Nov 29 2014, 05:14 AM
Is it just me, or is Buck awfully blithe about raping and torturing the buddy of a man who, by this point, has left several hundred corpses in his wake? No spoilers, please, but the minute I get Keith back, Buck's name shoots to the top of my shitlist.
Nov 30 2014, 02:17 AM
The more I play this game, the less impressed I am. Killing Buck in a quick-time event? The hell? Not even having the option of a stealth infiltration of Vaas' compound? Killing the motherfucker in a vision, after he already stabbed me? What, precisely, the fuck?
Also, the dread plague consolitis is really annoying. Only two configurable hotkeys? What flaming moron is responsible for this?
Dec 1 2014, 10:24 AM
FrCry3 and as a matter of fact, the entire farcry franchise aside from 4 are very much on sale on steam right now.
Dec 3 2014, 08:00 PM
Finished Far Cry 3. Took the "save friends" ending, because Citra's a psycho bitch and the Rakyat never did a damned thing except stand back and let me fight their war for them. This joins the ranks of the few games I have deleted immediately upon finishing. Next up: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Let's hope a good dose of cheesy 80s sci-fi action can wash the taste of FC3 out of my mouth.
Dec 12 2014, 05:43 AM
If Blood Dragon can't change the aftertaste, the aftertaste ain't changing. It's gloriously silly/awesome/stupid/fun, the complete opposite in tone and story of the core game.
Dec 14 2014, 04:27 PM
I did, in fact, quite like Blood Dragon. Not enough to replay immediately, but it's a fun little number. It's one of the few games that is exactly what its marketing says it is. I was a little disappointed by Michael Biehn's voice, though; does he really sound like that now, or was he gargling with gravel to get that "action hero" tone? I wanted him to sound like Kyle Reese or Cpl. Hicks, damnit.
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