First off, Euphoria. Does it have stats anywhere, or is it just handwaved as the character being in a great mood? It's mentioned tangentially for certain drugs, but always as being a brief effect, and I can't seem to figure out if it has any actual in-game effect. The big reason I'm asking is that Renfield lasts for a full week, so it'd be a little weird if that meant a user was constantly giddy no matter what during that time.
Secondly, once Addicted, the user gains the Carrier negative quality for HMHVV I, which makes sense thematically, but when I look at the rules for Carrier it gets wonky. Emphasis on the parts that I'm having trouble with.
QUOTE ("Running Wild @ p. 68")
"The character is HMHVV-positive, but not one of the Infected, or one of the Infected but carrying multiple strains. Her bodily fluids carry a virus that she cannot express—such as a human carrying the retrovirus that creates Fomóraig—which the character can pass on to others. Only one of the Infected with the Infection power can become a carrier for a retrovirus that is only spread via the Infection power."
So... how does this work if a Vampire makes a human into their vampiric pawn?
They take Renfield and become addicted, becoming a carrier of HMHVV I. But you're only a carrier if you can't express the virus, and humans can express HMHVV I, so...? And then HMHVV I is only spread via the Infection power, but the human pawn isn't an Infected with the Infection power, so again, they can't be a carrier...? And the major downside of being a carrier is that you can pass the virus on, except that as a mere human you can't pass the virus on, because you don't have the Infection power to spread it with...? And the mechanical effect this has in terms of game systems is that you lose 2 dice on Social tests with metahumans and sasquatches who know you are a carrier, presumably because you are frightening as a potential vector for infection... except that you aren't because you don't have the Infection power and can't spread the virus which you can't be a carrier for but which you are?
What the hell is going on here?
Third. How does the "Addiction" work? I get the Addiction Test threshold of 3. So you can theoretically just take Renfield for the beneficial effects, and if you manage to beat the tests, never get addicted. But you're kind of supposed to get addicted, since the only real way to get a hold of the drug is from a willing Infected, and since the entire point of the drug is to give them a stable supply of Essence, and since it costs them Essence to create it (which they get back from feeding off of the excess Essence you receive from the Renfield). You basically can't get the stuff unless you're in a symbiotic relationship with an Infected who needs the spare Essence, so NOT being addicted isn't really an option.
I suppose the more important question is this - can you get rid of the addiction? If you go cold turkey and tough it out, what happens? Do you lose the negative qualities (Carrier, Dietary Requirement: Renfield, Essence Loss) that you gained when you first became addicted? Do you keep them, but no longer suffer addiction cravings? And what about the Essence gains? I assume that you don't actually gain Essence from Renfield until you are "addicted" and transform into a full fledged pawn, but if you kick the habit (and especially if you keep the Essence Loss), can you still gain fresh Essence from taking more Renfield without actually becoming addicted again?
Back to cravings for a moment. The frequency of cravings for the various levels of the Addiction negative quality is clearly tuned for ordinary drugs with short durations measured in mere hours or minutes, not days. The only other drugs with comparable durations are Longhaul and Oxygenated Flourocarbons, and those both have special rules for overdosing. I dunno. It just doesn't make any damn sense to suffer cravings for a drug that is currently in effect. How can you be jonesing for a fix while you're actively high on one?
How should this be handled? Custom craving frequencies per GM fiat? Or perhaps only apply cravings when the character is between fixes? The latter option seems simpler and flat out more logical to me, and it makes it much more reasonable to imagine vampiric thralls who live with their masters longterm (thanks to Immunity: Age) and with a decent body and willpower aren't utterly ravaged by the effects of addiction.
Fourth, and I think finally...
Can a human vampiric pawn later become a full fledged vampire? Do they lose the Addiction to Renfield if they do, as well as the negative qualities that addiction imposes? For that matter, can other Infected benefit from Renfield? A Renfield empowered ghoul sounds interesting enough, but what about Special Infected? Can two vampires mutually addict each other, feeding off each other? There's absolutely no mention of any limitations as to whom Renfield may affect, after all.