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Full Version: Quick question about Weapon Mounts
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Since I love playing riggers, it's actually sad that I keep forgetting to ask this very important question. So maybe someone on Dumpshock knows!

When a weapon is mounted to a weapon mount (either on a drone or on a vehicle), does the mount itself add anything to the recoil comp for the weapon? Or is the weapon only getting recoil comp from what's already installed on the weapon? Say I had an Ingram White Knight mounted on a Steel Lynx. The White Knight has a stock, for a recoil comp of 1. I could also add Gas Vent 3, if I wanted to. That's 4 total. Is that all the recoil comp it gets when the Steel Lynx fires it as a full long burst?
Sid Nitzerglobin
I believe you gain effective recoil comp equal to BOD of the drone with anything bigger than a small drone but not 100% sure.
QUOTE (Sid Nitzerglobin @ Sep 27 2012, 01:55 PM) *
I believe you gain effective recoil comp equal to BOD of the drone with anything bigger than a small drone but not 100% sure.

This is the Most Common Optional Rule. All drones recieve free RC = Body. (it doesn't matter whether it is Small or not, it's just that there's a minimum size to take weapon mounts on drones)
The raw alternative is that anything on a weapon mount doesn't suffer recoil at all, pretty much everyoes goes 'fuck that'.

QUOTE (CrystalBlue @ Sep 27 2012, 01:48 PM) *
Say I had an Ingram White Knight mounted on a Steel Lynx. The White Knight has a stock, for a recoil comp of 1. I could also add Gas Vent 3, if I wanted to. That's 4 total. Is that all the recoil comp it gets when the Steel Lynx fires it as a full long burst?

The White Knight already has a gasvent 5, so you can't add ANOTHER one. Using the Most Common Houserule above, though, you would have 9 recoil compensation already.
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