QUOTE (kzt @ Oct 22 2012, 03:03 PM)
The "Seattle–Tacoma–Bellevue, WA Metropolitan Statistical Area" is 15,000 km^2, probably including the lakes and bays.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_metropolitan_areaYou are talking NYC or LA population density across all 15,000 km^2. 2000 people per km^2 average, with areas much denser. There are no unpopulated areas. The barrens is as full of people as the Bronx is. The lava plains are full of people.
Acording to IBGE, the Brazilian institute of Statistics, São Paulo has 34 million people. Yeah. That much. If you count surrounding areas, the number rises to 41 Million people.
http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/po....shtm&uf=35So i guess it's closer from the situation you are asking for in Seattle. I never lived there (it's actually pretty far away from where i live. as in 2k kilometers away), but i go there due to work at least once or twice a year due to work. I think the OP also wanted to know more about the feeling of being in place like that. I will describe a few things, i hope i don't offend anyone that lives there, and should be taken with a spoonfull of salt.
I find it crazy. It's a Sprawl in the cyberpunk sense. 248.209,426 km². That's 2.91% of the surface of the whole country on a single city. It has it's effects on people indeed. Perhaps it's not as crowded as NYC because it was way more area. There is a strange mix of ups and lows that does not happen in the rest of the country. The VERY RICH may (and sometimes do) live complete lives without touching the ground where others, but some also walk the very streets and mingle with people who are poor because they share the same tastes, niches and vices. Doesn't matter how strange you think you are: There is someone like you somewhere in town. Drug Dealer? Sure. Japanese Yakuza? sure. Rocker? sure. Punk? Sure. Anti-Gay Neonazi in the city with biggest GLS parade on the planet? Sure thing. Ony guy died due to a beating he received from a few middle class dudes not a year ago, so, yeah, sure. It's a city with a japanese population large enough you don't have to speak portuguese if you live in the Japanise neighbourhood, and you may never need to learn it to do anything except watching TV and go to the movies.
3-6 hours of traffic jams are not unheard of. They aren't really day to day, but people commute huge distances to work sometimes. And there is a thing about the way people walk. I don't live there, so perhaps it is clearer to me, but there is a strange kind of... well, maniac/effervescent sense of PURPOSE on the way people walk. People hit the pavement half stomping it, and if you walk slower than they do, you will be pushed aside, shouted out, or carried along, specially on the subway system. It rare to see people smile, but they are known to smirk by themselves, ocasionally
People eat in a hurry food that comes from all over the world and get back to their work. And they work. A lot. Rio de Janeiro is also a megalopolis ( And it's a city i completely fell in love with), but it's not a quasi-cyberpunk feel. The paulistas seem driven by some hidden motor all the time, always on the edge, exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. Things are expensive, like, crazy expensive compared to other areas, as i find the cost of living there through the roof. You can find anything. There are several seafood-based high cuisine restaurants in São Paulo, but the city is has no coast. You can eat lobster at 4 AM, if you want to, you just have to able to afford it. It's a monster of a city, that is fed with the food produced all over the place an all over the world. Chef Anthony Bourdain described it venomously, but apptly, "It is as if New York was thrown up all over Los Angeles."
A fun thing you can do with your players. FORCE THEM to use public transportation. How? the way the São Paulo administration tried to reduce the ammount of vehicles on the street: plate rotation. Only a fraction (a large fraction) of the cars were allowed to get on the streets. With Gridguide/Drones it's easier to control that sort of stuff. Make the investiment the rigger made in license plates be worth of it. And as i noticed, not all PC buy cars, but the DO own clunky illegal pieces of hardware commonly.