Apr 25 2004, 10:19 PM
Anyoen got new spell ideas
Heres a few spell ideas I came up with
Mass Control Thoughs - Same as mob mind except it is has the touch range modifier. People are affected in an area around the mage equal to his magic attribute in meters. Drain is +1(S)
Flame Sword - Creates a flaming sword with the Iron and Fire elemental effects. The attack of the Sword is STR + Froce +1 M (also gives +1 reach). Sustained spell +1 power, Physical spell +1 Power, Major enviormental change means base drain of S, Iron elemental effect +1 Drain Level, Fire elemental effect +1 drain level giving it a total drain of +2(D+1). With the self only Modifier -3 Drain levels it brings the drain to +2(M)
Ill be posting more once I finish this 4 page paper that I am taking a much needed break from (What I wouldnt give for a Slay English Teacher spell)
EDIT: The purpose of this thread is not to determine if something is cheesey because that is entirely opinion. The only thing that matters is if it is in cannon.
Apr 25 2004, 10:29 PM
I have a 5 and an 8 page paper, FIVE take-home tests, two weeks of critiques for a poetry workshop course, and about 9 poems to revise for the same class...and I haven't even don't feel bad
What /I/ wouldn't give for a "Slay Psychology Staff" spell.
EDIT: Oh yes, the point...the way I interpret the rules and fluff in the Spell Design chunk of MitS, a lot of the "normal" spells someone might have could be "custom"-designed by them. And it'd be just as easy for you to create a "custom" spell as a book-published spell. The only requirement I'd give is...say...having a Spell Design knowledge skill at at least 1/3 the rating of the highest spell you designed.
Apr 25 2004, 10:43 PM
On Mass Control Thoughts I believe that you cannot by definition have Area effect and Touch Range. They are contradictory. The Area effect is negated by the fact they the mage has to be physically touching them for the spell to work.
On Flame Sword the damage you have there is in absolutely hell no category. Flame aura, which is essentially what the sword has, adds 2 to the power of a melee attack. That's it. The damage would then be off the top of my head Str+2(m).
Your drain there is off too. Assume we start with your base S:
Physical spell +1 power. = +1(S)
Sustained Spell +1 Power = +2(S)
Elemental Effect +1 Drain Level = +2(D)
Elemental Effect +1 Drain Level = +2(D+1)
I would not allow Caster only because this spell has no target, it is creating something. Does the sword only affect the caster? is everyone else immune to it? Caster only is by definition a combination of Very Limited Target, Touch Only, and Voluntary Target. Since this spell physically creates somehting, and it doesnt directly affect any other objects, Very Limited Target and Voluntary Target do not apply. I would allow Touch Range which would mean the object created would appear touching the caster upon creation, which is essentially what you want anyway. That is a -1 to the drain level.
That would leave you with a final drain code of +2(D)
Opinions vary though.
The poster above me made a point, in order to start with a custom spell of this nature I'd make the player have a spell design knowldge skill equal to the force of the spell, and an appropriately rated lodge or hermetic library.
Herald of Verjigorm
Apr 25 2004, 10:49 PM
For minor in character things, yes.
Some such examples:
other elemental effects: water, metal, sand, etc. As aura spells, some are a bit harder to consider.
other targetting categories of health/combat/illusion/detection spell
the self-heal is a favorite for mages who hate their teammates, and "invisibility to trolls" fits with certain characters
I have yet to see a character seriously consider Drekball, the massively elemental area manipulation. I can't find my notes, but I think it was +1(+7 levels) or something so that a 1L had drain near 7D
Apr 25 2004, 11:04 PM
That's actually a really good question. MitS states that in order to create a spell, a character must first have the inspiration. That sorta means you have to get in during game time, because it's something that's roleplayed.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 25 2004, 11:13 PM
Because, as we all know, characters don't exist "Before Creation." History? Backgrounds? Those must just be fluff terms, 'cause there's no way a character could have a past, let alone a past in which they found inspiration for a spell. No sir.
Apr 25 2004, 11:49 PM
Lime have you ever thought of rsponding to a post and giving the same information you just did, but without acting in a derogatory condesceding manner, effectingly insulting the poster by implying he's too stupid to come up with your answer?
You have good information a lot of the time and present it in the worst most inflammatory insulting way I have seen for a long time, and you are fairly consistent at doing so.
Apr 25 2004, 11:55 PM
I just looked it up, and the maximum force of a spell you create is your Design
Apr 26 2004, 12:13 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
On Mass Control Thoughts I believe that you cannot by definition have Area effect and Touch Range. They are contradictory. The Area effect is negated by the fact they the mage has to be physically touching them for the spell to work.
You belive wrongly. P.56 MiTS States that all detection spells have a range of touch so the touch modifier does not apply to them. However several detection spells also have an area affect the spells detect life, detect enemies,detect individual, detect life form, detect magic, and detect object all come to mind. Using these as examples a spell with a touch range and an area affect means the spell affects and area around the caster in meters equal to his magic attribute.
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
On Flame Sword the damage you have there is in absolutely hell no category. Flame aura, which is essentially what the sword has, adds 2 to the power of a melee attack. That's it. The damage would then be off the top of my head Str+2(m). |
Prehaps you missed the part where I said it had a metal effect which means that it has a metal blade surrounded in flame i may have been mistaken about the power that flame aura adds to the attack(thought it was only +1) I gave it STR + force bonus because if it didnt have it there would be no pointin taking it at a higher force than force 1 and the entire point of having different force levels is to make a spell do more damage, have better detection range, heal more boxes of injury, ect....
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
Your drain there is off too. Assume we start with your base S: Physical spell +1 power. = +1(S) Sustained Spell +1 Power = +2(S) Elemental Effect +1 Drain Level = +2(D) Elemental Effect +1 Drain Level = +2(D+1)
I would not allow Caster only because this spell has no target, it is creating something. Does the sword only affect the caster? is everyone else immune to it? Caster only is by definition a combination of Very Limited Target, Touch Only, and Voluntary Target. Since this spell physically creates somehting, and it doesnt directly affect any other objects, Very Limited Target and Voluntary Target do not apply. I would allow Touch Range which would mean the object created would appear touching the caster upon creation, which is essentially what you want anyway. That is a -1 to the drain level.
That would leave you with a final drain code of +2(D) |
Since Caster only is a combination of Very Limited Target, Touch Only, and Voluntary Target lets break down how each could apply to the spell. Starting with touch. The sword could be made to appear in someone elses hand if i touched them and cast the spell. Voluntary target would mean that anyone who didnt want the flame sword could resist and it wouldnt appear int heir hand, and very restricted target would mean that the sword could only be made to appear in a certain persons hand. Ok so caster only would mean The spell can only be cast on the caster and if he drops the sword the spell drops as well. He cannot make the sword appear in anyones hand except for his own. leaving a drain of +2(M)
Apr 26 2004, 12:15 AM
I usually let characters all have one designed item if they want it. I get final approval, but it lets them get a little creative at char. generation. Whether it be a spell, drone, cyberdeck, gun etc. I'll review their design and if I like it, I'll let it in.
Apr 26 2004, 12:27 AM
I tend to avoid "designed" equipment with starting characters. This is mostly due to the fact that new characters I get are new to SR. Fewer problems=good.
I voted "no", for the simple reason that I don't really understand the rules well enough.
And I have to agree with BitBasher on the Clockwork Lime subject.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 26 2004, 12:29 AM
Eh, if you don't like what I have to say, you're more than welcome to pass right over any posts I write.
That aside, I have no problem letting characters start with custom equipment as long as its vital to their concept. If they're just doing it because they have some resources (be they nuyen, spell points, or anything else), then I tend to frown on it. If a concept is outside the standard rules, I'll usually have a player describe what they want it to do and then come up with some rules for it myself.
Apr 26 2004, 12:35 AM
Wow.... drek bolt and drek ball. I feel as though a whole new plane of hermetic existence has been opened. My games are never going to be the same again....
Apr 26 2004, 12:37 AM
Oh, on-thread-- I have played several hermetic and shamanic magical scholar/student type characters. Magic theory/spell design are par for the course. Specialized/unique spells seldom come into play as game-breakers. Rather, they reflect a character's unqiue view on what magic should be used for and how magical goals can be accomplished.
(still fixated) I wonder if the idea of drekiness transcends to the astral....
Apr 26 2004, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (RangerJoe) |
(still fixated) I wonder if the idea of drekiness transcends to the astral.... |
I would have to say yes drekiness could definately transcend to the astral.
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
Eh, if you don't like what I have to say, you're more than welcome to pass right over any posts I write. |
I happen to like what you have to say and how you say it. I find it very amusing
Eyeless Blond
Apr 26 2004, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Since Caster only is a combination of Very Limited Target, Touch Only, and Voluntary Target lets break down how each could apply to the spell. Starting with touch. The sword could be made to appear in someone elses hand if i touched them and cast the spell. Voluntary target would mean that anyone who didnt want the flame sword could resist and it wouldnt appear int heir hand, and very restricted target would mean that the sword could only be made to appear in a certain persons hand. Ok so caster only would mean The spell can only be cast on the caster and if he drops the sword the spell drops as well. He cannot make the sword appear in anyones hand except for his own. leaving a drain of +2(M) |
Yes, well see that's kinda the problem with using those spell design rules to determine whether a spell is "good" or not. IMO those design rules should be used as guidelines, and the best judge of what works is to compare with spells that already exist. Comparing this to other elemental manipulations I'd say the drain is at *least* +2(DL+1) (DL meaning Damage level, of course), plus even more if you want to add Str to the weapon's Power.
Apr 26 2004, 03:31 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Yes, well see that's kinda the problem with using those spell design rules to determine whether a spell is "good" or not. IMO those design rules should be used as guidelines, |
According to MiTS p. 53 FASA used these exact rules to create their spells. We should use their spells as a 'point of reference when creating' our own spells, keeping in mind that they are more that just 'guidelines', they are a specific standard that we should hold ourselves to, just as they did.
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
and the best judge of what works is to compare with spells that already exist. Comparing this to other elemental manipulations I'd say the drain is at *least* +2(DL+1) (DL meaning Damage level, of course), plus even more if you want to add Str to the weapon's Power. |
Im going to assume you are thinking of other spells such as fireball, lightning bolt, and the others like them. Those spells arnt really an accurate example for this spell. Those spells are instant spells that create something such as lightning, acid, or fire to do damage none of which are static objects and use sorcery die to stage up the damage. Creat food would be a better example of this type of spell because it creates a static object. Since this spell creates a sword I looked at other examples of swords and found that most do a damage level of M and power based on str. Ok so this spell creates a static object(a sword) with a flame effect which adds +2 power and also uses a sword skill to stage up the damage. Allowing force to modify power seemed natural because it made it more advantagious to take it at a force higher than 1
But lets do it your way. Making a create flame sword spell with a damage level determined by the caster lets calculate drain.
Elemental effect metal (DL+1)
+Elemental Effect fire (DL+2)
Now add the self only mod (which I explained earlier) (DL-1)
So casting this spell at serious would give you a drain of +2(M)
And I still dont understand how allowing str to increase the power of the sword would affect drain.
And since this spell has a varying drain code and uses spells like fireball as examples extra sucesses could be used to increase the damage level of the attack theoretically increasing it from serious to deadly.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 26 2004, 03:35 AM
Just create it as Flamethrower with the Touch and Elemental Effect: Metal modifiers. They cancel each other out, so the Drain Code is the same as all other non-area effect Elemental Manipulations. The stipulation is that your Sorcery Skill is being used as a Melee Skill instead of a Ranged Combat Skill, and in exchange you also gain the benefits of Elemental Metal.
As a personal modification, I'd say that each point of Reach you wanted this weapon to have should increase the Drain Level by +1 (ala Extended Range). But that's just my opinion.
Apr 26 2004, 03:51 AM
ahh prehaps I should better explain the spell in detail to get rid of all of these silly misunderstandings.
Flame Sword
Target 6
Drain +2(D+1)
Drain with Self Only +2(M)
Type Sustained
Damage Force +2 (M)
Description: THe Flame Sword spell creates a metal sword that has a blade that is surrounded by flame that the target of the spell is immune to. As with all other swords the edged weapon skill or stregnth is used to attack. The sword created grants +1 reach and uses the force of the spell to determine the power of the attack and the flame adds +2 to the attack as well. Every two net sucesses will raise the power of the attack by one to a maximum of twice the spells force.
Example: Joe mage casts a force 6 Flame sword with the self only mod. He has a 6 willpower, str 2, sorcery 6 and 6 spell pool. Using 10 die he gets 2 successes so his sword will have a power of +7(force+1)+2(flame effect) totaling 9(M). He resists 5(M) drain with 8 die and generates 3 succeses. Joe takes a light stun wound.
EDIT: after discussing with my GM and determining the absolute ability to cheese this spell i have decided remove the Stregnth modifiers from this spell
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 26 2004, 04:04 AM
Eh, seems a little odd. I still kinda like the idea I came up with. Gives magicians a bit more flexibility, especially those that need or want some means to defend themselves if forced into a melee situation.
Flaming Sword
Type: P · Target: 4 · Duration: S · Drain: +2(Level+2)
This spell conjures forth a flaming blade from the caster's hand imbued with elemental fire and metal. The caster uses Sorcery as their Melee Attack Skill and treat the sword as having a Reach of 1. The primary and secondary effects for both elemental fire and elemental metal are in full effect. Damage is based on the Force and Damage Level of the spell instead of Strength, and it is resisted as an Elemental Manipulation spell. Flaming Sword is otherwise treated as a traditional sword used in melee combat.
Design Notes: Flamethrower with Sustained Spell (+1 Power), Elemental Effect: Metal (+1 Drain Level), Extended Range: Reach 1 (+1 Drain Level), Touch Range (-1 Drain Level).
I can easily see someone scoring a Sustaining Focus in the form of a swordsman's glove, too. Star Wars junkies might want to change it to Elemental Light instead, dropping the Drain Code to +1(Level+1) and using only the Elemental Light effects. Naturally, a bastardized flashlight "hilt" would be the sustaining focus or maybe combo sustaining/specific spell focus. It'd then be renamed Light Sabre, of course.
Hmm. I've been wanting to design a Templar magician for a while now... this spell kind of has me thinking about doing that very thing. Thanks for the inspiration, Joker.
Apr 26 2004, 04:31 AM
Actually since that spell is both sustained and physical it would be +2(DL+2)
EDIT: NP the whole flame sword thing isnt really that usefull in combat but its still a pretty neat idea though
Apr 26 2004, 04:35 AM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
Eh, if you don't like what I have to say, you're more than welcome to pass right over any posts I write. |
What a wonderful way to behave. Deny all responsibility of your actions on the basis people are free to ignore you. That's a cheap cop out for feeling artificially superior by making others smaller. I have no problem with you being an asshole in your daily activities, but if you're going to post on a forum, whose entire concept revolves around lots of people socializing and communicating, you'd best apply manners to your posts. And if you don't agree with that, YOU're free to go talk to a wall.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 26 2004, 05:02 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Actually since that spell is both sustained and physical it would be +2(DL+2) |
Oh that's right, I left off the Sustained modifier. My mistake. I'll edit that in real quick just so I won't forget if I reference the thread again.
Apr 26 2004, 07:00 AM
I let characters start off with custom spells, no problem. I assume that at some point in the past their character had access to a spell formula for that spell, and they learned it. Just like every other spell in their spell list. Of course, I only allow spells that fit my understanding of the Shadowrun world.
An example spell might be "Treat 3, ELF only, Line of Sight".
I treat the Spells in the books as representative samples of the awesome variety of spells available in the Shadowrun World, and don't limit new characters to just those spells.
Apr 26 2004, 10:40 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Mass Control Thoughs - Same as mob mind except it is has the touch range modifier. People are affected in an area around the mage equal to his magic attribute in meters. Drain is +1(S) |
Okay, your example of detection spells as touch range/area effect spells isn't valid for a control manipulation. The detection spell grants the subject of the spell a new sense - everyone within the area of effect is a target of that sense.
Your spell doesn't do anything differently than the Mob Mind spell, really, because there is no subject of the spell apart from the caster. You cannot cast the spell to make anyone else control these people's minds. The targets are in the area of effect.
In effect, you are trying to bend the rules to get lower drain, something which is highly discouraged by the MiTS spell design section.
Flame Sword - Creates a flaming sword with the Iron and Fire elemental effects. The attack of the Sword is STR + Froce +1 M (also gives +1 reach). Sustained spell +1 power, Physical spell +1 Power, Major enviormental change means base drain of S, Iron elemental effect +1 Drain Level, Fire elemental effect +1 drain level giving it a total drain of +2(D+1). With the self only Modifier -3 Drain levels it brings the drain to +2(M) |
As has been pointed out, the Caster Only modifier doesn't stick, neither does the damage code really.
Caster Only: If the spell transformed the target into a sword, then yes, this applies. If it trandformed an object he was holding, then yes. But this spell creates something totally independent of the caster, and so there is no target of the spell. The Touch modifier is the only one that could apply since you have to touch someone with the sword to damage them.
Damage Code: Flame Aura adds +2 to power, and that is the spell most similar to this. Personally, I'd go for creating a Str+4(damage level) sword with this, alternatively a Force+2(damage level) spell with Iron and Fire elemental effects. The drain would thus be: +2(Damage level+1). I'd either go for a spell fixed at a certain damage level, or do the following: L damage = knife w/0 reach, M damage = sword w/+1 reach, S damage = claymore w/+2 reach. Since no sword type comes with a base damage of Deadly, I'd simply disallow it, or create a monster sword of D damage level and +3 Reach that can only be used twohanded by the largest of trolls (like cyclops and giants) - this sword would be something like 2.5-3 meters long.
I'll break the spell down: base drain = Damage Level (It's an elemental manipulation), +2 drain levels for 2 elemental effects (one giving base damage, the other adding an aura that gives a +2 power), +1 Power for Sustained spell, +1 Power for Physical Spell, -1 drain level for Touch range(simply to make it less impacting than the ranged elemental manipulations).
This sword cannot be given away - it remains in the casters hand, and you must use the approperiate skill to 'touch' the target.
Apr 26 2004, 10:53 AM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
What a wonderful way to behave. Deny all responsibility of your actions on the basis people are free to ignore you.
He denied nothing; Lime implicitly owned up to the fact that his posts are offensive to some people by suggesting avoiding them.
As for posting behaviors in a public forum, the requirements of these forums are listed under Guidelines. Being a sarcastic snot is not forbidden, which leads to Lime's legitimate (IMO) point: if you don't like it, don't read it. (Similar theories applying to TV, radio, etc.: if you don't like the material, skip past it.)
That's actually a really good question. MitS states that in order to create a spell, a character must first have the inspiration. That sorta means you have to get in during game time, because it's something that's roleplayed. |
And while Lime was unnecessarily sarcastic in his reply to your first post, he had another point: characters do, in theory, have lives before the first gaming session they are involved in. They are quite capable of being inspired before roleplaying begins.
Apr 26 2004, 05:21 PM
The whole thing about their not being a target for the spell is up to opinion. You say no but my GM and I say yes. That part is up to the GM however both my GM and I have decided that the self only modifier would work with the spell. I rolled the die and a troll physical mage could do something like 21 D+5 as a starting character with the spell that added stregnth and force modifiers. It is because of this that we agreed not to allow this spell into game play, while it is canon it is to easily pimpable.
15 STR
edged weapons skill specilization in Cheesey sword spell(i remaned it) 5/7
Physad power increase combat skill level 5
Magical power 1
increase STR 5
6 combat pool
18 Die TN 3 (+2 reach reduced to +1 with focus concentration)
Base damage of 21(M) is upgraded to 21(D+5) with seven sucesses
EDIT: one point of reach comes from being a troll and the other comes from the spell itself.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 26 2004, 05:25 PM
I'd just like to point out that my variation is far more close to canon material than yours, and it doesn't seem to be unbalanced whatsoever. It just lets you use an elemental manipulation in melee situations instead of munching out with insane Reach modifiers and damage codes that, honestly, has no basis in canon spells or spell design whatosever.
Apr 26 2004, 05:48 PM
Ok here is a revised version of the spell I was mulling over it this morning in my 8:30 class and i decided that the spell could use a little more work. How does this sound im dropping the flame thing and adding the light elemental effect(your lightsabre idea just seemed to cool to pass up)
Light Sabre
Target 6(TN 4 is just to low for a spell that creates a solid object Physical barrier and create food are examples)
Drain +2(DL+2)
Drain With touch Modifier +2(DL+1)
Drain with Self only +2(DL-1) (GM option to allow or not so if you dont like it then dont allow it)
Damage STR + Force (DL)
The Iron elemental effect gives the sword a solid form that by itself would do STR (M). Add light elemental effect similar to laser and you get a varying damage code and a Power augmented by force. The laser by itself would have a Varying damage code and foce modifiers but since it is not solid it wouldnt have stregnth modifiers for example it could not be used for blocking because the solid object would pass right through it. Combining the two elemental effects give you a iron sword that is surrounded by light(kinda like laser). After casting and resisting drain you use the edged weapon skill to attack with. Not sorcery because using sorcery to wield a physical weapon is not cannon.
P.S. (allowing this spell to add +1 Reach is up to the GM)
Well theirs my .02
so im off to my art class
(i hate art)
Neon Tiger
Apr 26 2004, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Ok here is a revised version of the spell I was mulling over it this morning in my 8:30 class and i decided that the spell could use a little more work. How does this sound im dropping the flame thing and adding the light elemental effect(your lightsabre idea just seemed to cool to pass up)
Light Sabre
Target 6(TN 4 is just to low for a spell that creates a solid object Physical barrier and create food are examples)
Drain +2(DL+2) Drain With touch Modifier +2(DL+1) Drain with Self only +2(DL-1) (GM option to allow or not so if you dont like it then dont allow it) Damage STR + Force (DL)
The Iron elemental effect gives the sword a solid form that by itself would do STR (M). Add light elemental effect similar to laser and you get a varying damage code and a Power augmented by force. The laser by itself would have a Varying damage code and foce modifiers but since it is not solid it wouldnt have stregnth modifiers for example it could not be used for blocking because the solid object would pass right through it. Combining the two elemental effects give you a iron sword that is surrounded by light(kinda like laser). After casting and resisting drain you use the edged weapon skill to attack with. Not sorcery because using sorcery to wield a physical weapon is not cannon.
P.S. (allowing this spell to add +1 Reach is up to the GM) Well theirs my .02 so im off to my art class (i hate art) |
Something like that was once discussed
here. Near the end of second page.
Apr 26 2004, 08:02 PM
Well if your GM says 'go' for Caster only, then it's a-okay in his games. I am still iffy on whether that can be considered canon or not. Especially since the wording on 'Caster Only' is "A spell that affects only its caster receives this modifier, which includes..." So if the sword only can affect the caster, then sure - if only the caster can use it, then something odd happens... if it's an actual physical sword, then it doesn't make sense that no one else can wield it...
For a caster only sword I'd go with something like growing a blade out of his arm instead - no one else can use it, you get a Threshold of half Body as per all transformation spells, and you use CyberImplant Combat skill to use it most likely.
Apr 26 2004, 08:05 PM
I would play it as the sword can only be sustained while touching the casters body. If the sword is dropped the spell drops as well
Apr 26 2004, 08:24 PM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Ok here is a revised version of the spell I was mulling over it this morning in my 8:30 class and i decided that the spell could use a little more work. How does this sound im dropping the flame thing and adding the light elemental effect(your lightsabre idea just seemed to cool to pass up)
Light Sabre
Target 6(TN 4 is just to low for a spell that creates a solid object Physical barrier and create food are examples)
Drain +2(DL+2) Drain With touch Modifier +2(DL+1) Drain with Self only +2(DL-1) (GM option to allow or not so if you dont like it then dont allow it) Damage STR + Force (DL)
The Iron elemental effect gives the sword a solid form that by itself would do STR (M). Add light elemental effect similar to laser and you get a varying damage code and a Power augmented by force. The laser by itself would have a Varying damage code and foce modifiers but since it is not solid it wouldnt have stregnth modifiers for example it could not be used for blocking because the solid object would pass right through it. Combining the two elemental effects give you a iron sword that is surrounded by light(kinda like laser). After casting and resisting drain you use the edged weapon skill to attack with. Not sorcery because using sorcery to wield a physical weapon is not cannon.
P.S. (allowing this spell to add +1 Reach is up to the GM) Well theirs my .02 so im off to my art class (i hate art) |
Here's the version I wrote;
The spell basically combines the elemental effects of fire and light. The plasma effect causes items to resist at half their normal value. One could have a lightsabre hilt that acts as sustaining foci.
The color of the blade is decided in the formula.
Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Target: 6
Duration: Sustained
Drain: +2 (Damage Level +2)
Category: Manipulation
Apr 26 2004, 08:35 PM
umm what kind of damage does it do
Apr 26 2004, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Joker9125 @ Apr 26 2004, 10:05 PM) |
I would play it as the sword can only be sustained while touching the casters body. If the sword is dropped the spell drops as well |
That would indeed do the trick, and is the best explanation (imo) if you allow it in your games, but there is no canon support for that interpretation.
I still like the basic spell idea though; whether as a slightly off-canon damaging manipulation (off canon in that there is no precedence for a 'touch' range elemental manip.), as a transformation manipulation creating a new bodypart, or as the basic spell - just without 'caster only'.
Not criticising your idea, just pointing out the non-canon parts, as I see them - no offense I hope
Edit: And hazarding a guess at Reaver's lightsabre, I'd say Force(Damage Level) with light and fire elemental effects, as an elemental manip should.
Apr 27 2004, 12:01 AM
Would you allow a caster only physical barrier?
Apr 27 2004, 12:25 AM
Apr 27 2004, 12:55 AM
Would you allow a caster only physical barrier? |
A physical barrier that only affects the caster? sure why not, a bit silly if you ask me.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 27 2004, 01:13 AM
I think that's the part of Caster Only he's missing. Caster Only means the effect only affects the Caster. It doesn't mean he's the only one who can cast it.
A flaming sword with Caster Only means it's only going to hurt the caster. It doesn't mean he's the only one who can weild it. That's why you never see any damaging spells with Caster Only outside of a magical S&M bar.
Kanada Ten
Apr 27 2004, 01:20 AM
Flame Aura could be made Caster Only, in which case it would still hurt those who attacked the caster, but it could only be cast around him or her. I think that his argument it that Flame Sword is an extension of the Caster or subject body. I could see a Caster Only version - no reach, the Caster appears covered in molten lava, elemental effects of Fire and Iron.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 27 2004, 01:36 AM
Right, because Flame Aura affects the target. The +2 Power is a side-effect of the main effect which is to protect the target by setting his aura of fire.
But I guess that's what he's trying to do here; create a spell that simply makes a sword appear out of nowhere and imbues it with elemental flame. That's just a really awkward and clumsy way of handing such a spell, though. But I guess it's acceptable if the GM goes for it. Seems a waste, though. A touch-range elemental manipulation spell is a lot simpler and lets you use a single Skill for both the casting and the weilding, whereas his requires at least two skills.
But oh well.
Honestly, the easiest thing to do would be to create a Flame Aura variant that simply ignites a normal weapon into a flaming weapon. It'd be identical to Flame Aura except with a -1 Drain Level (Very Restricted Target). The results would be the same, though; a +2 to Power and the primary and secondary effects of Elemental Fire. If he wanted the effects of Metal, he could add those in, too.
The biggest problem with the spell is that it creates a sword, as opposed to transforms one (of which Flame Aura is; a transformation manipulation... if memory serves that is).
Kanada Ten
Apr 27 2004, 02:41 AM
I really like Lava Aura, it goes good with the toxic Phoenix archenemy of a fire fighter sorcerer with Water Aura. Humm... Lava Bast, Magma Stream, Fire from Heaven...
I cast invisibility on the fire!
Invisibility on the FIRE!
Apr 27 2004, 05:21 AM
The fact still remains that it is cannon to be able to create a all iron sword(one element menas all the atoms are the same). Look at it this way. Take create food as an example I cannot think of a single food that isnt extremely complex in chemical somposition no matter how bland or horrible it tastes. The fact is that that in order for a food to sustain life it has to be made up of an incredibly complex chain of atoms. Now lets look at an all Iron sword. Its all iron which means it has an exremely simply chemical makeup of pure iron which is basically steel. Now look at ever other single sword in the game. Most do a damage around Str (M) and require a edged weapons skill to use. Look at the light elemental effect it can have a varying drain code and a power based on its force like at laser. Page 56 MiTS states that spells CAN have more than one elemental effect. Yes A sword with a both stregnth and force modifiers can be easily cheezed, but it is within the cannon rules
And as far as using sorcery die for the melee attack goes. Their is absolutely no precident for that in cannon.
The caster only thing is up to the GM as i said earlier my GM allows it so its ok in the games i play not that i would ever use it because its so horribly pimpable.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 27 2004, 05:37 AM
Joker, the problem with your spell wasn't so much that it created it a sword. It wasn't so much that you applied Fire and Metal effects to it. It was everything else you threw into it. Especially the insane damage code and Reach you added.
A spell to create a sword would do just that; create a sword. (STR+1)M. Reach 1. Elemental Metal and Fire would add the Primary and Secondary effects to that. That's all. There's no way it would cause someone to do whatever that insane damage code you listed earlier was doing.
Apr 27 2004, 05:43 AM
Ok ill buy that. So create sword would do Str+1(M) +1 reach. with the appropiate elemental effects like flame adding +2 power, laser bypassing armor more efficently, or a combination of the two. I never added anything over +1 reach to the spell. the reach +2 reach modifier in the troll example was because trolls get +1 natural reach and the sword added +1 reach. 1+1=2.
EDIT: the insane damge code was because the user was a troll physical mage that had something like a 15 str. and had a -1 target modifier because she had focused concentrataion +1 for a sustained spell and -1 TN for the reach of the sword 1-1=0 plus the +1 reach for being a troll. The spell was origionally intended for Jo Anymage with a Str of 2 or 3 that was forced into a melee situation.
So the sword was intended to have a damage code around +2(STR)+8(M) = 10(M)
But the spell as it was, was to horribly pimpable.
I agree that the damage code was high and for that reason needed some serious restrictions, but the point i was trying to make was that its not outside the realm of the rules
Apr 28 2004, 08:51 PM
I agree with you Joker - it's not outside the realm of the rules, except for the 'Caster Only' part. But that can be accomplished too by either making it an 'iron and fire' aura as per the lava suggestion above, or a transformation that changes your hand into a blade (which changes the skill used to CyberImplant Combat, in my interpretation of the rules)
And your example of create food is only partly correct, since that spell is permanent. Few sustained spells actually create physical matter...
Using Sorcery dice for melee combat isn't outside the rules either - as long as you are on the astral (which would be difficult when you are wielding a Physical Spell Sword methinks...)
Other than that, touch range spells incorporate an unarmed combat test in the casting to actually touch the target.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 28 2004, 08:54 PM
Why is it limited to the astral? Elemental Manipulations already allow you to use Sorcery as a ranged attack skill. A touch-range Elemental Manipulation should allow you to use it as a melee attack skill just as easily.
Apr 28 2004, 10:31 PM
Not exactly. Their is a big difference. with elemental manips you dont even have to move your hands you could have the laser shoot out of your nose, eyes, ears, but, ect.... Now because this spell makes you use a melee attack it would require a melee skill because physical melee combat requires movement of the body like wielding a sword for example.
and im not really sure that elemental manips are treated as ranged attacks....could be wrong but i havent read it in the book
EDIT: yea i knew about the astral combat. Quick question on that topic tough. When fighting on the astral you treat sorcery as a skill so the skill die used dont diminsih in the same way as sorcery right? and are spell pool and astral pool treated as combat pool?
Apr 28 2004, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
QUOTE | Would you allow a caster only physical barrier? |
A physical barrier that only affects the caster? sure why not, a bit silly if you ask me.
Sustained Raincoat. Also keeps splashed mud, etc, from landing on you. Wear your fine clothing in the worst storm with no problem.
(Well, I supose wind still might get through, so maybe not.)
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 29 2004, 02:30 AM
Nope, it would be a Barrier that only keeps the caster out. A "Raincoat" spell would have to be Very Restricted Target (weather).