Apr 28 2004, 03:22 PM
I have been going through all the Warhammer 40k information I have, and can't find the weight for the Bolter, Storm Bolter, and Heavy Bolter (think Gyrojet rifles and machine guns). I need a reasonable weight, I know they are heavy, I was thinking somewhere between 5-6kg unloaded. The Melta and Multi-Melta are doing the same, but I have no idea what a reasonable weight for it should be. A melta gun is about the size of a large carbine, while the multi-melta is a rather on the large side, some where around the size of two M249 SAW's on top of each other. Those are pretty much what are causing me problems, I have all the other stuff done, mostly retitling and so changes here and there, but it mostly done now.
Apr 28 2004, 03:30 PM
They should be listed in Rogue Trader. The storm bolters would be in that book with the red cover... can't remember what it was called.
Apr 28 2004, 03:50 PM
Which run was that particular Rouge Trader printed, because getting older prints of Rouge Trader are pretty hard from what I heard. And thanks for the info.
Apr 28 2004, 04:03 PM
I'm just guessing that it's in there. I seem to recall wargear having weights back in the day. I'd look myself, but my copy of Rogue Trader is in a box somewhere in an attic quite a drive from where I am now
Austere Emancipator
Apr 28 2004, 04:37 PM
Some kind admin could move this thread to General Gaming.
Apr 28 2004, 05:06 PM
Hmmm.. I was guessing this was for an SR -> Warhammer crossover type game. Maybe not, though.
Austere Emancipator
Apr 28 2004, 05:12 PM
Okay. Now that I think about it, I can remember something about Hero playing around with WH40K and SR. But this thread didn't mention anything about SR, and it didn't even seem to touch SR, so I figured it was placed here on accident.
Apr 28 2004, 06:57 PM
Even so, a wiser choice would have been to ask this in a forum full of WH40k fan boys rather than here, no?
Apr 28 2004, 07:08 PM
Ok see if this helps..
In inquistor a Bolt Pistol has a weight of 25 somethings to be able to fire that 1 hand in the game you need a Strength of double (or start suffeing to hit penetlies (average human is 55, Max is 100. A Marine Average is just over 200)
Bolter Mk's II,III,IV weight is 40
Bolter Mk IV with drum Mag is 45
Storm Bolter is 55
Heavy Bolter is 70
Melta Gun is 45
Multi Melta is 75
Hope that helps a little
Apr 28 2004, 07:26 PM
Interesting. By that scale, you're probably looking at 55 = 15 kg or 1kg ~= 3.5
Bolter Mk's II,III,IV weight is 11.5 kg
Bolter Mk IV with drum Mag is 13 kg
Storm Bolter is 16 kg
Heavy Bolter is 20 kg
Melta Gun is 13 kg
Multi Melta is 22 kg
Subtract out weight for ammo and clips and it'd be more "true", I guess. Those bolters are heavy weapons, which is why normal humans use lasguns instead.
Apr 28 2004, 07:38 PM
Outside Gw HQ in Nottingham they have a "Full Scale Marine" Statue. for that Statue i've heard that the size and Shape for the Bolter rounds are the same as a POT NOODLE which are.. (goes get pot noddle to measure) 5cm base (round) 10cm top 12cm high (guessing can't find mie ruler) Those weights are loaded BTW
Apr 28 2004, 07:40 PM
Yeah, a disproportionate amount of the weight in a bolt weapon is the rounds. They're akin to high power gyrogets, if I remember correctly.
Apr 28 2004, 07:52 PM
Hand gun fired mnin rockets so yeah. damage would be around the ATGM codes (but yet they onlt do 2D10+4 in the game.....)
Austere Emancipator
Apr 28 2004, 08:01 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave IIc) |
damage would be around the ATGM codes |
WTF?! Assuming the same level of technology, how can a 5cm x 10xm x 12xm gyrojet round manage to do the same sort of damage as a 120cm x 15cm x 15cm ATGM?
Are they actually described as being quite capable of knocking out MBTs with a single shot? Do they always splatter any organic life forms smaller than a Gozilla?
Of course the ATGM Damage Codes in SR are way too low compared to a fricken AV Assault Cannon round.
Apr 28 2004, 08:03 PM
I meant to a human being mybad
Vs MBT's If they hit the rear armour then yes it is possible
Vs humans Barret 121 does 14D No?
Austere Emancipator
Apr 28 2004, 08:04 PM
Sorry for the outburst. I'm only really angry at WH40K, not you.
Apr 28 2004, 08:11 PM
The problem with ATGM is that it's AV
Bolt rounds probably shouldn't be AV.
The only thing I like about Warhammer40k anymore is some of the fiction.
Apr 28 2004, 08:16 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
The only thing I like about Warhammer40k anymore is some of the fiction. |
Hear that! Dan Abbnet- Eisenhorn Series....Shame it's only 3 books...
Apr 29 2004, 06:14 PM
Thanks for the information, it really helped me out.
I like Warhammer40K for its massive background history and the feel of it. Making most weapons for the crossover was easy, as stubbers are another term for firearms that use solid slug ammunition. I still need to add one or two races to the mix and I'll be done with that, but they don't need to be added in just yet, I have the core races complete that the imperium interacts with the most.
Might I suggest the Gaunts Ghosts series, there are a lot of books in that series, and is very well written.
Apr 29 2004, 06:20 PM
QUOTE (Hero) |
Might I suggest the Gaunts Ghosts series, there are a lot of books in that series, and is very well written. |
Yep, I didn't get to reading on the other series, but those novels have inspired more than one SR character. The only thing is... I'm not sure if the series is over or not. It feels over. Maybe not, though.
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