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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
You make a Magic + Logic + IG (2) test and every net hit allows you to shift one attribute. Realistically, for an early character this is ~12 dice and you could sometimes get 3 net hits.

Now how do I handle the drain of 3x3 stun damage with only Willpower+Body?

Yes, I could make a Goblin Adept Changeling who's always on Deepweed or Hurlg with 9(10) Willpower and Mind over Matter (Will->Bod). Or an Eagle Shifter. But what if I want to be, lets say a slightly less weird creature like a Human?

Does anybody have expierence with these Metamagics? Maybe houseruled the drain to hits x 2?
No idea. They seem pretty weak. Even if there was NO Drain, I would probably not take them over other stuff like Masking or Adept Centering, or an extra PP if that optional rule is used.

Metamagics like these are why the Buying A Metamagic Outside Of Initiation optional rules are nice.

Most metamagics just aren't worth it.

As for drain, use a trauma damper or be a mystic adept with a real tradition that doesn't use Body for drain.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Sep 26 2012, 02:15 PM) *
As for drain, use a trauma damper or be a mystic adept with a real tradition that doesn't use Body for drain.

Or use a Troll with BOD 12 and decent willpower.

Hmm, is the drain used AFTER attributes have changed or by the attributes you have before the change.

Kinda useful if I can first move mental attributes to BOD and then use BOD value for drain.
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Sep 26 2012, 07:18 AM) *
Hmm, is the drain used AFTER attributes have changed or by the attributes you have before the change.

I'd say treat it like a Spell. Roll for effect, THEN drain.
The text says "after the effect wears off" and "when the effect ends"
The Jopp
QUOTE (Makki @ Sep 27 2012, 05:26 AM) *
The text says "after the effect wears off" and "when the effect ends"

So a Troll magician moving his BOD and STR attribute to LOG and WIL to become a better 'drainer' and then he uses his normal attributes of say BOD 12 and WIL 5 to drain?
you can only shift between physical attributes OR between mental attributes.
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