot be used to initiate a grapple/melee attack on an enemy or grab their weapon. This action require a single Agility test to succeed if the object is stationary, moving objects are up to the GM to set a difficulty on.

Improved Distance
Cost: 0,25 / Level
Prerequisite: Distance Strike
The adept can hit further than before but with reduced effectiveness. Add level to the distance the adept can use distance strike up to magic rating X2. Each extra meter above the adepts magic rating lowers the damage of an attack by -1

This ability can be combined with Distance Grab but reduce the maximum weight of the allowed object by .25 kilograms per meter above the magic rating.

Cost: 0,25
Prerequisite: Distance Strike & Distance Grab
Action: Complex
This ability allows the adept to use his magic to pull himself up ledges that he would normally not be able to reach but requires an opposed test between the adepts magic rating and the distance to traverse. Maximum range is Magic X2 or limit of Magic+Distance Grab.

Reaching a ledge above the adept with magic 6 that is 11 meters above him would require a 6D6 VS 11D6 test to succeed.
I don't know, it sounds pretty iffy to me. I mean, if you really want these "kinds" of abilities, you're better off just going Mystic. Not because it's cheaper to get Magic Fingers or whatever, but because you're trying to doing something I don't see vanilla Adepts as able to do. Adepts are supposed to channel magic inward, and possibly push that outward. But pulling something to you "through the astral" just sounds weird for an Adept. Most Adepts can't even perceive the astral plane, much less use it to their advantage. Improved Distance is a nice idea though. I think Distance Strike is overpriced as it is. I get the feeling that the price is as high as it is not because it's an overpowered ability (it really isn't), but because "Magical Kamehameha Punch" should be an expensive ability (at least in the eyes of the devs).
If you want to improve distance strike, why not just let them use all the other striking powers that aren't available with distance strike. Elemental attacks and such. Make them buy a power, or maybe a meta-magic to be able to do it.
From Ancient History's unreleased magic sourcebook notes:

- Elemental Arc
- Prerequisites: Elemental Strike, Distance Strike
-- Can use Elemental Strike in conjunction with Distance Strike
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Sep 20 2012, 06:35 PM) *
From Ancient History's unreleased magic sourcebook notes:

- Elemental Arc
- Prerequisites: Elemental Strike, Distance Strike
-- Can use Elemental Strike in conjunction with Distance Strike

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