Aug 11 2013, 07:57 PM
We can't find in the rules what it costs to repair a drone. The rules do state the following:
"But up until that final box is filled, damage
done to a drone can be repaired."
So, if the drone is not destroyed, it can be repaired, but at what cost? Should I just use the 4th edition Arsenal rules of 1% per box of damage? What about drones that are destroyed? I think a scrap value of 30% might be fair. Any official rules on this?
Aug 11 2013, 08:17 PM
1% per box of damage seems odd. I have never looked into it myself, but from a realistic standpoint, I'd expect more boxes of damage to raise the price of fixing the drone exponentially, unless the cost would be too ridiculous versus the replacement cost of the drone.
Aug 11 2013, 08:59 PM
The reason insurance companies total cars is that it does become more expensive to repair a vehicle then it would cost to buy a new one. So yes, it is perfectly reasonable that a seriously damaged drone/vehicle might well cost more to fix than it would to buy a new one. But sometimes you can't actually buy a new replacement for your highly illegal drone, so...
Erik Baird
Aug 12 2013, 06:08 AM
SR3 had 5% per box of damage. Perhaps Arsenal had a typo?
Aug 14 2013, 11:54 PM
I do kinda hope they modify the maintenance upkeep related rules, even the old rigger 3 1% stuff got to be a bit much and that's even before repair costs.
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