Apr 25 2004, 11:34 AM
-4 (-2 for physical adepts)
This character lacks astral perception, and can never gain it.
Apr 25 2004, 11:43 AM
Interesting, and probably woth more than 4 points (6?) considering what this cuts the character out from (Centering, quickening, seeing invisible people, ETC). Would this affect a character's ability to astrally project?
I'm not sure about applying it to adepts though. Would this block-out their ability to use empathic-sens style powers too? It might be possible but seeing as they actually have to buy the power first (2 Power Points) I think they're gaining enough already by not buying it.
Apr 25 2004, 12:08 PM
Interesting... But I'd put the points cost at 5 for mages in general.
If it rules out powers like Magic Sense and Empathy I'd put the cost at 2 for adepts, otherwise I'd just forbid it for them.
I'd also rule out that it is only perception that is affected - projection can be done normally. This just means that the mage lacks the fine control of keeping his astral body and his physical body aligned.
Dual Natured beings can, of course, not take the flaw. (unless they also have the blind flaw...make them blind on the astral too).
Apr 25 2004, 12:16 PM
On second thought, since 5 points separate Full and Aspected mages, the cost for this flaw should really be 4 points. After all, for 5 points you give up projection as well as limit your magic in other ways.
Apr 25 2004, 12:16 PM
i priced it as such because, combined with the Blind flaw, it equals the cost of the Blind flaw for a norm. physads don't get as many points for it because, of course, they can just not take astral perception at all, already.
Apr 25 2004, 12:48 PM
QUOTE (snowRaven) |
Dual Natured beings can, of course, not take the flaw. (unless they also have the blind flaw...make them blind on the astral too). |
Why limit it from them? In fact I'd make it worth even more points due to their inability to turn off their dual nature. Even then it might never be taken because of the dangers the dual beings face.
Remember, astral percetion has nothing to do with sight, it is a purely psychic sense. Sight is only a metaphor for mundanes; it's a translation so that mundanes can understand. The use of sight is the metaphor is because it's a mundane's most dominant sense; therefore it's the most comfortable, familiar, and easiest to understand.
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