Installed blades in the feet (raptor legs with no claws? blasphemy

To my knowledge, when kicking/punching someone its counted as an unarmed attack. However it makes no sense to me that if my PC were to run and leap at an enemy that it would ONLY do 3S damage just because his strength is a bit on the low side. This is with intent to not kill the target, just bludgeon him to unconsciousness.
I managed to think of a way to 'sort of' make this work in my favour but I thought I'd run it by you guys to see if its sound (or if there's a better trick to this, I would love to hear it!)
Method: First I declare a knockdown, and use my jump/unarmed dice to execute it. Assuming I pass, the target gets knocked down but doesn't get any damage. BUT using the Sweep MA maneuver, I can deal damage from the knockdown as if I am attacking with a melee weapon, but the damage will always be stun.
Or would it simply be easier to just SHOOT the poor sod with a taser? (my pistols is horrible btw)