Aug 25 2003, 02:04 PM
so I haven't been around for a few months but had some questions to run past folks here - mostly the same questions as before, but more refined I guess you'd say. It's been a couple years since I even played SR so forgive me for being so very out of touch and so very blunt about it.
Where do I find SR to GURPS conversions?
How much is a current SR Manual? (I live in redneckville, utah where no-one's sold RPG stuff for nigh on a decade now)
Why the hell did the Federal AeroSpace Administration end up going bust in the first place?
Did Dunkie really know he was gonna get cacked? And what happened to his remains?
Is there still a market for SR-style novels?
Who the hell are all these kids on ShadowLand and why they gotta bring me static? Don't Dave and them keep the pimpin' hand strong anymore or whut?
If there were a Utah sourcebook with an updated Ute Council section, would anyone use it?
Would anyone here consider playing a post-apocolyptic horror scenario which incorporated elements of SR, WOD, and some totally wack wrongness?
Would anyone care if I chugged this month-old, half-empty, flat 2-liter of Black Cherry Faygo?
Could somebody conceivably specialize in fighting with credsticks and be effective? What is damage for a credstick, anyway? Could a physAd or a ninja trained by credstick possibly be an efficient killin' machine?
What's exchange from today's dollar to the SR nu:nuyen: ?
And finally... How the hell do I catch up on everything I've missed over the past couple years? Wassup with Bug City? The Arcology? New Stuffer Shack stuff?
C'mon, now don't be all shy on me...
Slake my thirst for information and I'll be out of your hair sooner, I promise.
Ancient History
Aug 25 2003, 02:14 PM
so I haven't been around for a few months but had some questions to run past folks here - mostly the same questions as before, but more refined I guess you'd say. It's been a couple years since I even played SR so forgive me for being so very out of touch and so very blunt about it.
Where do I find SR to GURPS conversions?
Kazaa, most likely.
How much is a current SR Manual? (I live in redneckville, utah where no-one's sold RPG stuff for nigh on a decade now)
Main book is $30.
Why the hell did the Federal AeroSpace Administration end up going bust in the first place?
The blew billions on a secret manned mission to Mars. So they went broke.
Did Dunkie really know he was gonna get cacked? And what happened to his remains?
Yes and we're not sure.
Is there still a market for SR-style novels?
Yup. They'll be SR-duels, but Hell, Caroline Spector and Jak Koke are bringing out their ED novels. Boo-Yah!
Who the hell are all these kids on ShadowLand and why they gotta bring me static? Don't Dave and them keep the pimpin' hand strong anymore or whut?
Yeah, everybody feels that way nowadays.
If there were a Utah sourcebook with an updated Ute Council section, would anyone use it?
You want "Shadows of North America"
Would anyone here consider playing a post-apocolyptic horror scenario which incorporated elements of SR, WOD, and some totally wack wrongness?
It's called "GURPS" and not me, thanks.
Would anyone care if I chugged this month-old, half-empty, flat 2-liter of Black Cherry Faygo?
Considering you're states away? No, go right ahead.
Could somebody conceivably specialize in fighting with credsticks and be effective? What is damage for a credstick, anyway? Could a physAd or a ninja trained by credstick possibly be an efficient killin' machine?
<sigh>Yes, they could conceivably make decent throwing weapons. See the missle mastery adept power.
What's exchange from today's dollar to the SR nu:nuyen: ?
Good question. Probably about 1:1 with inflation.
And finally... How the hell do I catch up on everything I've missed over the past couple years? Wassup with Bug City? The Arcology? New Stuffer Shack stuff?
Ask questions, grasshopper, and visit my webpage, found at the bottom of my .sig
C'mon, now don't be all shy on me... Slake my thirst for information and I'll be out of your hair sooner, I promise.
Aug 25 2003, 03:20 PM
my bad. I meant Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration. I told 'em, they should have sold the martian-poop on eBay... But noooo, they had to sell out to Microsoft, like everybody else... I'm just playin. I looove me the X-Box and all it's halo-ey goodness.
And SoNA doesn't really cover the dynamics between the Ute Council and the Mormons, and the "Anglo Reservation" inside Ute lands. I was thinking an update would only appeal locally and I dunno if it's worth my time to work on it since most of my gaming research is going into Everyday RPG.
Mmm. I like Jak Koke, but never really could get into the ED world...
Month-old, half-full flat Black Cherry Faygo... Still tastes like flat Black Cherry Faygo.
And as for the horror-game... I don't mean a GURPS-issue cutout game, although it'd probably be easier just to package it as a module for the GURPS engine... I mean an actual world with a storyline and plot and stuff... Think Evil Dead meets SR meets WWIII. I know you probably still won't want to play it, I just wanted to make the distinction, heh.
And are there any more stories from or about axeman, I think his name was, whut got cyber-zombified in one of the cyber sourcebooks? He was bitchin'!
And, um... I should apologise. I threw the credstick crack out there without thinking I'd be taken seriously.
The Question Man
Aug 25 2003, 03:52 PM
[QUOTE]And are there any more stories from or about axeman, I think his name was, whut got cyber-zombified in one of the cyber sourcebooks? He was bitchin'!
He was called the Hatchetman and unfortunately his story ended with Fasa . However there have been hints in various fan writer's stories . He's also made a few appearences in my campaigns .
And Welcome back chummer .
Aug 25 2003, 03:54 PM
my bad. I meant Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration. I told 'em, they should have sold the martian-poop on eBay... But noooo, they had to sell out to Microsoft, like everybody else... I'm just playin. I looove me the X-Box and all it's halo-ey goodness. |
FASA went bust because apparently none of the other lines except SR were making money (yep, that includes Battletech). This had nothing to do with Microsoft but was a result of the nasty state the pen and paper RPG industry is in today and the fact that they may have overextended themselves with Crimson Skies and Vor when the market was entering a slump.
However FanPro has picked up the torch and done a fine job so far. There's been almost 10 books in the past couple of years and more are in the works and opinion seems to be that the quality of the material is on the rise.
And SoNA doesn't really cover the dynamics between the Ute Council and the Mormons, and the "Anglo Reservation" inside Ute lands. I was thinking an update would only appeal locally and I dunno if it's worth my time to work on it since most of my gaming research is going into Everyday RPG. |
You can always write it up and send it off to Adam Jury's "the Shadowrun Supplemental" fanzine. They're already doing an unofficial update to New Seattle and they've done other locations in the past.
Mmm. I like Jak Koke, but never really could get into the ED world... |
Besides the SR:Duels books which are slated for next year there's a fair chance that the SR novel line might finally be picked up again.
And as for the horror-game... I don't mean a GURPS-issue cutout game, although it'd probably be easier just to package it as a module for the GURPS engine... I mean an actual world with a storyline and plot and stuff... Think Evil Dead meets SR meets WWIII. I know you probably still won't want to play it, I just wanted to make the distinction, heh. |
You mean like Deadlands: Hell On Earth without the cowboy fetish?
And are there any more stories from or about axeman, I think his name was, whut got cyber-zombified in one of the cyber sourcebooks? He was bitchin'! |
Hatchetman has not reappeared after being, as you put it, cyber-zombified. He's probably working for the Black Ops division of the corp that now owns his cyberass and the next time characters meet him he'll be working for the Man.
And, um... I should apologise. I threw the credstick crack out there without thinking I'd be taken seriously. |
This is Dumpshock. Expect the unexpected.
Aug 25 2003, 04:12 PM
Actually, FASA didn't 'go bust', they voluntarily decided to cease trading and licenced their product lines to other companies.
Aug 25 2003, 05:04 PM
Who the hell are all these kids on ShadowLand and why they gotta bring me static? Don't Dave and them keep the pimpin' hand strong anymore or whut? |
What's your user name over there? I'm sure I can give you a fairly detailed answer, if you really want one.
Aug 25 2003, 05:27 PM
Mostly likely goes by DarkeElf, still. DarkeElf used to be a regular, back in the day.
Darke: Dave? Who's Dave? (Joke. He doesn't come around there at all anymore.)
Aug 25 2003, 05:34 PM
QUOTE (Dice) |
Actually, FASA didn't 'go bust', they voluntarily decided to cease trading and licenced their product lines to other companies. |
FASA was never a traded company - they were privately owned. They sold their product lines to WizKids, they did not license them to WizKids.
Aug 25 2003, 05:39 PM
QUOTE (Pistons) |
Mostly likely goes by DarkeElf, still. DarkeElf used to be a regular, back in the day. |
Right. Well, I think the amount of time I spend on SL is a matter of documented fact, by this point. And the simple matter of me having to ask, and you having to answer, shows that he certainly hasn't been around there very recently, or very much.
I know I never heard of anything.
What "kids" and "static" are you talking about?
Aug 25 2003, 06:00 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Hatchetman has not reappeared after being, as you put it, cyber-zombified. He's probably working for the Black Ops division of the corp that now owns his cyberass and the next time characters meet him he'll be working for the Man. |
Actually, considering that he was Cyberzombified about 10 years ago, he's more-than-likely dead by now.
Aug 25 2003, 09:16 PM
Thanks, Question Man, it's nice to be remembered. I wasn't sure if even Pistons here would remember the 'ol monkey. *nudges Pistons* I'm just playin, ma'am.
And did the 'Land just evolve enough for Dave to let it fly or whut? *grimaces at the memory of SL3* Good thing he got it this far.
Talondel: it was a couple months ago, since I last logged in to chat to see if any ol' folks were still around. I don't remember names but there were only 2 in the chat and guess mebbe they was bored? I dunno. I said "Kids" coz that's my kneejerk response to juvenile e-behaviour.
But when I was asking about Nethr and Trash and Pistons they were like "Pistons left all sudden-like and who the hell are those other people you asked about? Are you sure you're in the right place? Do you know what a paper RPG is?" That last one was probably due to an EverCrack comment I made.
I even got warned away from the dice roll for no apparent reason like I was brand spankin' new or something. But it didn't bother me so much as made me curious as to the state of SL coz we were kinda nice to noobs before - well mostly heh.
But I ain't been regular there for... Nigh on six years now if I reckon proper.
Since Trash and Nethr left, Pistons and BM were really the only other ones I talked to there, so after she left, I kinda lost touch. But I see there's at least a handful of folks here whut used to be on SL, so that's good.
I oughta go log in and rag BM about growin' up so fast while I was away heh.
Fortune - what's the life expectancy of someone in hatchetman's condition? It'd be bitchin' to have more stories about him... Or at least a bio sheet.
Synner - with him working for a corp, I could see that unless he was just a prototype experiment or something because the corp would want to recoup their R&D off him, but I was always curious about a scenario like that because he didn't strike me as an inherently bad man, just a sam who got all jacked up. If the corp had him do things that ran counter to his nature, I wonder if he'd still be all docile and stuff for them.
And I've never played Deadlands. So I dunno if it's like Everyday.
Aug 25 2003, 09:41 PM
QUOTE (DarkeElf) |
How much is a current SR Manual? (I live in redneckville, utah where no-one's sold RPG stuff for nigh on a decade now)
Well, move to the capital boy. Why we gots
copies of SR3 just layin' around fer the taking!
Or you could try Bob (UPS is cheap in state):
Aug 25 2003, 09:42 PM
Just asking, since I'm an Admin over there. Like anywhere else, it's not unheard of for someone to get a little razzing (or a lotta razzing), but we try to keep people from out and out newbie bashing (at least, not just for being newbies). Makes it tough to get new blood if everyone gets run off before they even post a character sheet and find a game, y'know?
Aug 25 2003, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (DarkeElf) |
...coz we were kinda nice to noobs before...
must have been a long time ago!
what's the life expectancy of someone in hatchetman's condition? |
It's never really been made clear, but considering the cost and effort that it takes to keep a CZ alive, it'd be a safe bet to say that Hatchet has been recycled for used parts by now.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 25 2003, 10:46 PM
In the likely event that a cyberzombie develops cancer, it has a max lifespan of 5 years and 10 weeks. (M&M page 59) If the IMS fails, and treatment is not provided (treatment needing a cybermancer), the cyberzombie dies in 3+willpower weeks. (also page 59)
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