Sep 27 2012, 02:15 AM
So I am trying to find all the Cyber and Bioware that Augment These attributes, Charisma, Logic, Intuition and Willpower. At the moment all that comes to mind is Cerebral Booster that is Cultured Bioware. This is fr a 2057 game so the Nanotech and even Genetech to some limits (He has not said anything about it but a lot of it seems...newer from what I am reading.). I am trying to make a Gnome Mystic Adept if that helps, so I am trying to go easy on essence expendature. Maybe tere is no Direct Charisma, Intuition and Willpower ones that effect spells(Drain mostly, since Drain is Determined By Will+ any of the other three. Logic being used for a few.) I want to avoid Logic because I feel like if I have a real high logic I will be stepping on the toes of the braininess of the group. So I was trying to lean towards an Intuition based Tradition. Though Cha would also be acceptable.
Or should I just avoid the Cyber and Bioware anyway?
Sep 27 2012, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Sep 27 2012, 02:15 AM)

So I am trying to find all the Cyber and Bioware that Augment These attributes, Charisma, Logic, Intuition and Willpower. At the moment all that comes to mind is Cerebral Booster that is Cultured Bioware. This is fr a 2057 game so the Nanotech and even Genetech to some limits (He has not said anything about it but a lot of it seems...newer from what I am reading.). I am trying to make a Gnome Mystic Adept if that helps, so I am trying to go easy on essence expendature. Maybe tere is no Direct Charisma, Intuition and Willpower ones that effect spells(Drain mostly, since Drain is Determined By Will+ any of the other three. Logic being used for a few.) I want to avoid Logic because I feel like if I have a real high logic I will be stepping on the toes of the braininess of the group. So I was trying to lean towards an Intuition based Tradition. Though Cha would also be acceptable.
Or should I just avoid the Cyber and Bioware anyway?
Well for future reference, in SR4A and Augementation, there is only the Cerberal Booster that effects an attribute. Logic is the only one out of the three that does it and of course I forgot to check Will, but I am doubtful. Since if it was worth it many mage and Mystic Adept's I have seen would be running around with it.
Sep 27 2012, 06:07 AM
I believe there is a Software or something that helps with charisma somewhere, also keep in mind that as you gain Karma your Street Cred will help with many Cha based skills where your Cred can come into play so tha'ts a boost right there as well.
Sep 27 2012, 06:20 AM
Pain Editor and Adrenaline Pump add to WILL. As does Braveheart, but that's a Gegentic Infusion.
For Drain I'd recommend a Traumadamper.
Sep 27 2012, 07:45 AM
QUOTE (Dolanar @ Sep 26 2012, 11:07 PM)

I believe there is a Software or something that helps with charisma somewhere, also keep in mind that as you gain Karma your Street Cred will help with many Cha based skills where your Cred can come into play so tha'ts a boost right there as well.
The idea is to boost the attribute itself, not the skills. Software and street cred does nothing to help a magician with drain. Fetishes and Centering (and Centering foci), do.
Pain Editor is give and take, while it gives +1 Willpower it also gives -1 Intuition, and will not be quite as helpful for an Intuition based magic tradition as it would be for the other two. The Adrenaline Pump also gives the stat boost, but only while it's active for Rating d6 turns.
There is an adept way, from The Way Of The Adept. The Artists Way quality opens up an adept power called Creative Eye, that works exactly as the Improved Attribute power, but for Intuition only (page 13 for the quality, page 15 for the power). Outside of the Exceptional Attribute quality, that's about all I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet. If the game year was after 2062 then I'd also suggest the SURGE quality Metagenetic Improvement, but you've got five years before Halley's Comet comes by to change the world.
Sep 27 2012, 07:59 AM
There are Health Spells that will also raise any of the core mental attributes, they will help you with drain plenty, they are also of low drain themselves, I think I calculated a F12 Cha Boost at around 6 Drain or so & that was giving me an extra 5 dice to add to my drain. These can be added onto a Health Foci if you can afford such as well depending on the force you need to use.
Sep 27 2012, 08:11 AM
Yes, apart from the +1 WILL -1 INT from Pain Editor and the Adrenalin Pump WILL boost, Cerebral Booster is the only 'ware that increases mental stats. Tailored Pheremones increase the CHA DP, but not CHA itself.
As Dolaner mentioned, the Health Spells Increase CHA, Increase INT, Increase LOG and Increase WILL do raise the respective mental stats, but depending on the baseline you may need a high rating Health spells Sustaining Focus unless you want to live with the -2 penalty for sustaining spells.
Sep 27 2012, 08:19 AM
There are many augmentations that add to perception, or to social skills, but none that really boost Intuition or Charisma directly (unless you use the optional rule that cosmetic biomods can raise Charisma - and I would still be dubious about letting it be used to Drain, although you could argue that a more attractive appearance gives the character an improved self image). So either get Logic and boost it, get Charisma and be an elf, or get Intuition and be an ork.
Personally, I don't think a high-Logic character, in and of itself, should step on anyone's toes, since an awakened character can go a completely different route than the hacker (arcana and maybe some biotech skills, versus hacking and technical skills).
Sep 27 2012, 08:22 AM
I keep forgetting about the Increase [Attribute] spells. And at force 12 it is going to be 4P drain for all starting magicians, assuming they can cast such powerful magic to begin with (not everyone starts at Magic 6 these days). Too bad a starting character can't have a focus powerful enough to hold such a powerful spell.
Sep 27 2012, 11:26 AM
true enough, but its something to invest in down the road , but even a single Power Focus of decent quality can overcome the magical negatives for the most part.
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