Sep 18 2013, 08:25 PM
Having a measly 6000 NY as starting cash has made me wonder if the following exploits could actually work:
RFID Stealth Tags:
Stealth tags are amazing things: They cost 10 NY, have a device rating of 3 and provide 3 points of sleaze.
Is there any reason why I can't slap one on my 100 NY comlink, slave it to the tag and now be able to use it as a comlink worth 1000 NY with worse processing power but much better chance to remain undetected?
RFID Sensor Tags:
Ultrasound eyes are really nice if you have to deal with thermo smoke grenades, but 'ware is really expensive nowadays. An RFID Sensor tag with a cheap ultrasound sensor + image link should enable you to navigate again, shouldn't it?
Kamikaze + Natural Immunity:
Now, this is cheese of the highest cholesterol level: Natural Immunity says:
[...]The player and gamemaster must agree on the disease, drug, or poison to which the character is immune. The character can take one dose of the drug or poison and experience one exposure to the disease every six hours with no ill effects. Any subsequent dosing or exposure during the next six hours causes normal damage, but the character’s recovery time is halved.
Does that mean a 10 Karma immunity to Kamikaze would allow a character to benefit from the drug without suffering the negative side effects, as long as he only takes it ones every 6 hours? It probably hinges on how you define "ill effects" (and how sane your GM is).
A less powerful option would be to use Cram every 6 hours and effectively benefiting from wired reflexes 1
Lifestyle Street + Special Work Area
Even less serious then the previous suggestion: A summoner who invests 1000 NY benefits from a much higher limit while being out on the streets, as does the Phys Adept while punching people with his bare fists outside of buildings.
Sep 18 2013, 09:29 PM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Sep 18 2013, 04:25 PM)
Kamikaze + Natural Immunity:
Now, this is cheese of the highest cholesterol level: Natural Immunity says:
[...]The player and gamemaster must agree on the disease, drug, or poison to which the character is immune. The character can take one dose of the drug or poison and experience one exposure to the disease every six hours with no ill effects. Any subsequent dosing or exposure during the next six hours causes normal damage, but the character’s recovery time is halved.
Does that mean a 10 Karma immunity to Kamikaze would allow a character to benefit from the drug without suffering the negative side effects, as long as he only takes it ones every 6 hours? It probably hinges on how you define "ill effects" (and how sane your GM is).
A less powerful option would be to use Cram every 6 hours and effectively benefiting from wired reflexes 1
It is a good question, especially as it would it mean so long as you pace your exposure you wouldn't face addiction rolls. And that right there is a potential hot topic.
More than likely though the GM would rule that the immunity also means you don't get the benefits of the exposure either as the character 'has an innate or developed immunity to one single disease or toxin' as stated in the first paragraph of the quality description unless you use more in the same time frame. You might need 2 hits of something to start to get the same level of buzz.
The idea for the quality was to reduce the risk from exposure to the element, the fact that element may have a beneficial side effect was not really taken into account I suspect.
Still it could be argued either way.
Sep 18 2013, 09:32 PM
Stealth Tags:
You can't slave a commlink to an RFID tag.
Page 233
If you want extra protection for some of your devices,
you can slave them to your commlink or deck. Your
commlink (or deck) can handle up to (Device Rating x
3) slaved devices, becoming the master device in that
particular relationship. The group consisting of your
slaved devices plus your master commlink or deck is
called a personal area network, or PAN.
Sensor Tags:
This one works - you can use this instead of cyberware - just bear in mind if you have them implanted, you could have a higher rating, and therefore a higher limit.
Kamikaze and Natural Immunity
1) If you are immune to the drug, I would rule that you don't get ANY of the effects. You are immune to it - that doesn't mean you are immune to the side effects, it means the drug has not effect on you at all.
2) If that is NOT the case, then I as a GM would never allow it to be used in this way.
Lifestyle and Special Work Area
I know you are joking, so no real need to reply to this one - regardless, it doesn't work that way.
Jack VII
Sep 18 2013, 09:41 PM
RE; Kamikaze
I looked at the same thing, although IIRC the first two paragraphs refer to diseases or toxins and then drug suddenly appears in the third. I'm not sure if that was a screw up on editing or what. I think the intention was strictly harmful substances.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Sep 18 2013, 09:47 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Sep 18 2013, 02:41 PM)
RE; Kamikaze
I looked at the same thing, although IIRC the first two paragraphs refer to diseases or toxins and then drug suddenly appears in the third. I'm not sure if that was a screw up on editing or what. I think the intention was strictly harmful substances.
Well, those shenanigans occurred in SR4A, as well... Some tables go with it, others do not. It is/was a contentious topic.
Sep 18 2013, 10:38 PM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Sep 18 2013, 03:25 PM)
RFID Sensor Tags:
Ultrasound eyes are really nice if you have to deal with thermo smoke grenades, but 'ware is really expensive nowadays. An RFID Sensor tag with a cheap ultrasound sensor + image link should enable you to navigate again, shouldn't it?
How could a sensor tag work in the same way as something engineered to serve as eyes? Wouldn't that be like trying to rig a
light meter into a camera?
Sep 19 2013, 03:12 AM
QUOTE (Shemhazai @ Sep 18 2013, 06:38 PM)
How could a sensor tag work in the same way as something engineered to serve as eyes? Wouldn't that be like trying to rig a
light meter into a camera?
The sensor tag is allowed to have any one sensor (and ultrasound is one type) up to a rating 2 in it. If you have an imagelink, then the sensor sends the information it receives to the imagelink, which you can then see.
The advantage of having an Ultrasound sensor implanted in your head or taking up capacity in your cyberlimb is that it can have a higher rating - which can be used instead of your Mental Limit for Perception tests.
Sep 19 2013, 03:55 AM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Sep 18 2013, 10:12 PM)
The sensor tag is allowed to have any one sensor (and ultrasound is one type) up to a rating 2 in it. If you have an imagelink, then the sensor sends the information it receives to the imagelink, which you can then see.
The advantage of having an Ultrasound sensor implanted in your head or taking up capacity in your cyberlimb is that it can have a higher rating - which can be used instead of your Mental Limit for Perception tests.
That's clever. Reading from the rulebook would you need less than:
Ultrasound Sensor - The sensor itself
Housing (Capacity 1) - To hold the sensor,
or can this be built directly into the imaging device?Imagelink -
Can this connect your sensor to your imaging device?Imaging Device (Capacity 1) - To hold the Imagelink
Sep 19 2013, 04:37 AM
Ultrasound Sensor - The sensor itself
Housing (Capacity 1) - To hold the sensor, or can this be built directly into the imaging device?
You need a sensor housing (see page 446)
Imagelink - Can this connect your sensor to your imaging device?
Yes, the sensor transmits its data to another device - in this case, the imagelink.
Imaging Device (Capacity 1) - To hold the Imagelink
Sep 19 2013, 07:56 AM
Running on a Budget.
Adapting what you got to work with.
Sep 23 2013, 10:33 PM
Random Post # 15
Sep 23 2013, 11:54 PM
Bust'a'moves with bomb vests.
Sep 24 2013, 02:06 AM
Take ranks in chemistry and demolitions.
Buy your high explosives and combat drugs at Stuffer Shack.
Sep 24 2013, 03:51 AM
Aerosol deodorant (flamethrower, covers bad smells)
Bug bombs (anti-insect-spirit grenades. Those shmucks have a bit of an issue with insecticides, and with a 3-pack costing less than 15 nuyen it's great bang for your buck. Works to clear people out too, in a pinch)
Bleach (Poison. Evidence removal. Cover identity prop [janitor])
2-by-4 (Weapon. Doorstop. Lever. Explosives tamping device)
Fire extinguisher [CO2] (Can be used as a bludgeon, if blasted in a targets face it works as a distraction, and if worst comes to worst can put out fires.)
Duct Tape (Do I need to list the uses?)
Road flares (Starting fires, sending signals)
Sep 24 2013, 05:04 AM
Petrochem, Duct Tape, Tea Towels, and a Bic Lighter.
Sep 24 2013, 05:38 AM
Nifty Trick - Sensors can be installed into Headware by taking up Capacity, with an automatic Rating of 2.
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