This is going to be a wee bit in the future, but for my first outing with SR4, I think I'm going to run a game set down in that most magical of places, Horrible Rac-- I mean Tir Tairngire. For now, I just want to brush up on the Tir, since I have played in all of one session that took place down there, and it's not terribly representative of life there. As rough a place as it is for non-elves, I'm pretty sure they don't commonly take people out into the wilderness and hunt them like game whilst toting assault rifles and RPG's.
Which takes us to the point of this post. I would like to know where I can get information on what things are like in the Tir. I would prefer stuff that is current as of 2072, but that's not strictly required. I'm guessing the Tir Tairngire sourcebook would be a good place to start. I've managed to get a quick peek at Sixth World Almanac, and found a little bit there, but not as much as I would like.
Any other books that would be good to browse?