Are the fey a collection of sapient critters or spirits? Running wild has them as if the many types are spirits , while Runners Companion has the pixie as an actual sapient critter race. Both descriptions have Vanishing as a power that allows them to go some where in the metaplanes independent of the normal astral travel a earth or fire spirit would use. The reason I am asking is that if they are spirits as depicted in Running Wild then banishing attempts should work as normal. If they are a collection of sapient critter species with an ability to travel the metaplanes than banishing and binding should not work. Folk lore would seem to indicate that the Fey are not spirits as depicted in Shadowrun but a flesh and blood species that travels "underhill" to reach the mortal realms. Traveling "underhill" could be astral travel but for the fact legends abound of normal human travelers finding their way into the realm of farie.
As an aside, if the Fey are Sapient Critters the Immortal Elves (Hate them or love them) could infact be High Fey and not Elves that figured out how to make themselves immortal. THis would make more sense to me from a purely fluff point.