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Full Version: Space sim, you say? Single-player, you say? Infinite, procedurally-generated content, you say?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I just kicked over $20 to Limit Theory. Looks interesting.
It really does look interesting...too many kickstarters these days, hard to tell where to spend my money.

If only they would add some psionics biggrin.gif
It sounds good, but the "twitch-based" combat makes me a bit nervous.

I've played quite a few procedurally generated space games that revolve around exploration and trading, but being able to build a fleet and/or corporation sounds interesting.
I gotta say, I really thought Limit Theory would attract more attention from this crowd.
QUOTE (Iduno @ Nov 28 2012, 05:58 AM) *
It sounds good, but the "twitch-based" combat makes me a bit nervous.

^^^ This ^^^
Ten years ago, I would be thrilled about a new Elite-like. Today, I think that it's time we get something more than a sandbox in a bland universe with bland quests. I want my sandbox games to have stories and not have to do all the storytelling by myself.
If you think about it, every space sim has had "twitch-based" combat: you put the crosshairs on the target and pull the trigger, rather than selecting the attack and the RNG decides whether it hits or not.
QUOTE (Blade @ Dec 3 2012, 05:40 AM) *
Ten years ago, I would be thrilled about a new Elite-like. Today, I think that it's time we get something more than a sandbox in a bland universe with bland quests. I want my sandbox games to have stories and not have to do all the storytelling by myself.

I have seen some attempts to make a random story generator for a game, but then the story is mostly ignored so you can go do the same quests in the same order you always do. A randomly-generated gameworld with a random story might work.
I've started to work on a random story generator for sandbox game worlds, borrowing from my experience at GMing open-ended adventures and campaigns. I think it can be done, or at least be an interesting experiment.
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