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I am going to be running a campaign for my players set on Yomi Island and the surrounds. Do any of you guys have any links for any information about the island, and/or any maps for the island?

Any help is going to be appreciated.

Tah! biggrin.gif
Yomi Island sounds like a Nintendo game.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
Yomi Island sounds like a Nintendo game.

I believe in Japanese myth it is the island of death, sort of the equivalent of the realm of Hades for the Greeks.

Ancient History
For those who forget (it has been a while), Yomi is also the name of the island where the Japanese sent most of their metahumans. It hasn't been touched on much since the Secrets of Power Trilogy, but apparently the lack of food, services, shelter and the like have made HMHVV a serious problem.
So Ancient, you got anything in those files of yours for me?

(Besides the Nintendo version of Yomi, that is.)
Ancient History
Not at hand. I'm at school at the mo'. I can try and find something tonight in my library, if you'd like.
BTW AH did the books ever give a semi-firm location for the island (what is was named before for example). I knew by some indirect source roughly what it was used for, but i had always assumed it was a renamed island we know about instead of something that magically rose out of the Pacific as a sixth world event.

Yomi Island

Located in the Philippines, I believe it was a newly formed volcanic island. Under Jap/Phil control for most of the Huk Rebellion, taken over by Maseru and the various Huk groups in Feb of 62. Becomes their new headquarters (YotC).

I think it was set up as an internment camp in May or August of 2021. Some sources infer all Jap Metas were sent there but I think that is a little harsh for role-playing, hopefully the SoA sourcebook will address this. Some Metas did go willingly and others are forced. New arrivals recieved a relocation stipend and startup funds. The Secrets of Power novels infer that there is some communication between Japan and those on Yomi. The new emperor's half brother and sister were sent there. Where they are now, nobody knows. The emperor had rescinded this internment decree in Feb 62.

There are mass graves just off the island. Several MegaCorps had numerous prisons and other complexes on the island. This includes Renraku, MCT, (Fuchi?) and Shiawase. Shiawase has a 50k inmate prison called Meifumado.

Most of this info comes from Cyberpirates and YotC. I recommend those books until the Shadows of Asia soucebook arrives.
I also seem to remember from... ?YOTC? that Yomi is now one of Masaru's power bases after the IJN pulled out. Maybe it was DotSW
Crimsondude 2.0
Yomi is identified in the map of the Philippines in Cyberpirates.
Kanada Ten
Cyberpirates page 62:
In 2011, Hibok-Hibok, Taal, Mayon and Mount Pinatubo erupted... When the water finally stilled, nearly nine hundred tiny new islands had surfaced...

Cyberpirates page 64:
Japanese ...took the fate of millions in their hands when they cosigned all metahumans to a prison colony on the newly formed volcanic island of Lagu-lagu. The island soon earned the Japanese nickname of Yomi, because it was truly a hell on earth.

Max Denim
I just pulled this off of the web on the original Yomi Legend. Might be useful for a player handout or something...

Japanese Mythology - The Isle of Yomi

Ancient days, Japan was called "Wa" or "Wakoku".

First God appeares, called "Ameno-minakanushi" who is considered the North Star nowadays.
Second God appeares, called "Takami-musubi"
Soon Goddess appears, called "Kami-musubi"
These three dessapeared sooner.

Then fourth God called "Umasi-ashikabi-hikoji"appers.
And then, fifth God called "Ameno-tokotachi"appears.
Next, sixth God "Kunino-tokotachi"appears.
And next, seventh God "Toyokuninushi" appears.

But these four Gods dessapeared sooner..

Now we Japanese can't know ,what is these Gods.
I (fuushi) think about "Toyokuninushi" who really existed as the first God in our country.

Sooner or later, couple Gods came one after another.
As,God"Uhijini"& Goddess"Suijini","Tunokui"& "Ikugui","Ootonoji"&"Ootonobe",
and "Omodaru"&"Aya-kashikone".
At last, "Izanagi" & "Izanami" came.

These seventeen Gods, appeared or came, who were being on the land "Takamanohara".

{The birth of Japan Islands}
Izanagi & Izanami stired the sea with the holy lance called "Ameno-nuboko".
So sea water became partly hard , then Onogoro Island be born.
Next, Awashima Island be born.

Goddess Izanami said, "I have a hole, and you have a pole, so let's join them."
So the baby named "Hiruko"be born.
but he was incompleteness, so was floated to the sea.
(There is one legend, Hiruko drifted to the north, and reached Ezo, ancient Hokkaido.)

God Izanagi said, "I have a pole, and you have a hole, so let's join them again"
So many babies be born, they are Japan Islands.

After that Izanagi & Izanami born many spirits.
Like Oo-yamazumi as spirit of mountain, Oo-wadatumi as spirits of sea, etc.
Later that Amaterasu, Tukuyomi, and Susanou was born.
Amaterasu as spirit of Sun, Tukuyomi as spirit of Moon, Susanou as A man.
At last, Kagutuchi as spirit of fire was born. So Izanami burned and disappeared.
Izanagi went into hysterics. So Izanagi killed his baby Kagutuchi with a sword.

When Kagutuchi died, she reborned as spirit of mineral.

I (Fuushi) think about Kagutuchi , she is the spirit of volcano.

Izanagi went to the land Yomi, to want to call back Izanami.
At there, Izanami was living in the cave.
Izanagi wished Izanami to go back to the land Takamanohara.
But, Izanami said, "I already ate foods of the land Yomi, so I'll never go out of this land.
This is an iron law of this land.
But, I prey to God of Yomi to my returning to the land Takamanohara.
So, you must wait here for a moment, and never moving."

Izanagi waited for a long time, but Izanami didn't return,
Then Izanagi went into the cave.
There were Izanami lie still in death.
Her body was crawling with maggots.
Izanagi surprised and run away from the cave.
Izanami chased, "Why you are in ? You sinned against Yomi."
Izanagi said, "You died. Never return to the Land Takamanohara."
Izanami said, "All right. I kill your people 1000 every day."
Izanagi answerd," All right. I bear my people 1500 every day."

I (Fuushi) think about "the Land Yomi",where is old eastern Shimane-ken.
Because, there are many stories about Izanami.
Izanagi run away from the Land Yomi, and reached Tukushi Island (old Kyusyu Island).
Max Denim
Here is the rest of the story.

Izanagi ordered his children,
"Amaterasu you govern Day area, Tukuyomi you govern Night area, Susanou you govern Sea area."

But Susanou never governed.
He swept all day long and wanted to go to the Land Yomi.
Izanagi angered and said "Susanou, you are bad boy, you may go anywhere you want."
This pleased Susanou "I can go to the Land Yomi, and meet my Mother Izanami."

Then,Susanou visited his sister Amaterasu to say Good-bye.
But Amaterasu wondered, "My brother Susanou never governed his area,
maybe his visiting means to invade my area."

When Susanou visited his sister Amaterasu, she wore battle dress.
Susanou wondered and asked her, "Why you wear such a dress?"
Amaterasu answerd,"I heard one rumor that you want to invade my area."
Susanou surprised," No, No, I never imagin such a thing, I only want to say good-bye to you,
because I'll go to the Land Yomi."
Amaterasu asked, "Can you manifest it ?"
Susanou said, "Allright, let's exchanege your neckless and my sword. then doing Ukei."

#"Ukei" is a holy rites to prove honesty.
First, Amaterasu snap the sword in three, bite and spit them.
Then they changed three sisteres, who were Tagiri-hime, Itukishima-hime, and Takitu-hime.

Next Susanou tore the neckless, bite and spit them.
Then they changed five brothers, who were Ameno-Oshihomimi, Ameno-hohi,
Amatu-hikone, Ikutu-hikone, and Kumano-kusubi.

This Ukei means the honesty of Susanou.

Amaterasu said, "I understand, you are honest. I'll adopt your children."
Susanou said, "I'm glad of you. I'll adopt your children, too."
So they trade their children each other.

After that, Susanou became arrogantly, and doing bad things.
He laid farmland waste, sprinkled excrement on a shrine, etc.
But Amaterasu didn't blamed.
So Susanou went on more than ever.
At last, Susanou excoriated live horse and pitch it into the room of Amaterasu.
Amaterasu surprised and angered, and hid herself in the cave, called 'Ame-no-iwayado'.
And shut the cave with a rock, called 'Ame-no-iwato'.
Suddenly, the world darkened.
Gods and People in the world are all feared.

Gods gathered about the riverside, called 'Ame-no-yasu-gawara', and talked, how to call back Amaterasu.
God of wisdom named Omoikane,who is a son of God Takami-musubi, orderd to other Gods like next.

"Goddess Ishikori-dome, please make a holly millor."
"God Tama-no-ya, please make a holly jewel."
"God Ame-no-koyane and God Futodama, plese perform augury."
Then they hang the millor and the jewel on a holly tree, and placed the tree in front of Ame-no-iwayado.

God Omoikane ordered next.
"God Ame-no-tajikarao, (who is God of power), please hide youeself beside Ame-no-iwato."
"Goddess Ame-no-uzume, please dance in front of Ame-no-iwato."
"And all other Gods, please gather and enjoy dancing of Ame-no-uzume."

Then Ame-no-uzume started dancing, like a strip show.
All of Gods pretended laughing and pleasing.

In the cave, Amaterasu heard about this noise, and wondered.
Then opened Ame-no-iwato a little.
Amaterasu saw, there was beautiful Goddess.
( It was a refrection of herself .)
And found, all Gods gathered and Ame-no-uzume danced with joy.

Suddenly, Ame-no-tajikarao cathched the arms of Amaterasu, and pulled out.
The world lightened again.

After that, Gods punished Susanou, removing his beards, pulled off al his nails, confiscated treasures,
and exiled from the land Takamanohara.
Susanou meanderd alone.
Times went on.

Susanou wanted to go to the Land Yomi, and came up to Izumo.

When Susanou was wandering about the E-river, there was floating down one chopstik.
Susanou thought "There must be someone upper this river."
He went on upstream.

There lived a family.
Ashi-nazuchi (Father), Te-nazuchi (Mother), Kushinada-hime (their daughter).
They were all crying.

"Why you are crying?", Susanou asked them.
"We once had eight daughters, recent years Yamata-no-Orochi came to this land,
and carryed off our daughter one after another every year, and this is last daughter,
now we hear Yamata-no-Orochi is coming up", Ashi-nazuchi answerd.

"What is Yamata-no-Orochi?",Susanou asked again.

"It is huge Dragon, having eight heads and eight tails.
The lenghth of it is over eight mountains.
We cannot resist it. So only we can do is crying." Ashi-nazuchi answered.

"All right. I'll get rid of it." Susanou said with a smile.

Susanou ordered,
"Let's prepare eight big jar with full of Sake(Japanese rice-wine).
And placed them in front of your house."
Susanou transformed Kushinada-hime to a comb, and spit it his mizura. and he himself hid in the woods.
Mizura is a name of old hair style of Japanese man.
(The style looks like that of Native American.)
Before long, Yamata-no-Orochi came.
Its eyes brightend red, gave out red breath, its back was mossy, and its tails lightened like thunder.
Ashi-nazuchi and Te-nazuchi serviced timidly.
Yamata-no-Orochi found eight big jar, and drunk of all.
Soon, it tipsied, and almost slept.
Suddenly,Susanou appeared.
He had only one sword.
And started to fight against Yamata-no-Orochi.
First head started to fight against Susanou, but others were only lookers on with laugh.
Because, Susanou was so small for it.
Susanou moved rapidly.
So first head culdn't catch him.
Second head joined to fight.
Susanou moved more rapidly.
Now, all the heads joined to fight.

The battle continued for hours.
By degrees, Yamata-no-Orochi getting drunk.
At last, the first head couldn't moved.
Susanou cut it down right away.
Same occurence happend one after another.
Susanou cut it's eight head down with his sword.
Then, he cut it's seven tails down.
When he try to cut it's last tail, his sword hit something, and coulden't cut the tail down.
So, he riped it slowly and found one sword in it.
The sword was a dewy celebrated sword.
Later he presented it to his sister Amaterasu.
And this sword called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Turugi, one of the Japanese National Treasure.

After that, Susanou married to Kushinada-hime.
They made a new house, and lived there.
He composed a tanka (a 31-syllable Japanese poem) with a joy.
"Yakumo-tatu Izumo Yaegaki Tumagome-ni Yaegaki-tukuru sono Yaegaki-wo"
This was the first poem in Japan.
The place of the house is now considered "Suga-Shrine" in Izumo.

In later Japan, when samurai must fight, he spilt Sake to his sword before fighting, to pray winning.
Maybe, this action braves him for associated with Susanou .

When Susanou was youth, he visited his elder brother Tukuyomi.
Tukuyomi lived with his wife named Oogetu-hime, in Awa (ancient Sikoku Island).
Oogetu-hime made a dinnner for Susanou as her own way.
Her way of cook was to eat foods, then to vomit it.
Susanou saw the way, then angered, and hart her.
She was a Godess of food, so many foods born from her wounds.

Once Susanou voyaged to Korea with his son Iso-takeru.
Susanou got many seeds of trees, and came back.
Susanou ordered his son Iso-takeru, his daughter Tumazu-hime,
to plant these seeds to many places in Japan.
And teached how to use the trees.
The cypress sould use to build a house.
The ceder and the camphor tree should use to make a ship.

So we Japanese live in a wooden house.

Susanou had a long beard, the length of it was nearly eighty centimeters.

When Susanou died, his body graved the top of Mt.Kumano.
And his spirit became God.
So he called God Kumano, later.
After that, he sometimes appear as a big bear.
Because Japanese word 'kuma' means a bear.

Yatuka-Omizu,a son of Susanou, he was a giant.
Early Izumo was a small land.
So he wanted to make it bigger.
He made a big tight rope,and went to north sea.
He found there big island, and linked with the rope.
Then he returned Izumo.
He put his right leg on the Mt.Daisen,left leg on the Mt.Sanbe.
And pulling the rope and singing,"Coming, coming, the northern island".
The island moved slowly,and reached the north shore of Izumo.

Next, he went to east sea.
He found there big island, and linked with the rope.
Then he returned Izumo.
He put his right leg on the Mt.Daisen,left leg on the Mt.Sanbe.
And pulling the rope and singing,"Coming, coming, the eastern island".
The island moved slowly,and reached the east shore of Izumo.

Last,he went to west sea.
He found there big island, and linked with the rope.
Then he returned Izumo.
He put his right leg on the Mt.Daisen,left leg on the Mt.Sanbe.
And pulling the rope and singing,"Coming, coming, the western island".
The island moved slowly,and reached the west shore of Izumo.

As though, he made Izumo as a big land.

Ameno-Fuyuginu was a descendant of Susanou.
His youngest son Oo-Namuchi was the great man of early Japan.

Oo-Namuchi had many brothers, but he was always tormented by his brothers.

Young Oo-Namuchi, once traveled with his harf brother Yasogami.
They walked along the sea shore, and go east to Inaba-country.
There lives a buautiful princess named Yagami-hime.
Yasogami wants to marry her.
Yasogami makes Oo-Namuchi to carry all his baggage.
So Oo-Namuchi carryed one big white bag on his back, and walked late behind his brother.

When Yasogami reached Keta Point, he find a wounded plucked rabbit .
The rabbit wanted to help.
Yasogami asked "How about you ?"
The rabbit answered "I once lived Oki-island over sea. One day I want to go another land.
But I can't swim, so I hitted upon.
I asked one shark, 'who is the biggest shark ?'
The shark answerd 'Oh it's me.'
Another shark passing by heard this, and said 'No, you are small, I'm biggest.'
The other shark passing by heard this, and said 'No, you are both small. I'm biggest.'
Aftter all, thousands of sharks coming gathered and quarreled each other.
I said them,'O.K. I'll measure you. Please form into a line.'
Sharks are gathered alongside.
I'm jumping on their back one after anoter, pritending to measure and going on over sea.
Almost I reaced this land, I said myself, 'I'm wise, but sharks are all fool.
I only want to go over sea. Your size are nonsense for me.'
Last shark heard this and angerd, so ......"

Yasogami said, "You are sinful rabbit, but I'll help you."
Yasogami said "You should bathes in the sea water,and lie down on a rock under the sun.
Then having a blow. So sunshine cared your hurt."
The rabbit did this. But.....

After that, Oo-Namuchi came.
The rabbit wanted to help eagerly.
Oo-Namuchi asked,"How about you?"
The rabbit talked same story about sharks, and his brother.
Oo-Namuchi heard this and said,"You are sinful rabit. Are you realized it?"
The rabbit weeped,"Yes, I'm sinner. I'll never doing such a thing."
Oo-Namuchi said,"You realized your sin. all right, I'll help you.
First, bathing in the river with clear water.
Then put on your body with cattail and lying on the grass under the shade of tree."
The rabbit did this. Soon the wound heal over.

Some days later, Yasogami reaced Inaba-country and meet with Yagami-hime.
Yasogami said " I want to marry with you."
Yagami-hime answered " I heard a story about a white rabbit.
So I want to marry with Oo-Namuchi, not you."

Yasogami angered against Oo-Namuchi, and wanted to kill him.

Oneday Yasogami went togather with Oo-Namuchi to the mountain, to hunt razorback.
And there, Yasogami ordered Oo-Namuchi,
"I'll chased razorback, and you should wait here with a bow."
and he went into the woods.
Some times ago, Yasogami shouted loudly from the woods.
"I find big red razorback, now chasing, and make it to go your side,OK?"
Oo-Namuchi answered "OK"

Soon big red one shooted from the woods, and hit up to Oo-Namuchi.
But it was not a razorback, but a fired rock.
Oo-Namuchi burned all his body.

The white rabbit saw this from the woods, and runninng hurry to the mother of Oo-Namuchi.
The mother named Sashikuni-waka-hime heard this and surprised.
Then she visited hurry to sisiter Umugai-hime and Kisagai-hime to help Oo-Namuchi.
Umugai-hime and Kisagai-hime are both Goddess of shell.
(Umugai meas clam,Kisagai means ark shell)

The sisters applied the powder of shell to Oo-Namuchi, and saved his life.

After that, Yasogami tried to kill Oo-Namuchi again.
Yasogami laid a snare in the woods, and leaded on Oo-Namuchi.
When Oo-Namuchi was caught the snare, Yasogami bowed.

Oo-Namuchi was almost died.
But his mother saved him again.
She said to Oo-Namuchi,"If you continued to be here,you'll be killed by Yasogami.
You should escape here and go to the Land Ki-no-kuni.
There lives your uncle Oo-yabiko."

Oo-namuchi escaped but Yasogami chased him.
So Oo-namuchi escaped again to the Land Ne-no-kuni,where Susanou lived.

"Oo-yabiko" is another name of "Iso-takeru", son of Susanou.
He planted out many seeds of tree,so his living area was called Ki-no-kuni, now it is considered South Wakayama-ken.
Word "Ki-no-kuni"means "woody land",and "Oo-yabiko" means "a man living in the big wooden house".

"Ne-no-kuni" is another name of "the Land Yomi".
At there,Susanou lives with his youngest daughter Suseri-hime.

Sweeet. biggrin.gif

Thanks for all the effort guys. smile.gif

/me hands out cyber-cookies as reward.
Yeah, the main books you want are: Cyberpirates, Year of the Comet, the Secrets of Power novel trilogy (more specifically, the first two; they talk about what happened to Janice), and Dragons of the Sixth World.
@ Pistons - See now, you're just helping because of the cyber-cookies. wink.gif

@ Max Denim - Kudos on the legend thingie....I have spent some time going through it, and basically, I can weave a lot of the mythos into the campaign. Tah!

@ Everyone else......thanks a everything I needed.....I even found a map. If anyone wants it, simply message me and I can email it through to you.

Well, not only because of the cookies -- I wrote some of the material you might be using. smile.gif (Really, I try not to pimp my work that often, so hopefully I'm forgiven now and then. smile.gif)
@ Pistons - Forgiven. (especially if a few free copies are coming my way.) biggrin.gif
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