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Is the Ares Screech Sonic Beam Rifle audible to non-targets? If so, can you use a Silencer? biggrin.gif

It is to dogs?
Well I know current LRADs are audible to non-targets, but LRADs are much larger weapons with far less focused beams striking a much wider area. Not sure just how tight a sonic beam the Screech would have, and whether firing it off will draw attention from those not being fired upon.

I'm not as knowledgeable about sound waves as I am other fields, but based of the description, its one of two things.

First, its High frequency and still within the range of human hearing in which case the target would hear it very loudly but would still be audible to everyone else since some of the soundwaves would scatter off of the target, giving you echos essentially. Also, if your the target, you don't hear anymore and this weapon would be banned under international law.

Second, its Higher than what humans can hear, in which case, the target isn't going to hear it, the user is going to possibly hear the peak discharge battery discharging, and anyone standing by will be completely unaware until the target suddenly doubles over in pain. In fact, the only sound the target is likely to hear is himself throwing up his boot along with the peas he ate when he was 6.

I'm more inclined to think its the second.
QUOTE (Umidori @ Jan 28 2013, 04:38 PM) *
Well I know current LRADs are audible to non-targets, but LRADs are much larger weapons with far less focused beams striking a much wider area. Not sure just how tight a sonic beam the Screech would have, and whether firing it off will draw attention from those not being fired upon.


well, LRADs are a little different...since an LRAD is really just a delivery system for really loud sounds or sound over a long range, whether its music, PA announcments, or damaging tones.
QUOTE (ZeroPoint @ Jan 28 2013, 03:41 PM) *
Second, its Higher than what humans can hear, in which case, the target isn't going to hear it, the user is going to possibly hear the peak discharge battery discharging, and anyone standing by will be completely unaware until the target suddenly doubles over in pain. In fact, the only sound the target is likely to hear is himself throwing up his boot along with the peas he ate when he was 6.
This sounds reasonable. Presumably, however, someone with High Frequency Hearing would be able to hear the weapon being discharged (and presumably suffer more from being struck by it).

Every time I hear of this thing, I get the mental image of every dog in a 4 km radius sitting back on their haunches and howling every time time goes off.

And as a silencer is only of use for a projectile-based weapon, I fear that having such a thing would not be...effective. Try screwing that thing on...

Yes, I suppose you could use a sophisticated reverse-form sound emitter to blanket out the Screecher (Since it's directional, you'd need to reduce splash noise to reduce the, eh, "report") but I would think as a player, it's reduce the Screechs effectiveness (Opposing wave-forms cancelling out the noise) and would mean I get smacked by the GM for being a pain:)

Okay, next few questions then.

How BIG is the Screech? It's a Sonic Beam "Rifle", but that kind of fills a large range of sizes, from compact bullpup designs to traditional long-barrel hunting rifles. Since it operates on Shotgun ranges, should I maybe just consider it about as big as a shotty? I'm curious how much this thing is going to stand out, even if it IS entirely legal to own and carry.

They are SS weapons that cannot be modded for other firing modes, but if I have two of them, and I dual-wield them (suffering the -2 modifier for using a 2 handed firearm in a single hand, and any applicable Off-Hand modifier), I can actually shoot one and then the other without trouble?

And lastly, could I install a Screech as an underbarrel weapon?

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