Dec 7 2012, 03:44 PM
Who else is enjoying this wonderful game?
The only downside I see is that I'd like to have seen a phase where the protagonist was learning how to use firearms properly, even clumsily reloading or forgetting to jack a round in the chamber for the first few times or until you bought the first few skills that show up on your magic tattoo.
Also, the humor in the game is wonderful considering the darkness in the rest of it!
Dec 7 2012, 03:58 PM
Really enjoyed the first 2. Haven't read much about this one but it may make by 'to purchase' list
Dec 7 2012, 05:41 PM
Far Cry was awesome. Far Cry 2 was... flawed. I wouldn't say it was shit, because the core gameplay was solid, but the story was really wonky (in a bad way), and the ending just sucked huge, throbbing donkey cocks.
On a scale of Far Cry 2 to Far Cry, where does Far Cry 3 fall?
Dec 7 2012, 05:59 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 7 2012, 10:44 AM)

Who else is enjoying this wonderful game?
was, until last night.

I got to
[ Spoiler ]
the part where you've gotten into Hoyt's compound on the southern island. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that the protagonist's younger brother Riley i still alive. And to maintain your cover, you have to torture him. And he looks like he's only fifteen years old. (I've checked, and the minimum age for a pilot's license is 17 ... and most places, hurting a "child" would get the game banned ... so he's PROBABLY eighteen .......... but damn, in the game Riley looks and sounds years younger than that). Torturing ANYone in first-person would be pushing the limits of my comfort zone, but a kid ...?? Yeah, hit those limits and kept right on sailing, at top speed.
I'm just not sure I can go back to the game again, after that.

QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 7 2012, 12:41 PM)

Far Cry was awesome. Far Cry 2 was... flawed. I wouldn't say it was shit, because the core gameplay was solid, but the story was really wonky (in a bad way), and the ending just sucked huge, throbbing donkey cocks.
On a scale of Far Cry 2 to Far Cry, where does Far Cry 3 fall?
On a different scale.
Graphically, FC3 is of course head, shoulders, and half a torso above the prior games, even FC2.
In terms of gameplay, FC3 is again a winner, IMO.
(A) Wide variety of weapons (4 handguns, 5 SMGs, 3 shotguns, six assault rifles, 3 sniper rifles, 3 LMGs, two grenade launchers, flamethrower, flare pistol, a bow, and several "signature" weapons (better-than-normal versions of existing weapons). Those weapons then, in most cases, have several optional attachments - silencers, various sights, extended magazines, etc - allowing you to further customise your loadout. Oh, and proximity-triggered mines, remote-detonated C4 packs, molotoves, and standard grenades, too. Lots of choices and options.
(B) Crafting is actually great, IMO. Most of your direct upgrades - extra weapon holsters, more ammunition capacity, etc - comes from hunting animals, and using their skins. A variety of "potion"-like effects, as well as healing syringes, can be crafted from four varieties of plant (each with multiple representatives, though that's mostly a window-dressing thing).
© Driving is great, you can actually get into some stunt-driving - using the handbrake to fishtail around a corner, for example. Decent variety of vehicles to choose from, too, both on land and at sea. And in the sky, you've got hang gliders, and eventually a wingsuit.
(D) Despite the driving improvements, it's often IMO superior to WALK to where you're going - at least, in areas under enemy control. For one, you can find all kinds of little secrets (there's relics, memory cards, and "lost letters" from WW2 to find and collect) along the way. For two, you can hide when an inevitable enemy patrol happens by. For three, navigating off-road is IMO entertaining, in the sense of "Hmm, how can I get over THERE?"
(E) hunting is very, very challenging. And can consume a LOT of ammunition (bears, komodo dragons, leopards, TIGERS ... all very very tough!!). But it's not
so hard that it crosses into outright frustration.
However, the story is ... well,
I don't find it especially compelling. And in the spoiler block above, you'll find my biggest
problem with it.
Dec 7 2012, 07:12 PM
I'm hours in, and having a good time. I'm not being a very good friend and brother (I'm largely ignoring the main questline and just rampaging around the island). I wrapped up Call of the Medusa and Playing the Ringer in short order, but then I basically started just not worrying about that and focusing on becoming a better Rakyat warrior and hunter. Bears, tigers, sharks, pirates; whatever crosses my path, I kill and try to eat. Liberating radio towers, playing a little multiplayer, all that good stuff. I spend most of the game trying to get kills with my bow and machete, the way a traditional Rakyat would.
I'm all "Jason Brodie? Who's that? My name is Heron McSharkSpider! Check out this wicked tat!"
Eventually, I'm sure I'll get back on track.
I like the combat/control system. I like how stealth works. I enjoy the melee combat (for a first-person shooter) animations. I dig hunting, and the various potions. I like how the first aid animations (especially the thumb) still make my wife squirm and wince. I like the gun customization, limited as it may be (my go-to firepower, when a bow won't cut it, is the...err...what's their made-up name? The MS16! That's it. Nice scope, suppressor, fun stuff, and it still lets me use assault rifle instead of sniper ammo).
Overall, I'm just enjoying the game, period. My biggest beef is with the (lack of) ability to drag enemy corpses; having to unlock it as an ability, and only being able to do it right when dropping someone, is, I think, taking the ability-unlock skill tree thing a little too far. It's not some fancy combat maneuver, it's literally just picking up and dragging a body.
almost normal
Dec 7 2012, 07:14 PM
How's the stealth? That was my big complaint from FC2. You'd set up a concealed nest, fire a silenced dart gun at a guy, and now 30 people who were inside a warehouse completely out of sight and 500 yards away are shooting at your exact position.
Kind of took the fun out of planning.
Dec 7 2012, 07:46 PM
Also, for just a second I have to give them a shout out for the user-friendliness of the shopping interface. Quick sell? Yes. Ammo quick restock (and at a discount)? Hell yes.
Dec 7 2012, 08:00 PM
MS-16 with scope and suppressor for silent kills (other than shiving the bastard, that is), Scorpion with extended magazine for Zipline Shooting, 1887 with red dot for CQB, and when going loud, I go with the U-100!
I'm not very good with stealth, and never have been with games, but the system works pretty well if you're able to get someone away from a group and shiv him, then rinse and repeat.
Thrown rocks are my friend.

Hoping I can get some online folks on the PSN to do the Co-Op game with.
Dec 7 2012, 08:16 PM
I'm still new to PS3 ownership (so still figuring out friend lists, etc), but I'm "RustyCrit" on there. Shoot me an invite or whatever, sometime. With the semester wrapped up and no projects looming over my head, I'm pretty free to run around machete-ing stuff.
Regarding stealth: I'm not a hardcore Thief player or anything, but I do pretty well in most stealth games. I'm not the sort who'll take five times as long to clear a level hunting for an achievement, but I DO like a little recon before a scrap starts, I ambush whenever I can, I'm a big fan of sniping then fading (then sniping when they discover the body), etc, etc. So far, the stealth in FC3 has been pretty solid, and I've been doing pretty well with it. It's not primarily a stealth game -- it's no Splinter Cell, with tons of gadgets and climbing options and stuff -- but for such an open world game, it supports a stealthy playstyle very well.
Dec 7 2012, 08:18 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 7 2012, 03:00 PM)

MS-16 with scope and suppressor for silent kills (other than shiving the bastard, that is), Scorpion with extended magazine for Zipline Shooting, 1887 with red dot for CQB, and when going loud, I go with the U-100!
My go-to weapons loadout:
- Pistol: "Shadow" - signature m1911A with silencer, red dot sight, and extended magazine.
Silent, accurate, high damage, high mobility, can be used on a zipline.- SMG: "Shredder" - signature Vector .45 ACP with optical sight, suppressor, and extended magazine.
Silent, stupendous ROF, high damage, ridiculously accurate.- Assault Rifle - "Bushman" - signature P416 with optical scope, extended magazine, and suppressor.
Silent, accurate, good damage.The fourth slot generally holds one or another of:
- Compound Bow (with Red Dot sight).
Because, bows are just fecking cool. Also, Fire or Explosive arrows - multirole munitions, yayy!- Sniper: Z93 (with suppressor, high power scope, and extended magazine).
Silent, one-hit death.- Pistol: "Cannon" - signature .44M with extended barrel, optical sight, 6 round cylinder.
Great for hunting, except bears and cats. Two pops, and a komodo is down. Good for dogs/dingos, too! Also a one-hit kill for non-heavy Pirates, albeit a loud one.As you can probably discern, I am a VERY "stealth and silence" player. I consider it a personal failing if I get shot at before half the enemies in an area are dead.
Hoping I can get some online folks on the PSN to do the Co-Op game with.
Sorry, PC here.
Dec 7 2012, 08:52 PM
Who developed it? Crytek, like Far Cry, or Ubisoft, like Far Cry 2?
Dec 7 2012, 09:02 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 7 2012, 04:52 PM)

Who developed it? Crytek, like Far Cry, or Ubisoft, like Far Cry 2?
From the in-jokes I'm seeing, Ubisoft Montreal is likely who did it.
Dec 7 2012, 09:36 PM
Yeah, I need to focus (instead of just exploring) and figure out how to get some of those signature guns. "Shadow" sounds right up my alley.
I tend to use the bow, a silenced handgun, a silenced MS16, and carry around a repair tool (mostly just because I haven't felt like I NEED to swap it out for a fourth gun, just yet). I do probably 2/3 of my killing with the bow or melee combat, and wrap up the rest with my rifle.
Except tigers. Fuck those guys. Gun gun gun gun gun gun gun!
Dec 7 2012, 09:39 PM
A funny moment happened when I was hunting pigs to craft something, and a Tiger popped up: "F*** YOU TIGER! THOSE ARE MY PIGS!!! I need their skins!!!"
Dec 7 2012, 10:03 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ Dec 7 2012, 04:36 PM)

Yeah, I need to focus (instead of just exploring) and figure out how to get some of those signature guns. "Shadow" sounds right up my alley.
Possibly doing Supply Drop missions. Possibly just unlocking radio towers. Possibly just advancing the storyline. Might ave been tracking down relics and Lost Letters. I forget now.
Except tigers. Fuck those guys. Gun gun gun gun gun gun gun!
The Shredder was invented for tigers. And bears. Takes a full clip to put them down - but the Shredder's
ludicrously stupendous rate of rire means "Don't blink or you'll miss it". Except you don't get more than halfway through the word "blink" before you're already reloading a new magazine. Seriously. Against anything less than a tiger or bear, yu have to REALLY learn how do do "short, controlled bursts", or you waste a TON of ammo on overkill.
Funny thing, it's also so ridiculously accurate with it's optical sight, that it has near-AR range, once you master those "short" (meaning, 6-10 rounds instead of 30-40) controlled bursts.
Dec 8 2012, 05:25 AM
I picked up the Bull shotgun, and it's pretty wicked. I've started carrying it, along with my bow and silenced assault rifle. The first time I used it I tabbed to equip it mostly on accident, panicking because I was stuck between a jeep full of pirates and a pair of crazy crassowary. I killed both pirates with one faceful of buckshot, then I spun one-eighty and killed both birds with a second blast.
That was when I decided to keep it in my inventory.
Dec 8 2012, 05:50 AM
Yeah, I tried the Bull myself, and it is indeed awe-inspiring. It's now my standard "go loud" option. Gotta try it on some heavies, see how they deal with a point-blank face-full. Also maybe a bear or two.
There was enough overlap between the Shredder and the Bushman, that I've replaced the AR with the Bull. So my standard loadout is Shadow, Bull, Shredder, and a silenced Z93 sniper rifle.
I now own EVERY weapon in the game, and have collected all the memory cards. I've played the storyline to ... I think the second- or third-to-last mission. Then stopped to liberate all the remaining Outposts (if you think about it, Hoyt controls precisely jack over squat right now - the Rakyat own both islands). Next I think I'll track down the last few letters, then get to work on the relics and the Hunting missions on the south island.
Dec 12 2012, 05:34 PM
In a shocking twist,
Yahtzee has pronounced Far Cry 3 "fine" and "alright."
Dec 12 2012, 06:00 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 12 2012, 01:34 PM)

In a shocking twist,
Yahtzee has pronounced Far Cry 3 "fine" and "alright."
Oh he's going to get so many hate letters for that one! He's not allowed to like anything.
Dec 12 2012, 06:12 PM
Can't say like or dislike since I'd never even heard of this until this thread popped up, so I know absolutely nothing about it.
Dec 12 2012, 06:43 PM
I'm still slowly but surely trudging my way through the storyline, when I can be bothered to stop making wallets out of endangered animals and shooting up on combat drugs I made myself. I'm having just so much damned fun taking outposts and robbing tombs and shrines and stuff, I'm TRYING to make myself work on the main character questline, too, because -- as has been made clear by a few of my friends -- they're not all having as good a time.
Yesterday I ran around doing a prolonged fetch-quest for Buck, in order to get my buddy back. Now I'm about to go help Citra and the Rakyat with an ambush or something...just as soon as I focus again, instead of rampaging around for fun.
Dec 13 2012, 01:07 AM
"Shouldn't you go help your friends, Critias? They are surely being tortured as we speak."
"Pff. Not my fault they were dumb enough to get caught. Let's go kill some tigers!"
Dec 13 2012, 01:51 AM
Finished the storyline the other day. Finally getting to rescue Riley was, though quite difficult, singularly satisfying - and one of the quips by Hoyt, that he'd sold Riley to a buyer in Yemen who "likes them young", reinforces my impression that Riley is 15, not 18. Final combat sequence of that mission was awesome, absolutely awesome. And very difficult - I went in with 11 medical hypos left, I was down to 2 at the end.
Dec 13 2012, 04:32 AM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 12 2012, 09:51 PM)

Finished the storyline the other day. Finally getting to rescue Riley was, though quite difficult, singularly satisfying - and one of the quips by Hoyt, that he'd sold Riley to a buyer in Yemen who "likes them young", reinforces my impression that Riley is 15, not 18. Final combat sequence of that mission was awesome, absolutely awesome. And very difficult - I went in with 11 medical hypos left, I was down to 2 at the end.
What's the age you need to be in order to get a pilot's license?
Dec 13 2012, 08:29 AM
In the U.S., for a powered, fixed-wing aircraft? Seventeen, absolute minimum.
Dec 13 2012, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 13 2012, 04:29 AM)

In the U.S., for a powered, fixed-wing aircraft? Seventeen, absolute minimum.
He had just gotten his license, so he's a young-looking 17. That's what the group was celebrating, and he was likely the one flying from place-to-place as you never see him in the vids Vass taunts you with in the bamboo cage.
Remember, his older brothers are both from California (LA, I think), so they are certainly USers.
Dec 13 2012, 05:16 PM
What I think is far more likely is that they referenced the "Student Pilot" certification, the minimum age for which is 16 ... or, 14 for gliders and balloons. Which isn't actually a pilot's license, it's just the certification you need to Solo (and thus, one step towards a pilot's license).
When you get to the point of seeing Riley standing, next to things that put his height in scale with the game's guaranteed-adult models - he's just over shoulder-height to a twenty-something. I seriously suspect they wanted to make sure he was seen by the players as a relatively helpless innocent in dire need of rescue - moreso than the friends and such were.
Regardless, he looks young enough, that I'm still disturbed by the torture scene.
Dec 13 2012, 09:03 PM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 13 2012, 01:16 PM)

Regardless, he looks young enough, that I'm still disturbed by the torture scene.
Which is probably the reason he looks young for his age. Or even is that young.
That said, he apparently flies a Whirlybird, which takes at least POWERED flight training (I don't care how good you are in a balloon, it does NOT tell you how to turn on a helo! At least fixed-wing will give you SOME idea of what to do with an eggbeater! Not enough, from my understanding, but still...). As he doesn't appear in the intro-vid, I'm betting he's the fellow flying the plane that everyone skydived out of, which is why he isn't in that scene either.
It's still a hard-squick due to the fact that, well, you're TORTURING YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER to prove your chops to the guy that
ENSLAVED you and your posse of folks you grew up with! 15, 16, 17,18... Young looking or not, it's a damned hard scene!
And people accuse me of being dark.
Dec 14 2012, 05:41 PM
Where do I turn in my Tatau? I am not worthy of being a warrior...
A radio tower killed me.
Dec 14 2012, 06:07 PM
Did...did it fall on you? Did they drop the power generator on your head? I don't play the game, I just spent a couple minutes visualizing ways a radio tower kills someone.
Dec 14 2012, 07:03 PM
Youhave to climb them - and they date from WW2 or shortly after, and have stood exposed without paint or other corrosion-resistance for half a century.
IOW, they're a mess, and it's not like there's just a ladder to get to the top. Some of them are a real, serious PITA to climb. And are perched on the edge of a cliff.
I missed a jump and fell, once. Then I missed the ground, and sailed over the edge of the cliff. (Okay, so I hit a ledge fifteen feet further down, still, MISSED THE GROUND ...!!!)
Dec 14 2012, 07:17 PM
They're equipped with a jammer on them to prevent the locals from using the radio repeaters, while the Pirates and the Mercs can. What you do when you get to the top is strip off the jammer (A modern printed circuit board), flip a few switches so it's back to standard mode, and call it a day.
However, while looking at the blood thing, I noticed that they use the old style glass-and-screw fuses, which used to blow all the damned time!
Which explains why there's dead pirates at the bottom of some of them, as they're likely the poor schlobs that had to go and change the fuses and died in the same way I did.
Dec 14 2012, 08:16 PM
With a half-dozen of their "friends" at the bottom, making bets how far up he'll get before he falls - then drawing straws to see who gets to "play spider-man" next!
Dec 14 2012, 09:00 PM
So far no radio towers have done me in. I'll readily admit, though, that I've died more times to wild animals (and a few other falls) than to pirate/mercenary guns. Momma nature in this game ain't no joke!
Dec 15 2012, 06:37 PM
Tigers and Crocs tear me up. It's like all the skins I'm carrying attracts them.
Dec 15 2012, 11:32 PM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Dec 15 2012, 02:37 PM)

Tigers and Crocs tear me up. It's like all the skins I'm carrying attracts them.
As they're still bloody, that's a possibility.
On the bright side, THEIR skins are good lewt! I loves me my Sharkskin Wallet!!!
Feb 22 2013, 11:21 PM
Finally got to beat the game. Damn, but it makes you break the Bro Code in so many ways!
Feb 27 2013, 08:02 AM
Let me start by saying… I'm normally NOT an FPS player. Fallout 3 started me on a psudo-FPS run. I then turned my attention to Skyrim, now to Borderlands and Borderlands 2. BL and BL2's comedy factor is really what pulled me to them, the gameplay is actually holding me.
So now the question… Do you think Far Cry 3 would be a game for a non-twitch player?
Thanks all,
Feb 27 2013, 08:05 AM
It's a good stealth game that you can play as a FPS, and the upgrading system is excellent. My family loved the "Tatau" growing on the protagonist's arm!
Feb 27 2013, 10:37 AM
I'm not a good "twitch" player.
But with silenced weapons, including silenced sniper rifles ...? Yeah. Pwnage did occur.
It was quite fun creeping up on an outpost, finding a good overlook with useful sight lines, spending some time observing patrol / movement patterns, and then ... one by one by one, snipe-snipe-snipe-snipe, down the guards went. If anyone sooner than the second-to-last guy even realised something was going on, I counted it as a botched effort, hahaha! (Well, unless I went after the lock on an animal cage, of course, but then, they're all focussed on the WRONG "something going on", ha!!)
Be aware that there are some bits of content that might be uncomfortable for some players. I had a hard time with one scene - can't tell you MUCH, it'd be a huge spoiler - but you wind up having to torture someone, who IMO looks like he's only fifteen-ish (even though all logic says 17+, probably 19+ ... dammit, he LOOKS and SOUNDS like he's just a kid). That one, I had to walk away from the game for a couple days, no lie.
So ... fair warning. Buckle up for a rough ride. A damned GOOD one ... but rough, too.
Feb 27 2013, 06:16 PM
Yeah, take out the alarm boxes with a suppressed sniper rifle, then open up a tiger or bear cage and just let the animal do the work for you. Instant Karma as the Pirates/Privateers were planning nasty things to said animal to begin with! And watching them through the scope as they look around in surprise when the box they went to has a 1/2 inch hole in it... Priceless!
But, yes, it does deal with the question "Who is the monster here? What is insanity? How far can you trust even your own perceptions?", especially in the "Boss Fights"!
Also, drug trips.
Mar 1 2013, 02:55 AM
Thanks guys. I may be putting FC3 on my plate after BL2 is all played out.
Mar 18 2013, 08:00 AM
Downside to the multiplayer co-op games is that I can't control which game I'm joining online... I wish I could. I keep getting stuck on the same ones.
Mar 18 2013, 06:45 PM
I just found out the other day about the latest (console) update, which opens up the option of resetting the map; all the strongholds/outposts go bad guy again, ripe for the plucking. Enemy patrols continue, etc, etc.
I so love it.
I'd basically given up on the game once I beat it, because -- sure -- it was still an open sandbox thing, but it was all friendly. I'd conquered the islands as part of my job, so I could run around and hang glide and shit, I guess, but there wasn't anyone to fight.
This way, I'm good to go. I've got all my hard-earned levels and special abilities, but the whole map's hostile and there's some conflict and tension again. I loved taking outposts more than any other aspect of the game (they were great little knots of stealth and violence), and now I can do it over and over again (while still having the occasional "woah shit!" moment when a jeep full of baddies rolls up while I'm on the road).
That option existing basically dusted the game off and gave it a second chance, for me. I likely never would've played it again.
Mar 18 2013, 09:43 PM
Jeeps are great magnets for my RPG-7.
Nov 19 2014, 04:06 PM
Apologies for the necro. I just bought FC3. So far, I'm pretty impressed. It's like they mixed the best bits of Far Cry with the best bits of Crysis.
Nov 20 2014, 05:43 PM
Is there any point at which night-vision goggles or, I dunno, a flashlight become available in this game?
Wounded Ronin
Nov 20 2014, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 27 2013, 02:16 PM)

Yeah, take out the alarm boxes with a suppressed sniper rifle, then open up a tiger or bear cage and just let the animal do the work for you. Instant Karma as the Pirates/Privateers were planning nasty things to said animal to begin with! And watching them through the scope as they look around in surprise when the box they went to has a 1/2 inch hole in it... Priceless!
But, yes, it does deal with the question "Who is the monster here? What is insanity? How far can you trust even your own perceptions?", especially in the "Boss Fights"!
Also, drug trips.

Sounds like Apocalypse Now. I will have to see if I can play when I get the opportunity.
Nov 21 2014, 08:57 AM
My PS3 broke and I lost my save game. Not bothered starting again. The Co-op multi-player is good, if you've got someone to play with.
Nov 23 2014, 05:55 AM
Do sidequests count toward unlocking skills? I've got three skill points saved up, but every skill I haven't already bought is locked, with the message, "Complete more missions to unlock." I've done six or eight missions, but nothing is unlocking.