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Full Version: If I were to join a Shadowteam
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Got this in the e-mail the other day, credit to whoever wrote it originally.

Top 100 things I'd do if I joined a special ops team.

1. I would refuse to go into the underground research facility.

2. I would refuse to go into the deep-space research facility.

3. I would refuse to go into the deep-sea research facility.

4. I would refuse to go into the radio-blacked out colony.

5. I would refuse to go into the derelict alien ship.

6. I would refuse to go into the abandoned ghost ship.

7. If I was then forced into attempting any of the above six missions, I would attempt to go AWOL. Prison showers are almost certainly preferable to what awaits.

8. When going on a mission, I would certainly carry more than one gun. I would carry as many as humanly possible.

9. In line with #8, I would carry more than one clip per gun. I have a belt, and I intend to fill it.

10. If the hallways of the operations area are big enough to allow it, I intend to bring along a small field artillery piece as well.

11. No matter what my commanding officer says, if my job is to plant a nuclear device to destroy the facility/ship, it is not necessary for me to endanger my life by traveling to the center of the structure to plant the bomb, I'm sure the entrance will prove just as effective.

12. If my job is to disable the AI system that runs the facility/ship, and this would require me to go to the center of the structure, I will just plant a small nuclear device at the entrance. If the blast doesn't get it, the EMP will.

13. If I am equipped with body armor, and it proves ineffective against whatever killed everyone in the facility/ship, I will ditch it and use the saved weight to carry more guns.

14. Along the same lines, if the body armor is ineffective and so are the guns, I will ditch both and set a new track record on my way out of the ops area.

15. I will refuse to wear any helmet that restricts my peripheral vision and does not allow me to see something rising up/dropping down right beside me.

16. I will request to be equipped with a helmet that has a small HUD linked to a camera on the back of my helmet. An additional HUD linked to a upward-pointing top mounted camera would be nice as well.

17. If I am going into some top secret facility that has lost radio communication with the outside world, I will make damn sure that I am in possession of a high quality, up to date map in a form that will not be rendered unreadable by contact with liquid.

18. If I could not obtain a map, and found myself lost/trapped in the facility, I would not rely on the unstable, homicidal central AI to provide me with escape routes.

19. If I am inside a facility/ship after the shit has hit the fan, and find myself without a map, I will head to the nearest computer terminal and consult Yahoo! Maps. The facility was built by a corporation or the government, and they can certainly afford an internet connection.

20. If there is a self-destruct mechanism or impenetrable blast doors set on a running timer within the building/ship I am ordered to enter, I will guard the entrances until the timer runs out, then leave. The problem will take care of itself eventually, so there is no need to risk myself.

21. If mine is not the first team to be sent into the area, I will take a little time off to wonder why.

22. If the music suddenly gets really creepy, start spinning around with your finger on the trigger. Whoever was guarding your back is probably gone by this point anyway.

23. Before I go on each mission, I will rent Aliens, Resident Evil, Event Horizon, and other similar movies for pointers. I will defer the costs to my employer as "training expenses".

24. If there is something dripping from the ceiling up ahead, I won't bother to check if it's just water. I will leave the area immediately by the quickest available route.

25. If I hear odd noises, I will not be foolish enough to investigate it alone. I will take a friend. Or two. With big guns.

26. If I am ordered to investigate the noise by my commanding officer, I will take everyone else in the squad with me. By the time we return to where the CO was waiting, the problem will probably have solved itself.

27. If I am forced to walk underneath a hole in the ceiling, I will be cautious. I will investigate it thoroughly with high explosives.

28. Likewise, If I hear odd noises coming from the ceiling, I will not lift up a panel and stick my head up to have a look around. I will lift up the panel and shove a grenade up there.

29. Similarly, if I am forced to pass a hole/grate in the walls or floor, I will throw a grenade in to make sure its clear now, and set proximity mines to make sure it is clear later.

30. Unless it is my last chance for survival, I will never go into any type of ventilation shaft. I know that whatever chased me up there will almost certainly be able to move faster than me in an enclosed space.

31. I will always take some sort of sword with me in addition to a multitude of projectile weapons. That way, when I run out of ammunition, and I will, I won't have to ineffectually slap at an opponent before being killed.

32. Knowingly entering a facility where illegal genetic research is being preformed would be consigning myself to death by stupidity. Therefore, I wouldn't enter, even if this entailed killing the rest of my team to avoid it.

33. I would never enter a dark room. I would throw in a handful of grenades and move on, assured that if anything is still alive in there, it isn't happy.

34. I wont make the mistake of shooting something with my smallest gun first, and then working my way up through the larger firearms. I would start with my biggest gun, and if that didn't work, run like hell.

35. If I was sent off with only one companion, I would make sure it is someone I could outrun. That way, I can get away while whatever was chasing us chews on him.

36. If there are women on the team, I will never sleep with them right before a mission. One or the other of us will almost certainly not make it back, and I don't like 50/50 odds.

37. If a team-member disappears mysteriously for a long period of time and the just as mysteriously reappears, I will shoot them immediately and save myself a lot of trouble.

38. I will periodically look up. The importance of this can never be overstated.

39. If I am in a genetic research lab and there are lots of cages whose steel doors have been torn out, I will think about how much punishment those doors could take. Then I will think about how much punishment my frail human body can take. Then I will start thinking about where those exits were.

40. No matter how tempted I am, I will never deactivate the main power in a research facility. I know those doors are magnetically locked and electrified for a reason.

41. I will also never deactivate the main computer in a facility. Even though its automated defenses may be slaughtering the rest of the team, they are still holding back whatever killed the original occupants.

42. I will stay away from any elevators. Nothing good ever comes from an elevator in these situations.

43. I will never negotiate with whatever is trying to kill my team. The dialogue will almost certainly be along the lines of "Me hungry, you food".

44. If one of my team-members gets bitten, cut, sprayed with, or otherwise exposed to a bio-agent, I will kill them immediately. They will only turn on me, and the antidote never works anyway.

45. The sexiest female will always make it out, mainly because she is surrounded by men who willingly throw themselves in the path of anything that attempts to harm her. I will stay close to that female, and when I am the last male left, I will throw her in the path of whatever is attempting to harm us.

46. I will make sure that when I finally make my exit from the ops area, I have conserved a decent amount of ammunition. Something always goes wrong during the escape.

47. If I find only one survivor from among 500 or so people, I will not trust them. They had to do something to survive the carnage that killed 500 people, and I don't think it was just run really fast.

48. I will make sure the team will under no circumstances split up. It never helps.

49. If upon arriving in the ops area I hear a lot of screams from inside or see a lot of obviously mutilated dead bodies, I will leave the ops area and come back later. With more people. And bigger guns.

50. I will train myself to keep my cool under pressure well enough to hit a head sized target at a range of 10 feet.

51. I will request that any ops team I am a part of be issued body armor with environmental resistance, which provides protection from things like fire, airborne viruses, and acid.

52. I will also request that aforementioned armor have a reflective mirrored surface, to help with those pesky automated laser defenses.

53. If I see something in the shadows up ahead that at first glance does not appear human, I will forgo taking the time for a second look and lob a grenade at it instead.

54. If I see something in the shadows up ahead that at first glance appears vaguely human, I will forgo taking the time for a second look and lob a grenade at it instead.

55. If I see something in the shadows up ahead that at first glance appears human, I will forgo taking the time for a second look and lob a grenade at it instead. Better safe than sorry.

56. If multiple survivors are found during the course of the mission, they will be given a gun and told to make themselves useful.

57. However, if these survivors created or want to study whatever depopulated the facility/ship, they will not be given guns as they cannot be trusted to use them at the crucial moment, due to their conflict of interests.

58. Between missions I will lobby for legislature to require all secret research facilities to have heavily stocked ammo dumps in easily accessible, well marked locations.

59. If my team is required to use motion detectors, they better be able to scan 360 degrees, not merely 90.

60. If the body count is currently over 500, I will politely inform my superiors that an 8 man operations team isn't going to cut it.

61. If any member of the team is prone to claustrophobia, diver's high, space-mania, or panic attacks, I will deliver a request to the CO that they be left behind, instead of just being given a pep talk.

62. If any member of the team proves to be a corporate/government spy, I will shoot them before anyone else can react, saving the trouble of taking them prisoner only so they can escape later and sabotage the mission.

63. I will recommend that any form of transportation we have be parked well away from the trouble spot, and that the operator stays in it and keeps the doors sealed until the team is standing outside and ready to leave.

64. If we have a spare transport I will recommend that we have a spare pilot as well, to save having to remote control fly the transport in if something happens to the first.

65. If any member of the team takes a revolver on the mission, I will take it from them, hand them an automatic, and then slap them silly for being so stupid.

66. I will ensure that all guns have perfectly calibrated laser sights, even if I must pay for them myself, so that missing a headshot is inexcusable.

67. If the team gets out of an operations area and find we are missing a man, I will recommend we leave his ass. He should have kept up in the first place.

68. If our mission is to shut down a rouge AI, I will not discuss our plans in any room with a visible camera and/or audio pickup.

69. Screw shoulder-mounted flashlights, Ill carry a pair of night vision goggles even if the cost has to come out of my paycheck.

70. The same goes for little pen-lights. I will carry a 3 foot mag-lite with a halogen bulb. That way, not only do I get a huge flashlight range, it can double as a club in tight situations.

71. If I am low on ammunition, I won't hesitate to roll the bodies of my teammates for ammo. They certainly don't need it anymore.

72. If I learn that the beings we are fighting have acid for blood or that their blood contains some sort of bio-agent, I will make damn sure I am at least 15 feet away from any I shoot.

73. If my team possesses an APC, but it won't fit into the corridors of the ops area, I'll rectify the situation with explosives instead of going in on foot.

74. Just in case my opponents will be using cloaking devices that short out upon contact with water, I will always carry a small super-soaker pistol with me on missions.

75. If I am forced to pick a position within a facility from which to make a last stand, it will not be a room which can easily be breached by going above the ceiling or under the floor.

76. If I hear a low hissing or moaning directly behind me, I will take off running without thinking. Whatever it is, its first bite of me is going to be ass.

77. If anyone in the squad has a flamethrower, I will make sure everyone else is trained to instinctively duck whenever he even begins to turn around.

78. When the team's mission is to plant a bomb I will make sure we have more than one bomb, and more than one person who knows how to plant it.

79. If I am going into an area in where research in biological warfare was occurring, I will not remove my gas mask before entering the facility.

80. If there is a countdown to an explosion or the sealing off of the facility, I will set my watch timer 10 minutes ahead of that to give myself a margin of safety.

81. If any of the people we've rescued or one of my team members starts to convulse and scream, ill have the guy with the flamethrower hose them down and then move on. If it is the napalm guy I'll just shoot the tank. Whatever made them do it, I seriously doubt it was a cramp.

82. If my team has heavy weaponry with us, I will not wait until there are only a few people left and we are surrounded and in dire straits to use them. I will use them as early and as often as possible.

83. Similarly, if I have a large ship in orbit over the planet, and find out that there are no survivors in a heavily infested area, I will call for an orbital bombardment of the hot zone.

84. If I hear odd noises coming from a grate nearby, I won't stare quizzically at it and shine a weak flashlight beam through the grate, I will immediately empty my current clip into the grate then kick it in and send a grenade into the tunnel.

85. If we have prisoners, and one of them is talking to me steadily in a calm voice while staring behind me, I will immediately dive to the side and roll to hose whatever was about to attack me. I will show the same response if a team-member looks behind me with an expression of horror.

86. If I address a query to the guy that should be behind me, and receive no immediate response, I will immediately break into a dead run, dropping grenades along the way.

87. If I find that rooms marked on my map as dining halls turn out to be full of stasis chambers and odd piping instead, I will immediately leave the ops area and refuse to enter until I get a damn good explanation.

88. If we manage to ambush whatever was killing us, and I hear a high pitched beeping and it starts laughing, I will be smart enough to just start running, instead of searching it for the timer.

89. I will never walk through water any deeper than I can see down into. I won't walk in the water period if there is electric cabling nearby.

90. Any transports that we bring into the ops area and intend to use to escape will have cameras on the outside to allow us to scan for unwanted guests.

91. Along the same line, the landing bay/pad we return to will have several large turrets to take care of any stowaways we miss.

92. I will point out to my superiors that if the corporation/government has enough money to fund an 8 man black ops team, they have enough damn money to buy us a remote controlled robot with cameras that we can send in to scout the area first.

93. My favored method of advance down a dark corridor will be with a five man team, the first man hosing down the corridor in front, the second throwing a grenade, the third hauling the huge cart of ammo and explosives the fourth throwing a grenade behind us, and the fifth hosing down the corridor behind. Take five steps, repeat.

94. My favored method of advance down a well-lit corridor will be with a five man team, the first man hosing down the corridor in front, the second throwing a grenade, the third hauling the huge cart of ammo and explosives the fourth throwing a grenade behind us, and the fifth hosing down the corridor behind. Take ten steps, repeat.

95. If a cat comes flying out of a vent, scaring the shit out of me, I will unload a clip into the vent. Something scared the cat.

96. I will hold the belief that heavy breathing from the nearby darkness is not to be investigated. It is to be used for target practice.

97. Warning shots are for whusses. Fire for effect, that's my motto.

98. If the other people with me have all disappeared, I won't bother wandering around the immediate area looking for them and yelling their names, peering into dark rooms.

99. When any member of my squad dies, I will have them hosed down with the flamethrower or plant a proximity mine on them. No use feeding or increasing the numbers of whatever is trying to kill us.

100. If I die on a mission, it will be because I snapped my neck trying to look everywhere at once.
93. My favored method of advance down a dark corridor will be with a five man team, the first man hosing down the corridor in front, the second throwing a grenade, the third hauling the huge cart of ammo and explosives the fourth throwing a grenade behind us, and the fifth hosing down the corridor behind. Take five steps, repeat.

94. My favored method of advance down a well-lit corridor will be with a five man team, the first man hosing down the corridor in front, the second throwing a grenade, the third hauling the huge cart of ammo and explosives the fourth throwing a grenade behind us, and the fifth hosing down the corridor behind. Take ten steps, repeat.

101. Should No. 94 be used, afore-mentioned well-lit corridor will be a dark corridor, hence No.93 should be used at all time.

102. I will bring a bigger weapon of chioce than the GM's whenever I game. I shall also make sure my weapon is bigger than any other players'.

103. Should the GM want enforce "GM is God", I shall use my weapon without hesitation to make him one with his Holy Ghost.

104. Should anyone wishes to argue with me, I will show him my weapon.

105. Should he persist, I will apply suitable chastisement to show him the error of his ways.
Digital Heroin
97. Warning shots are for whusses. Fire for effect, that's my motto.

Ah... memories of Sentry breifings during Basic. UN requires all sentries to fire a warning shot, an instructor of mine had this procedure he followed. Yell stop, fire for center mass, then fire into the air. After all, who's to say which was fired first?
Heh. That's almost as bad as the MPs manning the 50-cal.

"Sorry Sarge...I was aiming for his weapon..."

Well, it's against the Geneva Convention to use a .50-cal on a person. They told us to aim at his belt buckle.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Smiley)
Well, it's against the Geneva Convention to use a .50-cal on a person.

This is part of the joke and you know it's not true, right?
The .50 Cal is a Anti Material weapon. It is unlawful to use it against personnel. It is not a joke. It is one of the things ingrained into you during basic, like what constitutes treason, what to do when you are captured etc.
Austere Emancipator
What the hell... Then I suppose the whole US army knowledgeably and continuously breaks the Geneva Convention laws on a massive scale. ATGMs probably accounted for most of the kills in the ground fights early in the Iraq war. We were never, ever told anything about not using our AAMGs (12.7mm KPVs) against people -- indeed we were encouraged to do just that in case the platoon AA site is under attack.

Somethins seriously wrong there. That would mean that it should be unlawful to use Barretts against people. Indeed all 12.7mm rifles would be unlawful to use against people. LAWs against people would be illegal, all shaped-charge weapons would be illegal against people. Either you're wrong, or that part of the GC is complete joke.

(I can post here, but not in the Ship Design thread. WTF? My ISP is playing tricks on me.)
Moonstone Spider
65. If any member of the team takes a revolver on the mission, I will take it from them, hand them an automatic, and then slap them silly for being so stupid.
Although revolvers don't fire as fast as automatics (or typically carry as much ammo) the mechanism on them is somewhat more reliable in adverse conditions, where an automatic will jam, a revolver may well keep firing.

For this reason I will insist on having an automatic and a revolver.
Austere Emancipator
Did some digging. Using anti material caliber weapons is not considered causing "unnecessary suffering" as per the Geneva Conventions. Neither can it reasonable be considered employing "arms, projectiles, or material of a nature to cause superfluous injury". We BOMB soldiers, shooting them with 12.7mm weapons cannot possibly be superfluous. It would only be illegal if you could choose to kill a soldier with an AR or a HMG, and you chose the HMG.

This site should have all Laws of Armed Conflict listed. I read through all those related to the use of (conventional) weapons, and none mentions anything about the use of anti material weapons against personnel. Unless a .50BMG can be considered to have explosive ammunition, incendiary ammunition, expanding ammunition, to cause massive environmental damage or significant damage to civilian populations, to be a device of torture, etc etc. it is not unlawful by those articles.
Austere Emancipator
The US Laws of War are far longer and not in any logical order, so searching through them for information relating to this is really difficult. Quick search with key words (suffering, damage, superfluous, weapon, inflict) did not turn up anything relating to such weapons not already mentioned in the international laws.

A better listing of the laws can be found here, although it requires (free, unchecked) registration. Still no mention of anything that might ban the use of .50 caliber weapons against personnel

(Apparently I cannot post anything longer than 2 paragraphs, and only that by editing the other paragraph in later. So much for continuing the Ship Design thread.)
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)
Did some digging. Using anti material caliber weapons is not considered causing "unnecessary suffering" as per the Geneva Conventions. Neither can it reasonable be considered employing "arms, projectiles, or material of a nature to cause superfluous injury". We BOMB soldiers, shooting them with 12.7mm weapons cannot possibly be superfluous. It would only be illegal if you could choose to kill a soldier with an AR or a HMG, and you chose the HMG.

This site should have all Laws of Armed Conflict listed. I read through all those related to the use of (conventional) weapons, and none mentions anything about the use of anti material weapons against personnel. Unless a .50BMG can be considered to have explosive ammunition, incendiary ammunition, expanding ammunition, to cause massive environmental damage or significant damage to civilian populations, to be a device of torture, etc etc. it is not unlawful by those articles.

Yeah, the .50cal-against-people-is-illegal is a fairly common myth, and it is only that. As you said, the only time it would be illegal is you maliciously chose to kill a soldier with an HMG when you could've done it with anything, and if you're in a position to make that choice, chances are you and your unit will be facing courts marshal for execution of prsioners.

The Geneva Convention only specified that incindary, expanding, explosive, and frangible ammunition be barred from armed conflict between two recognized forced. And we've even gotten around this a couple times, at that: we use open tipped match ammunition in some Marine sniper rifled due to better flight ballistics.

In any case, chances are that you should read the convention (and read its list of signing nations) before commenting on its restrictions.
My brother and I were talking a few weeks back when Dawn of the Dead came out again, and I had just seen the horriiiiiiiiible DVD of House of the Dead and we were discussing what sorta rules you would follow if you found yourself in a resident evil type situation. Heh, I'm sure you've all done it from time to time. Similar to the original post.

In lines with Moonstone Spider's response, we were thinking that our first choice would be to find a mechanically simple, relatively straightforward gun, like a shotgun, your 'standard' pump action police one you see in the movies, and one of those short barrelled oldschool breach action ones. Don't bother using that beretta, it never does the trick.

As for the above listed 'rules', heh, I also follow some of those guidelines in runs. Periodically looking up, is very important smile.gif As is having a camera that watches your back for ya.
And always aim for the head. Always. Everyone in zombie movies takes forever to figure it out (well, except for 28 Days Later, but that movie wasn't a joke, unlike most).
The problem with these rules is that they involve overly massive expenditure of ammunition. That being said, whoever made these rules would be vastly reassured by the presence of a properly-equipped Rigger on the team.

I want to make a movie that follows these laws. It'd be hilarious.


"What the hell, Smith?"

"The shadow was moving."

"Good job."
Capt. Dave
83. Similarly, if I have a large ship in orbit over the planet, and find out that there are no survivors in a heavily infested area, I will call for an orbital bombardment of the hot zone.

It's the only way to be sure...

If anyone plays any of the WH40k games...


This is why the Inquistion is the best organization in that world.
My additional tips are less 'blow everything up first', but here we go smile.gif

106. When at all possible, bring one of those rolling-stand suitcases with you, go the little red-wagon route if you have to. You might get jokes, but the mobile ammo crate will win you friends.

107. If you need to look around a corner, up in a ceiling, down into a sewer or jefferies tube, carry a wand-mounted microcamera (with light), its only as big as an eyeball, and when it gets gnawed on by whatever you find looking if the coast is clear, at least it wasnt your REAL eyeball.

108. On principle, unless its your target for extraction, shoot the surviving scientists you come across in the secret government facility. They're going to a)sabotage your group because they've formed an unholy bond with whatever the hell killed everything else in the facility, b)going to be a potential love interest that's going to get someone killed or c)be one of those annoying people that bugs the hell outta you through 80 percent of the movie until they finally have that epiphany that you were right in the first place, and want to help.

Anyway, its just not worth the time or risk.

109. Bring along your own damn food. Even if the place has a 5 star kitchen and has left a spread of the best smelling/looking food in the world. Don't touch it. Hell it might turn out to be made of people. Its made of people!

110. Same thing with drinks. Bring enough damn water to last well beyond your anticipated stay. Never turn on a faucet, never turn off a running faucet you find.

111. Bathroom breaks. Wear a diaper. Nothing ever good happens to someone entering a bathroom or sitting on a toilet in these type of movie/runs.

112. Stick close to the quiet guy who tries to do his job, and is like 3rd in the chain of command. The head guy and 2nd in command are likely to get whacked along the way, and the rest are literally cannon fodder.

113. Keep a few video cameras running, recording what you see. Your Johnson is going to pretend he can't believe you if you just give a verbal description of what ate 5/8ths of your team and the entire research staff.
114. Always assume the biggest, nastiest thing you just came across and killed, was in fact, an infant.
Austere Emancipator
It having been a long time since I've seen Alien II, I got hold of Resident Evil (the movie). And, uhh, yeah, I see what inspired the list above.

As for Shadowrun, well, my group was hired for a SAR on a secret underground cyber/bio lab, which was almost directly out of these kinds of movies. "On a need to know basis, and you don't need to know. Until it's eating you." They spent several LAWs, dozens of kilos of explosives, at least 20 hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammo on that one. It was fun. wink.gif
Hot Wheels
114. I will not wear a red velour shirt, not matter what the teams uniform IS. I'm not expenmdable and I'm not going!
Addendum to Rule 114. If your name is Garibaldi, you are exampt, you awesome badass.
Drain Brain
Having just seen "Shaun of the Dead" this evening, may I offer the following:

115: Carry plenty of naff vinyl records for throwing
116: Always check the shower cubicle first
117: In the event of an attack, the best place to head is not the local pub
118: All cell phones must be switched to silent
119: Team mates must never throw darts at an enemy with whom you are engaged in melee combat
120: Never stand with your back to a window
121: If you choose to leave your ammunition in a convenient and accessible location, do not then choose to set that location on fire
122: If you ignore rule 121, do not attempt to retrieve said ammunition
QUOTE (Moonstone Spider)
65. If any member of the team takes a revolver on the mission, I will take it from them, hand them an automatic, and then slap them silly for being so stupid.
Although revolvers don't fire as fast as automatics (or typically carry as much ammo) the mechanism on them is somewhat more reliable in adverse conditions, where an automatic will jam, a revolver may well keep firing.

For this reason I will insist on having an automatic and a revolver.

From personal expeirence yeah- an automatic like a Barretta cheetah is much easier to reload than a revolver with a bigger reserve of ammo. but if there's a jamb, I have found it easier to get my revolver back in action than the automatic, but the rules generally don't cover this level of reality.
Maybe you should carry two guns....? One of each...?
Moonstone Spider
Actually I think two pistols would be overkill. It'd be wiser to save that weight for ammo (Particularly if we're using Shadowrun weapons which sometimes seem to incorporate DU in their construction) and instead carry an Assault Rifle or SMG for when you need to fire lots of rounds quickly, but a more reliable (or simply easier to fix) revolver with heavy short-range punch for after you've just gone through the tunnel-of-many-sandblasters.
#35 is so verry, verry true.

Next time, I'm on the team with the dwarf smile.gif
ROTFL rotfl.gif

I laughed so hard I cried. As a matter of fact I am still crying. My wife rolled over and told me to go to bead not once but twice. I need a copy of that list.

- theartthief
123. I will never make smart-ass remarks. The comic relief always dies.
124. I will always stand behind the guy who does make smart-ass remarks. If he's gonna die, at least he'll shield me.
125. I'll never ever say the words "Who's gonna know?", "There's nothing there", "It can't get me", "I'm invincible", "It's just a cat", or anything remotely resembling any of these words.
126. I will never do any sort of illegal drugs, have premarital sex, flirt with a woman who is obviously not interested in me, or try to examine ANYTHING.
127. If someone is speaking in a language I do not immediately recognize as an existing language, I will shoot them in the head and feed them a grenade or two.
128. Before going on a mission, I will watch every FACES OF DEATH movie to steel my stomach. That way, I will not waste precious seconds retching as my teammate is getting eaten and spend that time running.
129. I will never try to avenge anyone by charging forward. I'll reserve my cursing for the thing that killed my friends to be used on the pile of burning sludge after having fed it several dozen grenades.
130. If anyone on my team insists on carrying a revolver, I will make sure they load it with the first chamber empty. That way, when the prisoner grabs the gun in an attempt to escape, he'll think it's not loaded when the first shot doesn't go off. Even if he doesn't buy it, it'll give me more time to dodge and draw my own weapon.

The Abstruse One
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