Apr 28 2004, 04:51 PM
Is there anyone out there who knows where I could pick up this book in the US? Either the first Germany sourcebook or the second one?
I've got the Germany sourcebook that was printed in English, and I'm curious what was left out of the English version that was printed in the German version.
Yes, I know that Shadows of Europe is coming out, but I just would like to know out of curiosity. Checked stiggybaby and they don't have it (German sourcebook in German, that is).
Apr 28 2004, 04:55 PM
There's a copy of the first one availible on right now.
Apr 28 2004, 05:01 PM
Thanks. Didn't think to look there. Okay, now how about Deutschland in den Schatten II?
Apr 28 2004, 05:04 PM
I assume you can get international shipping.
German has it for 35 Euros
Apr 28 2004, 05:07 PM
Also looked at Fanpro's German shop, and they want about $35 for shipping. Probably the same for the German Amazon site. That's why I was looking for something a little closer to home.
Apr 28 2004, 05:11 PM
I couldn't find it anywhere else.
Incidentally, my strategy was simply googling for the ISBN.
Apr 28 2004, 05:15 PM
I tried "Deutschland in den Schatten II" in google and it came up with a lot of German sites for it (funny that
), but nothing that I'd want to pay a ton of shipping for. Oh, well.
Does anyone know what it covers? Aside from the blurb on the back?
Edit: Found the review for it in TSS 16. Damn! 344 pages. Didn't realize that when I was looking at it before. No wonder it's about 35 euros.
Apr 28 2004, 06:59 PM
Ordered DidS2 from Here's to seeing how long it will take. Came to 48.22 Euros (about $57 with shipping). Straight from Fanpro's shop would have be about 65 Euros. Not too bad for a book the size of the SR3 book.
Apr 29 2004, 07:34 AM
The DidS II is just beautiful; darn good sourcebook. In August they're coming out with some book called Target: ADL (Brennpunkt: ADL).
The infor from Hamburg, as well as gear info (cyber, weapon, and vehicle info) is in the original DidS (just bought a copy from someone). The art is worse than the English Germany Sourcebook (after having looked through it, only 3 pictures were actually in both editions).
Your Germany Sourcebooks whould help you understand DidS2 (remember, the blasted book is in German), as some info as to county, political party, etc. was left out in DidSII.
Don, who owns both in German and can still read both
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