I just converted the missing SR3 MitS Mentor spirits to SR4 and thought i could post them here. Please give me some feedback!
Note: I copied all the fluff and tried to stay with the original boni/mali, replacing some of the magic boni with apropriate skill boni.
Badger is a small creature, but he takes on creatures much larger than himself and wins. He likes to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong, digging for secrets as well as to fortify his position. He is a masterful fighter and hunter and capable of amazing savagery in defending what is his.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 dice for Street Knowledge Tests
Disadvantages: Badger magicians may go berserk in combat, the same as Bear magicians.
Bat is well-traveled, rarely staying in one place. A seeker, she sets far-reaching goals and gets restless when not moving. She is adaptable and can make herself at home anywhere. Bat magicians get distracted and irritable if forced to stay in one place for more than a week.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection and manipulation spells
Disadvantages: -1 to all spellcasting and conjuring tests when in direct sunlight.
Strong and aggressive, Boar defends his home ferociously. He rarely attacks without good reason, but once roused he will not yield until he has driven the enemy far from his territory. Neither clever nor subtle, Boar uses violence in combat rather than strategy. If someone invades a Boar magician’s territory, he must attack. This might involve a Boar magician socially or verbally attacking someone who invades his personal space or physically attacking an intruder in the magician’s home or lodge.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +1 service from any spirit summoned for combat purposes
Disadvantages: -1 die for illusion spells. Boar magicians must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to withdraw from conflict.
Cheetah is a swift-moving warrior. She cares little for subtlety, preferring the most direct route to any goal. A master of many skills, Cheetah seems never at a loss. Cheetah magicians prefer to acquire a certain level of competence at a wide range of skills. A Cheetah magician prides herself on her competence and hates to admit she is incapable of any task.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 dice to all physical Initiative Tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for health spells. Cheetah magicians must have a minimum Reaction of 4.
Cobra is stealthy and dangerous, hypnotizing her prey to bring them close. She is slow to make choices, but her moves are deliberate and she does not compromise. She deals on her own terms and does not like being surprised. Cobra cannot fight to stun. She will either abstain from fighting or go straight for the kill.
Advantages: +2 dice to combat and illusion spells
Disadvantages: lf surprised, a Cobra magician adds a -1 modifier to all Tests for the remainder of that combat
Crab is the crusty old hermit of the sea. He carries his home on his back as he plods steadfastly through life. Crab may grumble and complain, but he never wavers in his belief in the way of things. Crab magicians are grumpy curmudgeons, very fixed in their ways. They have no time for frivolity or play, preferring to get right to the heart of a matter.
Advantages: +2 dice for water spirits, +1 die for all Damage Resistance Tests (including Drain Tests).
Disadvantages: -1 die for illusion spells.
Dove is a peaceful messenger and mediator. She helps others to the point of martyring herself. She is in tune with her environment and prides herself on remaining aware in all circumstances.
Advantages: +2 dice to Negotiation Tests, +1 die for health spells, +1 die for air spirits
Disadvantages: Dove magicians cannot cast combat spells. They hate the thought of hurting others and must make a successful Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to purposely inflict physical damage on a metahuman.
Elk is a gentle and wise protector. He stands majestic before his opposition. When there is no threat to be faced, he wanders the land in deep contemplation. Elk fears little and is surprised by less, as he knows that when he falls, another will replace him.
Advantages: +1 die for health spells, +1 die for counterspelling, +2 dice for guidance spirits Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
All glimmering scales and swift fins, Fish is quick and clever, evading the fisherman’s hook and the predator's jaws. ln the east he is Carp, while in the west he is often seen as wise
Salmon, but regardless of the mask he wears, Fish is wise. He can give much insight to those swift enough to catch him. Fish magicians love secrets but loathe giving them away. They always bargain for the best deal when parting with information.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Fox is the essence of sly wit and cunning. He is a master thief and trickster. Fox often uses human bounty to sustain him. He does not care for battle, preferring to outwit or trick his opponents. When forced into battle, Fox always fights to kill, not stun or capture.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion spells, +2 dice for infiltration or palming tests (magician’s choice)
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells. A Fox magician must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to spare a fallen enemy.
Fast moving and always on the lookout, Gecko is impossible to pin down. He is a prankster but not a thief. Extremely adaptable and difficult to kill, Gecko always manages to get into places where he shouldn’t go. Unfortunately, he often brings his friends along for the fun.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion or manipulation spells (magician’s choice), +2 dice for infiltration or climbing tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Goose is proud and territorial, known to become loud and boisterous when threatened. She is acquainted with the high places as well as the low and skilled at blending in and claiming a place as her own.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for combat spells
Disadvantages: Goose magicians know their chosen territory well. Away from their home city or region, however, they suffer a -1 modifier to all spellcasting and conjuring tests. If the magician moves to a new home, it takes a full turn of the moon (28 days) to acclimate to the new locale and eliminate the penalty.
Gorilla is a proud and furious beast, one that many shamans revere. Its strength is astounding but his leadership is awe inspiring. The Alpha male does what is necessary to defend his herd and fend off challengers trying to take his place. Massive creatures of gargantuan size, they come and go quietly but with a presence of authority and mysticism. Many find Gorilla shamans to be calm and caring, but dangerous in combat. They have been known to defend their pride through combat at even the slightest of insults towards them, with a rage that would make even a bear shaman blush.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 for Leadership or Unarmed Combat skill tests
Disadvantages: If insulted in any way, they must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test or they will aggressively confront or retaliate against the source of the slight.
Hyena is aggressive, capricious and cunning, serving her own needs above all else. She is quick to anger and fanatically defends her position against larger foes, fighting lions for her share of the kill.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 dice for Banishing tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for health spells. Must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to perform an action with no benefit to herself.
Like Rat, jackal is a stealthy thief too selfish to share anything, even with his companions. He is also a reluctant warrior who would rather run than fight. Unlike Rat, jackal is mischievous and playful and prefers to act unconventionally.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection and illusion spells
Disadvantages: -1 die for all combat spells
Jaguar is a stalker who uses her skills and predatory instinct to track down her goals and finish them off with ruthless efficiency. Jaguar magicians rarely specialize, preferring to acquire a moderate level of competence in many skills rather than mastery of only a few.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for either tracking or shadowing tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for health spells
Leopard possesses great stamina and can achieve enormous speed over short distances. He is aggressive, quick to anger and vicious when cornered. Leopard is reclusive and secretive, a nocturnal creature with superb night vision. He depends on his keen senses rather than on intellect but may still be deceived by appearances. A Leopard magician must never allow his family to be harmed. He will attack any creature attempting such an action and fight to the death if necessary.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat or health spells
Disadvantages: -1 die for resisting illusion spells
Lizard often seems lethargic, enjoying the warmth of the sun as he basks under the open sky. If necessary, he can move with great speed and fight with unsurpassed viciousness.
Lizard is placid and slow to anger, except when his home or his freedom is threatened. Lizard sees much in his stillness and is very wise.
Advantages: +2 dice for health spells, +2 dice for guidance, plant or earth spirits (magician’s choice)
Disadvantages: -1 die to all tests while in tight quarters. When trapped in a confined place with no clear view of the sky, a Lizard magician must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test. The magician flies into a berserk panic for 3 turns, minus 1 turn for every success generated on the Willpower Test. While in a panic, the magician will do everything possible to get out of the enclosed space.
Monkey is clever and playful and likes people because they are funny. He is a foe of evil and enjoys taunting and frustrating the plans of those who would harm him or his friends. Monkey likes to taunt opponents, using magic to trick them and make them look foolish rather than slaughtering them. Monkey is very good at climbing and making his way through the most difficult places.
Advantages: +2 dice to either manipulation spells or spirits of man, +2 dice to either Gymnastics or Climbing Tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Otter is playful and mischievous. She knows her territory well, its entire secret places for fishing and hiding. Otter is clever and can outwit bigger creatures. At home on land or in the water, she watches everything with a careful eye. Otter is a prankster with a strange sense of humor. Otter magicians are always full of nervous energy and have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Parrot is a colorful, wisecracking showoff. Her plumage is the brightest, her voice the loudest and her magic the showiest. She must be the center of attention and will drop everything to get in the spotlight.
Advantages: +2 dice to illusion spells, +2 dice to plant or air spirits
Disadvantages: Parrot’s magic exists to bring applause. Apply a +2 modifier to all perception tests to notice her magic (SR4A, p.179)
Slinky and clever, playful but rough, Polecat prefers to tackle problems that she can sink her teeth into. A night hunter, she can be both tenacious and bloodthirsty.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 dice for earth or beast spirits.
Disadvantages: -1 die for health spells. In combat, a Polecat magician will single-mindedly continue to attack an opponent until they are downed, ignoring other opponents; the magician must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to break off the attack.
Prairie Dog
Prairie Dog is playful, fun-loving and friendly. He is not naive, however, always keeping an eye out for danger. He relies on his family and friends to help him as he helps them.
Prairie Dog magicians pride themselves on making friends with neighbors and building a support network. They always know multiple ways of getting somewhere and rarely follow the same route twice in a row.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +1 die for illusion spells, +1 die for Perception and Assensing Tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Puma prefers to stalk her prey at night. She chooses guile over direct confrontation whenever she can, though she is a lethal fighter when pressed. Puma is a loner, and Puma magicians prefer to work alone, especially when doing magic. Their lodges are usually far from civilization.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion spells, +2 dice for earth spirits
Disadvantages: -1 to all spellcasting or conjuring tests when in direct sunlight or in crowds
Python is slow and ponderous. Neither clever nor swift, he possesses enormous strength and recuperative powers and is merciless once he gains the upper hand. He is peaceful but unforgiving if provoked. He can also use his singular power of will to dominate others.
Advantages: +2 dice for health or manipulation spells, +2 dice for plant or beast spirits
Disadvantages: A Python magician must make a successful Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to break off combat or any other sustained activity.
Scorpion is the dancer of death. He fears nothing because he can kill any foe. His poison is his strength. It gives Scorpion the power to do as he pleases. Scorpion is invisible in his home. He strikes enemies swiftly and without mercy.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat and illusion spells. Scorpion magicians can milk venom from ordinary and Awakened scorpions, and receive a +6 modifier when resisting scorpion venom.
Disadvantages: -1 die for all Conjuring Tests
Stag is noble and swift, a spirit of life and death. Stag represents the timeless cycle of birth, death and rebirth that encompasses all living things. He is detached from the physical world but wise in the secret ways. Stag magicians are proud and do not forget slights to their dignity, which they must avenge in equal measure.
Advantages: +2 dice for health or illusion spells, +2 dice for plant or beast spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for manipulation spells
Turtle exists in harmony with his environment. Though fertile, he feels little responsibility toward his young. Turtle sees survival as a privilege to be earned. He finds combat an alien concept and prefers to hide from danger, relying on his hard shell to protect him. Turtle magicians feel little urge to protect others, even when doing so poses no danger to them. Turtle magicians tend to go through life in a detached state, observing things rather than becoming involved. This innate lack of curiosity often makes it difficult to rouse them to action.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion spells, +2 dice for water spirits or disguise Tests
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Whale appreciates beauty and the importance of tradition, and she holds personal honor dearer than all else. Loyal to those she adopts, Whale protects them with her life if necessary. Though slow to anger, her rage is terrible to behold. Whale magicians do not start fights - but they do finish them. A Whale magician cannot break any oath, knowing her totem will punish her by withdrawing her magic. Of course, a smart Whale magician knows the best way to avoid breaking an oath is not to make one.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for illusion spells
Moon is changeable and secretive. She sees much from her high vantage point and keeps many secrets hidden from prying eyes under the veil of night. Moon is also a transformer, ever changing and unknowable. Moon magicians always take the subtle approach. They prefer to keep a low profile and act through subterfuge.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion or manipulation spells, +1 die for detection spells, +1 die for water spirits or guidance spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells. Moon magicians must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test in order to engage in direct confrontation. Negotiation is not considered confrontation (Moon loves discussion), but arguments do fall into that category.
Stream is a small and steady force, constantly moving. Capable of raging floods or low and sluggish ebbs, Stream is generally a balanced and peaceful force. Stream magicians value harmony above all else. They try to settle conflicts peacefully. They are aware of the occasional need to fight forces that would do them harm but avoid combat whenever possible.
Advantages: +2 dice for health spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells
Wind is a lofty force that makes his way through available spaces and openings. Wind is also a chaotic force, much like any untamed beast. Wind magicians are capricious. They obey no restraints other than what they impose on themselves. A Wind magician can go from total calm to a flurry of activity with startling suddenness. They strongly dislike being tied down or restricted.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for air spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die to all spellcasting or conjuring tests while not under the open sky
Fearless and aggressive, Fenrir can be quite murderous as well. He is vicious and ill-tempered and will hunt down any who offend him. Fenrir magicians are mean and ruthless individuals who have a disturbing tendency to treat others like their next meal. Fenrir magicians are overconfident and brutal, fearing almost nothing.
Advantages: +2 dice for combat spells or for tests with one Combat skill of choice, +2 die for beast spirits or guardian spirits
Disadvantages: Fenrir magicians must make a Willpower + Charisma (4) Test to back down or flee from any confrontation. If wounded, a Fenrir magician goes berserk in the same manner as a Bear magician.
Note: Fenrir is a toxic totem
A creature of living stone, Gargoyle is patient, able to remain motionless for hours, silently observing. He is a fierce fighter, willing to wait and watch for the ideal moment to strike and rend his prey. From his silent perch high above the city, Gargoyle sees much and knows the value of knowledge. Gargoyle magicians prefer to carefully observe and gather information before making a move, planning their actions for maximum advantage. They refuse to act hastily and retreat if caught unaware, to plot their next move.
Advantages: +1 die for detection and illusion spells, +2 dice for task spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for spirits of water. Gargoyle magicians must live in either a skyscraper or castle-like structure, which usually requires a medium or higher lifestyle.
Their homes always feature some sort of accessible perch, walkway or balcony near the roof.
Leviathan dives to the deepest and darkest depths of the sea, where he lives in eternal night. He carries his majestic bulk gracefully in the heart of the waters, and his song gives his wisdom and knowledge to all the creatures of the deep. Life is as simple and as complex as the movements of the tides and the endless dance of life in the sea. Leviathan magicians are almost preternaturally calm and unhurried and sometimes slow to react.
Advantages: +1 die for health and manipulation spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for illusion spells
In myth, Pegasus sprang full grown from the severed neck of Medusa. A creature of beauty born of blood, Pegasus is wild and free. He is skittish and shy, avoiding strangers and elusive as the wind itself. He fights fiercely against the bridle and only the bravest can earn his respect and friendship. Pegasus is loyal to such people, but not blindly so. An arrogant rider can still be brought low if he gets above himself.
Advantages: +2 dice to detection or health spells, +2 dice for air spirits or beast spirits
Disadvantages: Pegasus magicians cannot bear captivity or limits on their freedom of movement. If they voluntarily enter a building or enclosed area, they must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to remain inside. An involuntarily confined Pegasus magician goes berserk in the same manner as a Bear magician until it is freed.
Plumed Serpent
Plumed Serpent is strongly associated with the people and nation of Aztlan, tied to its history and mythology. He is a warrior and a powerful magician who considers his actions carefully. Intimately aware of the delicate fabric of history and fate, he always considers how his actions will affect his land and his people. He would rather give his life than see his honor or the honor of his homeland besmirched.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for air spirits
Disadvantages: -1 to all spellcasting and conjuring tests outside the territorial borders of Aztlan (except when in an Aztec-aspected background count).
Fierce and free, Unicorn is a creature of the wild. She is shy and shuns the presence of man, save only the purest of heart. Though she prefers to avoid conflict, she is a staunch defender of the wilderness, protecting it unto death. Unicorn cannot abide corruption, and the touch of her horn serves as a panacea for all manner of toxins and diseases. Unicorn magicians must follow a strict moral code, upholding the sacredness of the wild and all its creatures. They will tolerate no corruption and work to root it out wherever they may find it, even at great personal risk.
Advantages: +2 dice for health or illusion spells, +2 dice for Perception and Assensing Tests
Disadvantages: Double all Essence losses from cyberware
Wyrm is the great serpent, slow and ponderous. He is lazy and unable to seize the initiative when events occur rapidly. But he is also strong, with great recuperative powers and a dominating force of will. He is peaceable but unforgiving if provoked, and he does not know when to let go. Cast out for his association with death and the underworld, he shuns contacts with others.
Advantages: +2 dice for health or manipulation spells, +2 dice for spirits of earth
Disadvantages: Wyrm magicians must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to quit a task and do something else instead. They must also sleep an average of seventy hours a week.
Bacchus is the idol of motion and revelry. He is a lover and a dancer and revels in unbridled passion. Bacchus magicians appreciate music and poetry, but they are also self-indulgent and irresponsible. Very few such magicians can fulfill long-term relationships or obligations; they are too easily distracted and caught up in the moment.
Advantage: +2 dice for illusion spells, +2 dice for spirits of man
Disadvantage: A Bacchus magician must succeed in a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to continue on a course of action if something more interesting, prettier or more relaxing presents itself. Additionally, Bacchus magicians are easily distracted; apply a -1 Perception die modifier whenever a Bacchus magician is in the presence of music, art, motion or great beauty.
Sea King
The Sea King is the idol of the waters. He is the ruler of the seas, with a grand court beneath the waves. His generosity and hospitality are as great as his temper when he is roused. The Sea King is as changeable as the sea itself and a master of disguise and shape-shifting. He is also skilled in creating new things, just as the sea is a source of new life. Sea King magicians always exhibit proper behavior but never forget a slight or wrong done them.
Advantages: +2 dice for manipulation spells, +2 dice for water spirits
Disadvantages: -1 die for combat spells.
Siren is the great manipulator, who lures people to their doom. She specializes in attracting people’s attention through whatever means are available and then encouraging them in a course of action that will lead to their destruction. She is wily and cunning and revels in sacrifice. The Siren is commonly worshiped by toxic idol worshipers.
Advantages: +2 dice for illusion or manipulation spells, +2 dice for sea spirits
Disadvantages: Siren magicians must have a minimum Charisma of 5. Sirens have difficulty focusing on more than one opponent at a time; they receive a -1 spellcasting modifier when attacked by more than one foe.
Note: Siren is a toxic totem
Wild Huntsman
An outsider even among the idols, the Wild Huntsman walks the thin line between sanity and madness, but his frenzy hides an intimate knowledge of the sacred mysteries. As the idol who gave humanity the intoxicating Cup of Knowledge, the Wild Huntsman is the patron of poets and artists along with numerous secret and esoteric cults. Wild Huntsman magicians are unpredictable. Sometimes half-crazy, often unkempt, they may not sleep or eat for days while in the thrall of a particular idea or emotion.
Advantages: +2 dice for detection or illusion spells, +2 dice for air spirits
Disadvantages: Wild Huntsman magicians can go berserk in combat in the same way as Bear magicians.