Feb 1 2014, 06:21 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 8:45 am., Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Zo and Void pull up to the coffee shop within seconds of each other. Three parking spots have been blocked off with pylons, each labelled "Professor Professional Trideo Productions."
Feb 2 2014, 04:26 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 8:00 am, Jovan's home, Tacoma
The inside of Jovan's Lodge is dimly lit by a single old-fashioned hermetic incense candle. When the message comes in, the barely noticeable, supernaturally concealed nosferatu is pacing back and forth across the floor in quiet thought. He nods in assent. Yes, there are some interesting pieces of information to discuss. Oh, and the Professor invited him to breakfast. How cute. Pity that it would be a foolish idea for Jovan to go anywhere out in public, and a suicidal idea to do it during daylight hours. But it is a cute invitation, nonetheless.
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Jovan's voice buzzes in monotone into the earbuds of the team as he hooks up to the group's secure communications channel. <<@team: I am here and ready, but I will not be joining you in person this morning as a matter of course. Let's get on with it.>>
Feb 3 2014, 03:27 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor reconsiders the meeting request, realizing underneath the seemingly innocuous suggestion there was a bit of a tweak to his paranoid teammate. Maybe a peace offering is due.
<<@team: Sorry Jovan. Just assumed you had Alleviate Allergy as a matter of course. Now that I recall how that has been made difficult to find in the Matrix, let me offer to hook you up with someone who can teach you, or write a formula for you. Let me know.>>
Feb 3 2014, 03:02 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Zo parks his bike in one of the parking spaces and walks in. Professor takes a second to realize that Zo is not wearing his gangs colors, and if it wasn't for the fact that Zo was one of the three orks here, and the only that is a patron. Zo joins him at the table.
"Great, ya mean I coulda of done this via da matrix? Dere goes 600 nuyen on my new theads."
<@Team>Um Jovie, haz ya replaced your commlink yet? An do ya know if it is secure?
Feb 3 2014, 07:55 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
<<@team: I'm not sure why you think I would need such a spell, Professor.>> His voice has an almost imperceptible warning quality to it. <<I can assure you that I merely have a strict policy of remote communications only, with very few exceptions. If you absolutely insist that I learn this spell to which you refer, however, then a formula will be quite sufficient for me, as I am an extremely quick study. Hermetic style, if you please.>> His thoughts are going in several directions at once again.
That spell was the next I planned to learn - how fortuitous. Take advantage of this opportunity while it is still present.
Be silent you old fool, be silent, loose lips sink ships and you, our dwarven leader, are about to sink mine.
Did he find out about my digging into the Pertwilling business? Does he know? Is he a double agent?!
All of his information verified smoothly when I researched it tonight. Professor being a double agent seems to have probability of P < 0.1.
Noise to the left. What is it? Oh, merely a rat looking for food. It does not see me in this darkness. I am fine.
Pertwilling was drinking scotch peaty at the Cold Tea, I believe. I will do research into that particular drink. It might be useful information.
Did ZO say something about replacing my commlink and wondering whether it is secure? That is a peculiar thing to hear from him; Oswald was the one always concerned about securing our communications, and ZO prefers just to shoot things full of holes. Why would he ask..
<<@team: ZO. I have received no information regarding any change to the security of our communications. Did something happen to you last night to make you so worried about this?>>
Feb 3 2014, 09:44 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
<<@team: Yep. Come to us Astrally if ya need to avoid the sunlight.>>
Feb 4 2014, 02:52 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void walks up to the coffee shop, no evidence of where his vehicle, if any, is, giving the three reserved parking slots a curious glace as Zo parks in one of them, before trailing in after the other ork, as inobtrusively as someone with his presence can manage. He is wearing a cheap suit and shades, and belatedly fiddles with his trodes and throat mic when he realizes the others are talking on their commlinks, missing the beginning of the online conversation. Why, for ghost's sake, we're all right here... ah, our usual omission. He sits in one of the empty chairs, next to Zo and facing the professor. At least the other muscle - and how stereotypical is that, two ork thugs? - is dressed in a civilized manner, for a change.
<<@team: I see... interesting.>> he subvocalizes. He briefly wonders why their reclusive teammate wants to avoid the sun, but quickly figures he must be a hacker, with their typical aversion to daylight or the outdoors. Loogie is like that, too, if not quite as bad.
Feb 4 2014, 07:42 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Ya guys want anythin?"
Zo sends a quick order to the Barrista to send him a soycaf black, super sized. He casually scans the crowd to gauge any threats.
Feb 9 2014, 04:10 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Zo is taken aback by the slightly snooty reply, "I'm sorry, sir. We only serve real coffee here." Zo replies in the affirmative when asked if that would be satisfactory. Once it comes, and he tastes it, he concedes working with Professor paying the incidentals could be habit forming.
Once feathers are smoothed and victuals underway, he brings discussion around to business. One more check of the white noise device and the group link, and he begins.
"I assume you have all studied the neighbourhood layout I sent you. We can can discuss options and plans, but I want to share with you an unsettling observation I made late yesterday, and ask your opinions. On my way home from a scan of the neighbourhood myself, I noticed a man watching the building from a coffee shop across the street. Very distinctive. Snake patterns in his clothing and a rag doll hanging on his belt. I scanned him astrally but saw nothing magical about him.
"I researched his image in the matrix, and have a better than 95% likelihood of his identity. If I'm right, he is an elf, one Uncle Zola, a runner from New Orleans of considerable magical talent. He is a Voudun magician and has built a reputation fighting shedim in that city. He was last reported working in Los Angeles. I don't know what he is doing here, or why he might be interested in the Spaniard's safehouse.
"Unless, of course, he is working for our opponent. If so, I suspect we are in for a lot of trouble. If what is said about him is true, by himself he would be a formidable opponent for all us. My hope is that our opponent would be wary of employing this man who, by all accounts, does not suffer authority figures well.
Feb 10 2014, 07:36 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void slowly sips at his coffee, something he has not been able to indulge in for a long time. Given the upscale amenities of this place, he has eschewed his usual conscientiously healthy eating habits in favor of a large cup of real coffee, accompanied by a croissant breakfast sandwich that, equally wondrously, has genuine egg, cheese, and bacon in it. It is a meal that nostalgically reminds him of the better days when he was an enforcer for Mr. Biggs, respected as well as feared. But the professor's words bring him out of his introspection. He scowls thoughtfully.
"Hrrrm. Unsettling, yes, yes. More than you might think. I recognize the description. Strangely enough, from a dream. Dreams - normally, I am quick to dismiss them. But the details - a man with a snake motif, and a doll - surely it is not coincidence, no no. So we must assume the worst, that this Uncle Zola knows of us, and is actively working against us. He might be working for the blind man, or the blind man might have done little other than set him against us somehow. After all, Nietzche says 'The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.' Not good. We will have to deal with this voodoo man, putting ourselves at risk for little gain, since he is at best a minion, and more likely a catspaw, for our true enemy. But the danger does not distress me as much as the possibility that our foe is already aware of us, that we have lost the precious advantage of our anonymity."
Feb 10 2014, 07:51 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Zo resists the urge to put a bullet between the barista's eyes...not the barrens in any way shape or form. This is the supposed real stuff? Eh. tastes a bit different. I think I prefer soycaf.
"Void, ya might be jumpin ta conclusions. We don't know who dis freelancer works for an from da sounds of it it could be himself. So dis uncle of yours, ya think he might be tracking dese shedhim thingys? Could da spaniard or one of his crew been one of does things? So dat gives us two more potential killjoys. The other is dat the man is watchin us. But we'll just assume he is aware of our activities.
Back to da original problem though, is the stuf we lookin for paper, plastic or chips?"
Feb 11 2014, 11:43 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor eats as heartily as Void. "It's on a computer. Simple, stand alone and not on the matrix. But booby trapped if you don't know the codes. Which we do.
"Yes, I'm not sure this Uncle Zola is enemy, friend or simply after his own agenda. The dream you had, Void, is interesting. If you can remember, is the location in the dream one you know?"
Feb 12 2014, 06:12 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void concentrates again, getting a slightly distant look on his face. "Yes, I... recall where it was." he gives the professor an intersection on the verge of the Redmond Barrens. "I was... resting nearby. I am familiar with the area, which is probably the only reason I can give you this specific location. Bear in mind, this was where he was in my dream, not necessarily where he really was, if this was a... sending of some kind." Void doesn't voice it, but he is slightly disturbed that a mage could do such a thing to him. Most spellslingers gape at him in shock as their spells fizzle against him.
Feb 12 2014, 02:43 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"So if we iz going to see shedhim, what should we bring to da party to properly greet them? Any of ya know?"
Zo finnishes his bacon, cheese and egg sandwich waitning for any of the others to respond. He orders another one, since it has been a while since he's eaten. Real coffee, not a fan, real food...I could get used ta dis
Feb 13 2014, 02:47 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Jovan is silent for several moments as the rest of the team comments on the news. Silently thinking, internally weighing options and likely explanations. <<@PAN: Pocket Mage, search for 'major archetypes and idolized figures within Voodoo magical tradition.'>> His Pocket Mage Library gently whirs to life on his commlink - the decrepit sensor technology is outdated by almost a decade at the minimum, though its internal database is still up to date. An old and withering code "body" with a razor-sharp database "mind," not entirely unlike their deceased companion Oswald. His comparatively efficient, optics-based commlink complains unhappily about the sensor's old software, spewing forth error message technobabble that means nothing to the book- and magic-oriented hermetic. After about thirty seconds, however, it returns multiple responses to the arcane query. His voice switches into monotonous lecture mode.
<<@team: Magicians are heavily enamored with symbolism and hidden meaning. A substantial portion of a magician's magic is based around the symbolism inherent in reality. This is why hermetics utilize equations in their work to such an extent - the mathematics serve as representations of the underlying symbolism and structure in the universe. If he's skilled and serious about his work, then, a magician will only take on a theme in his work and appearance if it holds a deep meaning for him in his psyche and his magical worldview. So this Uncle Zola must follow a snakelike paradigm in his tradition, a paradigm that he idolizes and by which he has been molded.>> He pauses, as if he is reading something. <<Here we are. "Damballah, father of all Loa spirits in Voodoo thought. Patriarchal serpent divinity, also known as Damballah Wedo, Obatalah, and 'Papa Damballah.'">> He snickers at the ridiculousness of such a name.
<<'Those possessed by Damballah or his spirit followers undulate on the ground to move and only communicate through whistling and hissing noises. Ruler of the mind and intellect. Associated with wisdom, purity, life, benevolence, and innocence' - indeed, that would explain his reputation as a shedim hunter. They are maniacal, twisted, demonic beings if ever there was one; they enjoy destroying life and stealing the bodies of those they kill in a cycle of unethical abomination. They are an entirely separate topic - let us speak of how to prepare ourselves against them later.>>
<<In any case, the only good option to take against this new development is to go around it, so to speak. Ignore this Uncle Zola and complete our task under his nose and in metaphorical broad daylight. We cannot distract him away from the Spaniard's building or pressure him to stay away, as we have no leverage against this houngan. Given what you have said of his abilities, Professor, engaging him in direct combat so as to neutralize him as a threat would be a pointless waste of effort and our lives. He would overpower us too easily, even with our tainted and metaphysically disturbed newcomer.>> His voice becomes more serious and disquieting at the very mention of Void. Evidently his first astral encounter with the ork was a harrowing one.
<<And... I am personally highly uninterested in gaining this exotic magician as an ally. I am perfectly capable of meeting your magical needs without his assistance, and need no houngan trash to help me outsmart this Blind Man. So we must sneak inside the building without drawing Zola's attention. It is as simple as that, and our success will have made the situation with him no worse off.>>
Feb 13 2014, 09:14 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor assesses the comments from his team. "I'm not convinced this person is actively engaged against us. It sounds as if he has had at least two occasions to act aggressively, yet he hasn't done so. I think Jovan is right, that we should proceed towards our original objective. There could be any number of reasons Uncle Zola is interested in the Spaniard's affairs, not the least likely of them being that he may have been looking for a fixer in a new city.
"Of course, vigilance never hurts."
Feb 18 2014, 02:46 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Well, we could always ask what Uncle is up to. Maybe he'z up ta side project an could help us, an us him. Maybe, 2 minutes before da sirens blare an da game starts." Hope these guys get the urban brawl code and pick up on it. Public spaces are great and the white noise generator helps, but you never know who might be tailin us...
Feb 19 2014, 01:28 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:10 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Interesting proposition. Seek him out and find out what he wants. Direct. No nonsense. Dangerous. Just like you, Zo." Professor lifts his coffee mug and salutes Zo.
Feb 19 2014, 05:06 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:10 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void looks blank at Zo's urban brawl reference. Either he has a great poker face, or he's not a game fan. "Hrrm. Interesting, indeed. Risky. Confronting him would make things clearer. Of course, it could also make him react... unpredictably, yes. But I will be there, for any unpleasantness that might happen. Must be careful, though, yes yes. Not sure about an alliance. Especially with someone on a... crusade."
For all his apparent impassivity, Void is getting a bit stressed. The planning phase is so chaotic, people saying and suggesting different things. He always struggles to contribute, usually just agreeing with one person, then the next, that or contenting himself with ambiguous statements. But their employer is leaning towards Zo's course of action, so he offers some lukewarm concurrence. With a bit of a sop thrown to the team's mage, who seems jealous at the possibility of another spellslinger usurping his role on the team. To be honest, Void thinks one mage is enough - the ones he has known have all been strange and eccentric, tolerated only because their talent is rare. Jovan, now, actually seems comparatively rational; he doesn't want to add another mage who plays with snakes and... dollies.
Feb 19 2014, 03:21 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:10 am, Riverside Perk, BellevueArrgh, and deese are da team mates I got....Void--were ya dandelion eater reincarnated as an orc or somethin. Prof, just needs to get out more, hopefully jovie catches on <@team:For those in that need ta remebr da Urban brawl rulz try dis ARO:URBAN BRAWL!!"Well, I always liked the banger position myself. They tend to get in to da thick of it, but unlike da scouts can take a hit or two. Void, ya might be best at da blaster position, so find yerself a nice spot on da map where ya can cover da buildin where da ball is. We might need a medico, but Prof, I am sure you can handle dat end of things. We'll need an outrider as well, but Jovie probably aint da best choice for dat. So um jovie, where do ya intend to be meatspace wize? We should also have all da other players in spirit dat we need. Maye da outrider can locates some office drones ta take the scout position."
Mar 2 2014, 10:48 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:12 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor tents his fingers in front of him. "I see value in both arguments. Given that I saw him near our objective, pretty obviously casing it, we may not be able to avoid him. So we may as well proceed with the extraction of the data and be ready for a complication.
"What do you think of the safehouse and how you might approach it?"
Mar 4 2014, 02:49 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:12 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void looks up from his muttering introspection, mainly trying to make heads or tails of the rules for Urban Brawl. It seems a lot like football to him - a game where a bunch of potbellied human racists get to watch a bunch of musclebound orks and trolls try to kill each other for their entertainment. But time to focus on the task at hand.
"It is not downtown, no no, but still, still, lots of businesses all around. Sneaking is good, but maybe inobtrusive would be better, keep it inconspicuous, concealed, yes. Doesn't look good for sniping - too tight, the quarters are, wouldn't have enough mobility to keep up with people on the ground. Better for me to be in close, ready. I am every bit as much of a killing machine up close, yes indeed. Can spot ambushes, yes, and I have some skill in patching people up."
He doesn't seem to be bothering with coaching anything in Urban Brawl terms, although the nature of urban brawl is such that his dialogue could still fit into a hypothetical conversation about it.
Mar 4 2014, 04:56 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:12 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"I'm guessing dat da interior would only have a few members of da opposing team waitin ta ambush us or none if dey haven't gotten there yet. Worst case scenario is a half dozen of Team shedhimis dere wait'n for us to grab da ball or team Viper. Let's go wit dat as da complication. I am thinking dat Void you go as blaster to cover the entrances an make sure dat nobody else from team viper or team shedhim come an give us problems. We should probably do this with as little noise as possible, don't wanna give da refs a reason ta give us a time out. We also might be able to get da ball wit team viper or team shedhim knowin slot all."
Mar 4 2014, 06:05 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:12 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Jovan is fortunate that the commlink channel cannot pick up the sound of him rubbing his temple and feeling annoyed. <<We have practically no evidence that shedim are involved here, and the Vipers have been pushed violently back by us on two occasions now - they are not so injudicious that they will try to assail us again a mere day after their last attempt. They are 'professionals,' or so they would like to believe. They will not bother us again in the immediate future. In any case, a direct approach is an avenue for which security and Uncle Zola will be on the lookout. We will need a more subtle strategy to get inside - a con of some stripe. Void, you have connections in this area, do you not? Are you able to secure for us a garbage truck, an automated syringe, and three to four liters of chlorine? Do you perhaps have any contacts from whom we could purchase or rent one of those small bug drones I have heard tell about?"
"And Zo, you mentioned that something happened to you this past evening. I need to be aware of all circumstances related to our activities and any other parties which may affect them. What happened to you last night?>>
Mar 5 2014, 08:38 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:12 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Jovie, I aint waitin to find out if tema shedhim is dere or not. Just plannin accordingly. Call it plan b.1. Plan A is sneak in, grab da ball an go for the score. Plan B is go in quietly, trip the expected ambush, or ambush da ambushers...counter ambush?....den grab da ball an go. I am assumin dat team Shedhim or team Viper are going to be dere. Now if it turns out to be team Ares or team Shiawazeee, it don't change how we deal wit dem as opposed ta team viper. Just cause our visually handicapped fella donna tell us what team he's plannin to put us up against. Plan C is that when we ask Uncle which team he's rootin for an find out dat he's part of dat crew. I'll give void da signal to take off his head. Now, plan ZZZ is we all take a dirt nap. Not a fan of plan ZZZ, let's hope we don't get there. As ta ya other question, one of my contacts got compromised, an he was in da same line of work as da spaniard was. Too damn fragging convenient.
Assumption one, da spaniards ops were compromised. So I am assuming every thing connected to em is.
Assumption two, Uncle is most likely working for da blind man. But he might not be. Need more intel on dat one. Could be casing da place just ta see who shows up.
Assumption three, we iz walking inta a trap.
and my final assumption iz dat none of us have matrix security as a profession so our comms are compromised.
If one or none of dese tune out ta be true den I'm callin myself lucky."
Mar 7 2014, 03:39 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:13 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor chimes in, "Remember that Ferret set up our new comms using the quality devices we liberated from the shipment the Vipers wanted. I think we are relatively safe in that regard. At least, anything we have communicated since switching to them. We kept Number Two out of that network. As far as the Vipers go, I suspect they are licking their wounds for the moment.
"And yes, traps seem to be standard operating procedure these days. Cautious approach to the safehouse does seem warranted."
Mar 8 2014, 06:02 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:14 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
<<My point exactly. The Vipers would be complete fools to oppose us again so soon; at this point, we have destroyed four of their helicopters and wiped out at least half of their core team. The balance of probability indicates that they will not trouble us during this operation.>>
The edge of a magician's madness creeps into Jovan's voice, though it is obvious that is filtering his magical explanations into lamen's terms. <<Tell me, Zo, do you know what powerful houngans like this Uncle Zola can do to you? Their spirits can possess your entire body and strip you of all conscious control. As the spirit's mana density increases, its destructive power and resistance to external banishing increases exponentially. If this Uncle Zola is as powerful as I suspect, spirits of 14 manaforces or above on the Langton-Oppenheimer Mana Force scale will be within his reach and likely already bound. Your body cannot handle possession from such a powerful spirit, do you understand? Your flesh will quite literally start steaming from the energy of the spirit's mana, and your very shadow will coil into a nightmarish distortion of a snake. Speaking to Zola in any way during the operation will compromise us, and I will no longer assist you if you choose to do so. Every magician is my enemy until I can control him. So until Zola is no longer a threat to me, I will not permit you to make contact with him.>>
<<Here is our main plan. Zo, you will be posing as a customer within the Snuffy Q's restaurant. Try to dress the part, and locate Uncle Zola if he is still in the area. During your meal, you will go into the men's restroom and lock the door. We will have to prepare an audio track of you violently vomiting or something similar, to play on your commlink to dissuade passerby from coming in. While that is playing, you will have under two minutes to cut a hole in the ceiling and inject a large chlorine sample into the FAB nutrient gel lining the underside of the apartment floor. That will kill the astral bacteria in the gel and create an opening where I can send in an inconspicuous watcher to ascertain whether any shedim or other opposition are waiting for us inside the apartment, which I doubt. That will help keep us from being unpleasantly surprised upon entering. Then you will leave the restaurant and travel down the street in whichever direction Zola happens to be casing the apartment from. I will need you to create a distraction - you're the gang member here, not me, so I will leave the choice of starting a street brawl or causing a crash or something else up to you. Void will walk towards the apartment at that time, and slip through the door while the security guard, Uncle Zola, and any spirits he has on reconnaissance are momentarily distracted. He will get in, cut down any opposition waiting for him, and access the computer terminal. Get all the files off that terminal - if some cannot be copied, then memorize their contents, or simply bring the entire computer with you. Jump out the back window and into our garbage truck that will be picking up garbage in the back alley, and the truck will carry you away safely. I will send Oswald's Rover to pick up Zo after he sneaks away from the distraction. It will be clean, few bystanders will be hurt, and Uncle Zola will be none the wiser.>>
Mar 9 2014, 04:01 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:14 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void, who has not been following Zo's Urban Brawl-themed narrative very well, seems relieved to finally have someone present an actual, substantive plan, and one that doesn't have him cooling his heels as the long gun - a role he normally doesn't mind, but which is spreading their team a bit too thin in his estimation. He only has a few caveats:
"Hrrrm. Well-reasoned, but you might be overestimating my 'connections' around here. I could probably get the chlorine and an injector from them, but a garbage truck? I will talk to a... hacker I know, but don't count it as a done deal by any means. Also, I am confident in my ability to dispatch multiple armed guards if needed, but I am less confident that I will be able to get files from a terminal without triggering something that will erase the data. If it is as simple as hauling a piece of hardware out the window with me, yes, but will it really be that simple?"
Mar 10 2014, 06:27 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Remember," says Professor, "we have the passwords for the computer from Orlando. If you can get to it, you should be able to access or remove it safely."
Mar 10 2014, 01:51 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Null sheen chummer. But why do we need ta be worried about da FAB. In some respects it might help against Uncle should he prove troublesome. It's a trade off I can handle. Also if we cut a hole in da gel, can't da watcher go through dat hole? Again we need ta do some legwork on Uncle before we jump ta any conclusions.
<@ Professor>Watch your six...Jovies got control issues with mages....
Mar 10 2014, 07:47 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor jumps in before Jovan can blow a gasket. "Yes, Zo, that's what the hole is for, to let Jovan's watcher through.
"As far as the security guard goes, according to Orlando he is accustomed to new people coming and going. As long as you have the security code, he should be no problem.
"Jovan, just so the team understands your ... directions ... you will be upset only if they initiate contact with Uncle Zola? If Zo is to create a distraction to draw his attention, Zola may catch on and choose to 'make contact' himself. I assume your plan accounts for that possibility?
My legwork on Zola has come up with all that I have told you. It may be difficult to find out more on short notice. I would begin to be concerned if this data grab took longer than another day or two at the most. I don't think we can count on the Blind Man to remain passive."
<<@Zo:Jovan is extremely cautious. Hardly a fault in this world.>>
Mar 11 2014, 02:51 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue<<@Prof: What's da corpspeak--occupational hazard?
>><<@Roper: Do ya have any intel on a guy from da big Easy named Uncle Zola, supposedly hez on of dem Vodoo types that has a slotting credstick up his ass about shedhim. Need dis information in the next couple of hours.>>
Mar 12 2014, 11:52 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
<<@Zo: This is the way I always speak. Always have. Professor>>
Mar 13 2014, 01:21 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:15 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void nods at the reminder they have the codes, although he still looks thoughtful.
"I think most of my concerns have been addressed. In and out job, hopefully. One thing, though. I will not initiate contact with this... Zola. But I am apparently rather... distinctive, on the astral, yes. So Zo, whatever your distraction is, make it... very creative. Yes, yes."
Mar 13 2014, 02:11 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:14 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Since nobody's picking up on the Urabn Brawl References--dese guys don't ever watch da trid do they??....
<<So when it is team X instead of Team Viper dat shows up ya think dey care. An Team Viper might not be wantin some payback?? Dis plan of yers gots some good point ta it but it seems for a smash an grab there a a few too many movin parts. So I pose as a customer at snuffy Q's? WHy don't you pose as customer at snuffy Q's? Your da mage an can disguise yourself much bett dan I can. You'll also be on site fur once rather than hiden out on da astral. We may need ya dere, since deres alot ya can't do Astral like on da physicial.
Here's da way I'd plan it. Once of us three goes in to snuffy Q's as customer. Another covers da entrance on da street side, the other infiltrates from da back alley. I got two options, sawing in or tryin my hand at locks. If ya got a mag lock sequencer or sombody on tap for da survelliance dat would be great. We don needs our faces plastered all over da trix. I'd hate havin a KE fanclub. Da guy coverin da street is dere ta slow any response down. Dis is were I think Void should be, ya said ya was good with guns, so just delay dem long enough for us ta get away and send Uncle Zola a high caliber meessage if he gets curious or in da way.
Da guy in Snuffy Q's there to try ta git in da easy way. He'll just go up an act like he belong dere. We got a few options for dat, pose as one of da Spaniards soldiers there on orders, a joy toy told ta wait for da big guy, or maybe Miss Johnson. Dis is why I think ya'd be a better choice dan me Jovie. I'm an ork and I might not fit in as well dere as ya might. I also figure you'd have an easier time disguisin yourself dan I would. If ya can make it dere without tipping dem off, go for it--just send us an all clear signal. Ya gots da code to get past the guard or guards--ya can always drop Orlando's name in dere as well. Then ya grab da computer an go out da back where I am covering for ya. We'll try da password once we get to a safehouse and we get someone with matrix expertise to make sure da data don get corrupted nor that da computer don't squeal like a devil rat bein fried alive.
Gots some other questions, what can ya bring ta da table jovie besides spirits and astral recon?
Professor, this job would be much easier if we got ourselves a rigger, who could lay down a drone network ta give us a better idea of what is goin on around us. Perferable one good with drones an could also cover us matrix wise. Its not so much our comms I'm worried about.
Mar 13 2014, 05:04 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:14 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor jumps in again. "The entrance to the safehouse is separate from the eatery. Stairs lead up from the front street, as well as from the back alley. I think the map shows that, but I will endeavour to make the maps clearer from now on. The guard is not an employee of Snuffy Q's, there is just an arrangement with them to allow him on or near their premises anytime they are open.
"I would actually prefer Jovan to be in the background for now. He is a valuable asset best used in his current capacity. Having him physically present would be counterproductive and reduce the service he can provide to the mission."
Fucking walking a thin line politics wherever I go. I thought I left this all behind in Toronto.
"As far as a rigger goes, I'll see what I can do in the future. For now, you three are all we have. A very powerful, useful and creative three I might add."
Mar 14 2014, 01:38 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:14 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Great...three of us, one only in the astral, no matrix support, no drone support, am I gonna have to be drone support? Can Void handle da drones den? We need some drones.....more eyes an ears da better.
<<Ah drek, I thought da front stairs was inside da first floor. Other dan da guard, what's stoppin us from goin in da front door. Did ya see people inside? Cameras? Drones? Gun Emplacements? Spririts? Also do we have any idea wat da layout up there is, if we do try to saw a hole, we don't wanna do it over somethin someone inside might notice. A closet or somethin would be da best spot. Wit out dat info my first choice is ta go through da back ally door, crack it open, let a micro drone go through an a spirit as well.
On da distraction--Prof, could we get our hands on a delivery drone, Four stun grenades wit remote detonation an a flash pack for good measure, an also 3 micro drones to give us a few mor eyes an ears.
Given da bit wit da staircase den, part of me see no need to bother with da restuarant below den. Tryn ta saw into da floor above might or might not work. Don't know if I'll be cuttin through floor board, or reinforced plastcrete, on would take me half a minute, da other would take half an hour. Da roof is a better spot for me or Void to get in ta. De we have some way ta keep da sound down with da hocus pocus? Or is dat out of you league Jovie?
Heres what I'm thinkin. Void, myself, or both of us will be playin on da rooftop or da doorway in da back alley--fewer people look up an easier to hide in. We get ta the location, saw through the roof or pick da lock on da door--if it is a maglock do we have a passcode for it too? Jovie goes through da opening or one of his spirits does an reports back quickly on anything, if clear we grab da ball an go. If we encounter Shedhim in dere--is dere anythin you can do to em from da astral Jovie? Sorry, my expertise on dat is astral is astral and physical is physical. I don't know how much of Karl da COmbat mage is bulldrek other dan da bulldrek of castin fireballs like dey is on autofire. If dere is anybody dere we toss a couple of flash bangs in and go in non-lethal til we know who we are dealin wit. No use slotting some of Orlando's potential friends if we don't need ta.
If durin dis rumbe Uncle decides to take an interest, da delivery drone delivers him a suprise birthday present--a pair of stun grenades. Dat should wake up da neighborhood. On dat note we'd storm da apartment as quickly we can an get da frag out. I'm guessin by da neighborhood, da KE refs would be there in five minutes-three at da earliest. Da three dones one ta watch our backs in da back alley, One ta watch da front and uncle Zola, the third goes in wit da spirit to gives us a bit of recon.
Mar 14 2014, 04:14 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor strokes his chin for a moment. "Anything we could have wanted was available when we sent our wish lists in. Now, I don't think I can come up with anything on short notice. As far as the layout inside, Orlando doesn't know that, but he said that there was no one there inside. It is basically a hideout used for the occasional meeting and planning. Unoccupied otherwise. Everything electronic is protected with self-destruct mechanisms, but we have the codes. And we have the codes for the doors. I really don't see much problem getting inside.
"Orlando doesn't know anything about Uncle Zola, but does know that opponents of the Spaniard will eventually catch on he is gone, and will come looking. So, I think we have a window of relative calm, that could be closing soon."
Mar 14 2014, 07:05 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Funny thought, what if Spaniard or one of his friends was a shedhim.... Anyway if longer we wait da worse it is for us, lets go now and get dis over with. We go by the back door. Jovie provides the recon via da astral. We get in, we get out. If we run in ta anything that tries ta stop us..we'll go non lethal an quiet first since they might be friends of Orlando's. Void ya good wit quiet?"
Mar 15 2014, 07:41 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void's unblinking eyes turn to Zo as he shrugs. "I can be... a ghossst. Yes, yes. But only to mundane eyes."
The shifts in the planning are starting to give him vertigo, although that is not hard to do. Void is not comfortable thinking for himself outside of some narrow areas, despite his comparatively recent neural bioware enhancements. He prefers to let others hash most of the planning out, chiming in only when his areas of expertise are touched upon. He is almost certain, though, that Jovan will have some issues with this rather simplified plan.
Mar 17 2014, 03:51 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Jovan starts to hear his blood pumping in his ears. Insidious anger creeps into his mind and coils itself around his thoughts. Not unlike a Twisted form of the Great Serpent Damballah, he realizes with a touch of irony. He smiles, but it is not the smile of hospitality or humor. His is more like the smile of Stalin, who would converse pleasantly with a man while planning to sign his execution order.
The rat Jovan had noticed before scurries past him, oblivious to the brooding magician standing there in the unknown sewer tunnel. He kicks it. The unfortunate rat is sent flying into a puddle of sewer water a few centimeters deep and, suddenly immobilized, begins to drown.
<<Firstly, on the matter of the Vipers. There will be neither “Team Vipers” nor “Team Shiawase” nor “Team X” waiting to ambush us. Of this I am very confident. Some like to describe me as paranoid, yet even I recognize that there is little reason why any of your little “teams” would be seeking our objective or planning an ambush so soon. It has been eleven hours since the setup that killed the Spaniard, and metahumans are on the whole not nocturnal. Who would know by now that the Spaniard is dead? No one of importance. Even if an important competing party did know by now, they would not be able to act on it so soon. Setting up logistics for an operation like ours takes time. The spirit sent into the apartment first will serve only as a precaution and a way to provide reinforcement to Void if it proves necessary.
Have you forgotten that we are preparing to engage a dangerously brilliant and well-informed opponent? An opponent whose power in no small part comes from being keenly aware of the actions and plans of his enemies? And you are suggesting we turn this task into a “smash-and-grab,” that we make as much distracting noise as possible using high-grade equipment near a building that is likely being watched from all sides by spirits you cannot see. You are suggesting, in essence, that we let the Blind Man know exactly where we are and what we are doing to prepare to oppose him. And I tell you truly, as an intellectual force on par with the Blind Man, that that path will result in our deaths. >>
He continues on, his voice still slightly haughty but relatively calm and pleasant. <<You are evidently experienced in leading low-stakes, run-and-gun operations, Zo. No doubt you are a leader of some kind within your gang and are accustomed to using violence with skill. But you are not the leader of me, and I am not merely “your mage.” My raw intellect is like nothing you have ever seen. Plans with moving parts are my specialty.>> Without warning, his voice suddenly shifts to an almost insane level of intensity and vitriol. <<I am the brains of this operation, I burn my enemies to the ground with my intellect, >> his voice returns immediately to normal, the outburst ending as quickly as it started, <<and you have no hope of defending yourself against the Blind Man without my cognitive abilities. Indeed, Uncle Zola no doubt is more skilled and powerful when it comes to traditional spellcasting and conjuration, to the point where any violent measures you take against him will have no effect, but he is not nearly as intelligent as I am. And that allows me, and by extension all of you, to be one step ahead of him.>>
<<Since it appears that the soundness of my plan is in question, I will elaborate on it. A subtle approach is necessary because we cannot afford to tip off either the Blind Man or Zola about our actions. The Blind Man’s destruction is our puzzle, and puzzles are so very easy when you have the key. But we will lose our advantage if he discovers that we have the key. Moreover, we cannot strong-arm our way into the apartment or escape by simply running away, because Zola has hidden spirits surrounding the building that will see you if you try that approach. If he detects you and aims to get violent, he will likely have his body possessed by a serpent spirit, at which point any effort you make to kill or disable him will be like that of an ant opposing a volcanic eruption. Hence the need to complete the job under the radar, do you see? Violence will not work in this situation.
I will largely not be on site for this job, even in the astral plane. The threat posed to me by Zola is too great. You will not need me on site anyway – my plans go off well without any direct assistance from me. All you need to do is follow my plan, and you will succeed. I will temporarily be in the area astrally in order to send in a spirit quietly and to cleanse the taint from Void’s aura and make him less conspicuous to astral Eyes. I assure you, you will be far better off following my plan than you would be otherwise. If this job goes well, we will make a lot of money and have the key to take down the Blind Man. And, perhaps, the elimination of your gang’s competition through my assistance. Would this… interest you?>>
Mar 18 2014, 05:19 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Zo first impulse is to anger--and for the second time today resisted the urge to shoot someone. Who is dis fragger gettin off sayin I'm wiz do what I say....
Zo sighs deeply, and calms himself down.
"Sorry for my misunderstanding of your brilliant plan Jovie. But first off, I want ta know which is it? Does the blind man know we iz after em or not and does he know what dis computer contains and where it is? If yes ta any of dis, den we should have some eyes an ears to spot for an ambush. If no den we are in an out real fragging quick. Jovie, you're in da best position to do this, since ya can see in da astral or use spirits to do so. Secondly dere are two holes in da plan. 1. We don't know what we need ta get through da floor, da time it takes or how noisy it'll be. I could put a whole in it an take out some wiring an turn off all da lights. 2. Uncle Zola is watchin da place. Don't know his agenda an he might ambush us with magic. Bein da only mage, you're best able ta deal wit dat problem.
An one more thing, your intellect may encopass da vast universe an beyond, but ya don't know drek as ta how things work on da street chummer. On da one hand ya say follow my plan its brilliant, on da other ya say I'm not doin drek all cause I'm a slotting dandelion eater an I'm worried about breakin a nail...Look, Void an I are da ones dat are gonna be puttin out tusker hides on the line during dis job since ya don't want to be dere physically or astrally. So what good are ya? If ya can't help us den stay out of da fragging way. Your not my slotting meat puppet- an I'm not yours. So decide if ya wann help on dis job or not."
Mar 21 2014, 03:43 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:19 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor takes a sip of coffee.
Hmmm. Well, when this team self-destructs, I could always hire another one. That is, if they don't take me down with them.
"Zo has a good point about the material structure of the building. We have no data on that, and it could turn out to be a problem to cut through it.
"I don't see any real way around a first attempt at a door. Do you?"
Mar 21 2014, 01:49 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:19 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
"Wit us havin codes to get in, seems ta me it would be da best an least complicated plan. We just got keep our slottin eye's an ears up for an ambush by a party crasher."
Mar 23 2014, 12:41 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void seems to be observing the friction between Zo and Jovan impassively, despite the flaring tempers. He is leaning towards Zo's plan, which is straightforward. Jovan seems intelligent, to be sure, but how much experience does he have? His convoluted plot seems more like something from a spy trid. He is sure that the volatile mage will have more to say, though. He will let him and Zo hash it out for now. Although he has one small interjection to make.
"Hrrrm. It seems this Zola's presence is the main obstacle. Would it be better if I took him out before we get the package?. He may be invincible if he has a spirit possess him, but surely he doesn't walk around like that all of the time, no? If Jovan were to distract his spirit watchers, I could take out their master. I do have a sniper rifle with excellent range, and a mage is as vulnerable as anyone else, to an attack they don't even see coming. I know this well, yes, yes I do."
Mar 25 2014, 04:00 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Professor answers Void. "When I assensed him, he was possessed."
Mar 30 2014, 06:38 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:18 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Void looks slightly disappointed.
"Back to sneaking, then. I suppose my next question would be how many invisible spirits or meat puppets this voodoo man will have helping him. Entering the safehouse itself seems like it should be fairly simple - it is avoiding detection by Zola that is the main problem. If it is only him and a few other eyes, I could probably get by him, but a distraction, yes, yes, that part of Jovan's plan I agree with. Since from what you other mages seem to think, he laughs at missiles and picks his teeth with dragon bones."
Apr 2 2014, 05:27 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:20 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
These people are going to force me to expose myself. I CANNOT afford to expose myself to a magician like Zola; the results would be catastrophic. The nerve and idiocy of these metahumans! By Ghost, I’m surrounded by goldfish. Someone is going to have to die sooner or later, and under no circumstances will it be me.
Jovan steeples his fingers together in thought. We know that the Blind Man is on to Professor and is playing with him. We know that the Blind Man competed with the Spaniard previously, and had the steel-eyed Ms. Johnson working for him as a mole in the Spaniard's organization. According to Zayne, Ms. Johnson’s tenure under the Spaniard started less than a year ago. So then our last job must have been a test for her to prove herself as a manager. Balance of probability and organizational psychology suggest that she would not have been trusted with high-level information pertaining to the Blind Man so soon. So she may have known of the existence of files on the Blind Man, but likely would not have known where they were located. The Blind Man also needs underlings to verify that Orlando is alive and working with us, and we have been careful enough to stall such surveillance for at least a while. So he shouldn’t know about Orlando, which means that he shouldn’t yet know that we know where to get those files. His thoughts are intermittently broken by homicidal daydreams, which are by now as ordinary to him as having a cup of soycaf. But he keeps himself in check.
<<With the Blind Man, I don’t believe so. He likely knows of the files we are seeking, but I don’t think he knows their location. Not yet, at least. And since he is playing this game with Professor, he has already realized that you and Void are assisting Professor in the game, from footage likely taken by the Viper helicopters before their demise. However, he does not know about me, and I intend to keep it that way for a while longer. As long as we complete this job soon, I suspect that we will be safe from the Blind Man’s interference. We have a window of calm, as Professor put it. The main obstacle we will face here is Zola.>>
Though he is loath to admit it, and though his conscious mind simply refuses to believe it, his subconscious does register that the ganger has a point about the ceiling material. His anger is rising, but his voice does not show it. <<If cutting into the ceiling is too problematic, then we drop it. That component is intended as a safeguard for Void, but it is not crucial to the plan. What is crucial to the plan is distracting Zola without confronting him. That is partly because from Professor’s description and as Void said, I sense that Zola is a very strong magical heavyweight, if you will, with very potent offensive and defensive capabilities. For example, to answer Void’s question, I suspect that he is experienced enough to have at least four bound spirits watching the building, and potentially up to seven spirits with more on call. It is also because his spells and spirits will likely be stronger than my ability to defend you from them, by a large margin. My strengths are in bending others’ minds and in my intellect, both of which almost certainly supersede his. A genius cannot directly defend you from a street samurai’s attack – but he can ensure that you are never attacked in the first place. If I am forced to defend you from his onslaught, I will almost certainly be overwhelmed. This is why we must avoid entering into a confrontation with Zola, and why the distraction is so important. >>
Apr 3 2014, 02:47 PM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:20 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
Mann...finally somethin I can work with. This damed Jovie might be useful after all. Mind controll...crap no wonder he's so slotting strung up about his abilities. People don't like ta consider da thought of bein mind fragged. Some prefer death to dat.....still don't explain why he's so paranoid. Might be he gots somethin else ta hide.
"Jovie, if da thought of bein dere yerslf is a fragging no go. I think we can use some of yer talents with meta remote control." Zo stifles a laugh. I'd wonder what Uncle Zolas reaction would be ta a bunch of squatter kids distractin him from his primary task. Not flashy or immediately life threatening--just annoying enough ta keep him busy while Void goes in da back. I'll cover da rear alley an watch for an ambush dere. We do this durin the day, so if Uncle wants ta do somethin he'll have ta try an keep it low key or else some Knights get interested in him. Could ya do it?
Apr 11 2014, 03:48 AM
Monday, Sept. 14, 9:20 am, Riverside Perk, Bellevue
The ork expects me to try to do this myself, outside, in bright daylight hours. How quaint. As I thought, goldfish. However... if I couldn't think of a way to bend metahuman minds remotely, then what kind of a future messiah would I be?
Jovan considers the question for a moment. <<It will require the use of a spirit, which complicates things. I will need to ensure that it is done from among the buildings and people, so as not to be easily spotted by Zola's loa. And the success will heavily depend on their being no others present with the Talent there. Anyone we use in such a distraction will unfortunately remember the event later as well, which I do not care for. With those caveats, yes. I can do it. It sounds like it is decided, then. The distraction shall be from a group of metahuman bystanders.
Before we set things into motion, there are two other topics that I wish to address. A man by the name of Pertwilling has entered my attention recently. A wealthy and well-connected man dealing in Awakened items, who may hold in his possession certain pieces which would be of benefit to us. In light of our conversation at Oswald's warehouse last night, I have strong suspicions that this Pertwilling is connected to the Blind Man in some fashion. What have the rest of you heard from the streets about this man?>>