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Full Version: BioDrones are coming
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Turns out that scientists have figured out how to remotely transmit brain signals from one person to another to cause person a to move person b's body. Yeah, you read that right.

Check it out.

One positive thing I can see for this is a situation like this:

Pilot has a heart attack. Passenger is selected to fly the plane, put into the right helmet, and a trained remote pilot on the ground takes over the passenger's actions to land the plane.

Yeah, remote controlling the plane would be easier, but this is much more cool.
That is pretty awesome, however I am curious how much synching is required. The sender was trained to generate the appropriate brainwave which the computer picked up.

The recipient received the transmission and triggered the finger clicking action.

Now the question is can anyone have been wearing that receiving helmet and have that same response or did they have to find the right signal for that specific person? Used to be thought each brain was wired a bit differently so the big thing in hooking up to a signal was would it mean the same thing to different brains, but if basic motor functions have been mapped out, that is a good step forward.
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Aug 28 2013, 08:11 AM) *
Now the question is can anyone have been wearing that receiving helmet and have that same response or did they have to find the right signal for that specific person?

Just imagine in the future, someone can flip a switch and generate the signals to make you move your arms, your legs, all your facial movements, remotely.

You could...force a person to shit themselves, with the touch of a button.

Practical jokes in 2050 are gonna be crazy, yall.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Goonshine @ Aug 27 2013, 06:29 PM) *
Just imagine in the future, someone can flip a switch and generate the signals to make you move your arms, your legs, all your facial movements, remotely.

You could...force a person to shit themselves, with the touch of a button.

Practical jokes in 2050 are gonna be crazy, yall.

Not if I am going about my daily routines with my Wireless off. smile.gif
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