Oct 24 2012, 06:13 PM
Looking for some good recommendations for fluff books...books that go into the setting, characters, world...stuff like the book with Dunkelzahns will, or the Cyberpirates book.
Looking for 4e stuff, but any 3e or earlier recommendations are welcome too!!
Oct 28 2012, 10:15 AM
Attitude is great for a bit of general world setting info - tells you about the basics of running for a living, then also covers stuff like music and clothes.
Sprawl Survival Guide is Third Ed. and covers some of the same ground as Attitude, but also has some great info about what an average person's home might be like. Almost all fluff, so no edition issues.
Seattle 2072 is great and full of potential hooks. Very shiny and all colour too. Pretty much a must buy if your playing in Seattle.
Sixth World Almanac is a pretty good broad introduction to the world and the history. Can be a little frustrating in its broadness at times though.
Those are my recommendations anyway, though lots of the fluff books are worth reading. Depends what you're interested in.
Oct 28 2012, 06:23 PM
I'm actually fond of Street Legends, its Supplemental, and 10 Jackpointers for the history they give on everyone's favorite forumgoers. It's kind of cool to get a sense of someone like Kay St. Irregular's background when reading the stuff he writes; considering that a lot of our other fluff knowledge comes from them, it's good to know what their spin is.
Plus the one for Kane is hilarious.
Oct 29 2012, 12:24 PM
Earlier edition stuff I liked for fluff was Shadowbeat and Tir Tairngire.
For 4th Edition fluff, I liked Safehouses, with all the chatter scattered about, especially the focus on /dev/grrl.
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