This is a followup thread to the whole "Shadowrunning in 2009" topic.
After returning to 2064 and a milk run or two, my mad scientist NPC has a new job for the runner team.
The device she has created is apparently not just for time travel only, but can also send the runner team to different dimensions as well.
At this point let me explain the mad scientist 'Johnson' as much of her backstory has to do with this part of the run; I shall refer to her as 'Aseri' for simplicity.
In backstory "stuff", Aseri has been using a device known as an alethiometer to help another NPC character whose not really worth mentioning more about in conetxt of the run. Essentially what the device does is answer questions asked by the user through the use of symbols and clockwork needles which point to the symbols to produce a certain meaning. Aseri has gained the books used to translate the device in her various adventures. The problem is, the NPC in question also gave her the alethiometer and wants it back. Aseri is the kind of person that really wants to have one of her own, but also knows that screwing the NPC in question would be a bad, bad, BAD idea. Her solution, use the alethiomenter before she gives it back to find out where she can get another. The answer she gets provides the hook for the run.
For those familiar with the "His Dark Materials" trilogy, you will recall that there were three alethiometers still functioning. One belongs to the main character named Lyra (who is special), another belongs to a dude named Lord Asriel, and the final one belongs to the "Church". The NPC has Lord Asriel's alethiometer, and using that one, Aseri learns about the one belonging to the Church. That will be the runners target.
Also Aseri will be going along personally with the runners, to ensure that she gets the Alethiometer for herself. She has also managed to construct a device that will allow her to remotely work the time/space doo-hicky...thing.
Here are the things I need some help with:
1)In the world they are travelling to, most people have something called a Daemon that accompanies them wherever they go. It is likened to the soul of the person and usually takes the shape of some sort of small animal, like a bird or dog. EVERY person has one from the moment they are born and until they die, and to see someone without their daemon usually freaks people out. Question though: would the runners gain a daemon immediately upon arrival, or should some sort of check be made once they arrive? In the storyline of this world, some people have arrived from other worlds and gained their own daemon, though some others have not.
2) Magic. Unlike the run to the past, in this world, magic does exist, although it is different than how magic works in Shadowrun. What game effects would this have on awakened characters? (i.e. mana warp, background count, etc.) Note, the run will still be taking place on "Earth" just a different version of Earth than as the runners know it.
3) Something else to note, on the tech level of the world the runners are being sent to. It's roughly 1900's in most regards. Most air travel is done by blimps, but cars are still rare. Electric power is also common. Also there is some evidence that nuclear energy is known at a theoretic level, if not at a practical level. Firearms are primitive but still fairly common. My question is, what possible problems could this pose to the runners? Also, there are some mild language differences, (i.e. electric is refered to as 'anbaric', kerosene is called 'nalptha'.) This will mainly depend on how the runners decide to do things: whether they make a straight bee-line for the alethiometer, or if they decide to stake out in the other world for awhile.
Also, for clarification, we're trying to avoid altering the plot from the "His Dark Materials" as much as possible, though keeping true to the timeline is not as essential here as in the last run. It's just kind of a courteousy thing.
Those were the major issues I could think of. If anyone can think of any others, I would love to know about them. Thank you again for your help and input with this whacked-up adventure.