Here's my character sheet. Like I said, he's pretty unconventional, but hopefully he will work out adequately. He doesn't really have any huge dicepools, but his whole concept is a jack of all trades, master of none.
Handle: Jack VII
Name: Unknown (Javier Ramirez)
Race: Ork/Latino
Gender: Male
Priorities - A: Resources, B: Race, C: Attributes, D: Skills, E: Magic
AGI 3 (5) LOG 3
REA 3 (4) INT 3
STR 5 (7) CHA 3
EDG 5 ESN 1.2
INI 7 + 2D6
Limits (M/P/S) 4/9/4
Monitor (P/S) 11/10
SKILLS (22/22)
ActivePhysical: Perception (4)
Social: Con/Fast Talk (3), Etiquette/Corp (3), Negotiation/Contracts (3)
Technical: Computer (2), First Aid (3)
Vehicle: Pilot Ground (1)
KnowledgeAcademic: Economics (2)
Professional: Accounting (2), Business (2)
Interest: Music/Goblin Rock (1)
Street: Denver Area Knowledge (2)
Language: English (N), Spanish (2)
QUALITIES (25 – 15 + 6 = 16 Total Bonus Karma)
Positive: Toughness, Will To Live (2)
Negative: Dependent (Nic)
CONTACTS & REP (6 Bonus Karma Spent)
Nicodemus, Male Troll Scavenger (1/4): A cantankerous old troll who runs "Nic's Knacks" out of his squat in the Aurora Warrens. The troll scavenges weapons, gear, and "slightly used" cyberware from the urban battlefields of the Warrens.
Honeypot, Female Elf Fence (4/2): A former prostitute, Honeypot learned pretty quickly that is was preferable to sell other things than herself. With equal amounts of charm and sarcasm, the elf has carved out a moderate sized network to move stolen goods.
CPL Jason Sinclair, Male Human UCAS ZDF Border Guard (2/2): Young and fairly new to the ZDF Border Guard, CPL Sinclair bonded with "Emilio Sanchez" over a shard love of goblin rock, the two having met during an altercation at a local concert. Sinclair is quietly jealous of "Sanchez's" lifestyle and hopes to one day follow in his footsteps.
Current Karma (0), Total Karma (0), Street Cred (0), Notoriety (0), Public Awareness (0)
GEAR (Current Nuyen: 1,600) (10 Bonus Karma Spent)
Streetline Special [APDS] w/2x Spare Clip [Regular]: 226 (W)
HK227 [Regular] w/3x Spare Clips [Regular]: 969 (W)
Flash-Pak: 125 (W)
Actioneer Business Clothes: 1,500
Armor Jacket w/CP (2), FR (2), IS (2), NC (2): 3,000
Helmet w/Flare Comp, Thermo, Trode-Net, Vision Enhancement (1), & Vision Magnification: 1,675 (W)
Horn Rim Glasses w/Flare Comp, Image Link, Vision Enhancement (2): 1,675 (W)
Earbuds w/Audio Enhancement (3): 1,650 (W)
Hermes Ikon (5) w/Subvocal Mic: 3,050
Gecko Tape Gloves: 250 (W)
Bio-monitor: 300 (W)
Medkit (3): 375 (W)
Standard Credstick: 5
Fake SIN (4) [Emilio Sanchez]: 10,000
Fake License (4) [Augmentations, Concealed Carry, Firearms]: 2,400
1xMonth Low Lifestyle w/Dependent: 2,400
Cyberware (438,800)
Internal Air Tank (3) [Alpha]: 16,200 (0.2) (W)
Muscle Replacement (2) [Alpha]: 60,000 (1.6)
Skilljack (4) [Used]: 60,000 (0.5) (W)
Skillwires (4) [Used]: 60,000 (0.5) (W)
Skillsoft: [Automatics (4), Disguise (1), Diving (2), Free-Fall (1), Gymnastics (2), Navigation (2), Pilot Aircraft (1), Pilot Watercraft (1), Pistols (4), Running (3), Sneaking (4), Survival (2), Throwing Weapons (4), Tracking (2), Unarmed Combat (4)]: 185,000
Smartlink [Alpha]: 4,800 (0.16) (W)
Spurs [Alpha]: 6,000 (0.24)
Wired Reflexes (1) [Alpha]: 46,800 (1.6) (W)
Appearance:Jack is an ork of Latino descent standing 6'3 and weighing approximately 250 pounds. His features are lightly goblinized, although no one would confuse him for anything other than an ork given the jutting and prominent lower canines. His hair is dark brown and falls slightly below his eyes. Jack is dressed fairly stylishly in a khaki three-piece armored business suit, an affectation to which he feels unconsciously attracted. The ork also wears a pair of stylish horn-rim glasses to complete the look of a successful corp saraiman.
Background:[ Spoiler ]
Project: Jack of All Trades, v7.0
Subject: Javier Ramirez
Project Status: Terminated
Executive Summary: Jack of All Trades, v7.0 (JACK VII) is the seventh iteration of the Jack of All Trades Project (JACK). As you know, JACK is Aztechnology’s initiative to develop a cost-effective, mass-producible warfighter through cyber & bio augmentation. One of the key features of the program is leveraging cybernetic skill emulation technology to turn any randomly selected individual into a competent soldier. The previous JACK subjects had met with varying levels of success, although none remain functioning at this time.
Javier Ramirez, our subject for JACK VII, was an Aztechnology employee working in the contracting office of one of our Seattle logistics affiliates. After careful screening, he was selected for the program due to his completely average attributes. He fell within the 40th to 60th percentile in every measurable category for his metatype. As for his metatype, Ramirez was our first Ork subject. While we would have preferred a human subject, Ramirez was the only one available on short notice. It was relatively easy for us to arrange a staged negotiation where Ramirez performed poorly and gave him the option to join JACK to correct his “failed” negotiation.
In any event, Ramirez was actually quite successful as a JACK subject. His performance exceeded all previous test subjects, which we expect resulted from a combination of Ramirez’s metatype and the advances made in the skill emulation technology. Unfortunately, JACK VII was terminated when a transport helicopter in which Ramirez was traveling was lost during Ghostwalker’s rampage through Denver. We still haven’t quite figured out who or what took the helicopter down, but our forensics teams were unable to find any trace of the subject. Based on the number and locations of the badly charred corpses, the forensics team believes JACK VII was lost in the crash with a 95% confidence interval.
Using the research gleaned from JACK VII, work has already begun on Jack of All Trades, v8.0. For information on that project, please direct inquiries to the Aztechnology’s Seattle R&D Branch. Please present proper clearance credentials when initiating contact.
Jack Vii’s first memories were filled with smoke and flame. Well, smoke, flame, and the ugliest troll he had ever seen. When you’re trapped in the burning carcass of a Hughes Stallion helicopter and the next thing you see is a mechanical claw reaching out to pull you free, you may not be off the mark if you think things are getting worse rather than better.
But that was simply Jack’s initial reaction, he now knows he owes Nic his life and he has worked hard to pay the troll back over the past few months. Getting on to the story, Jack was roasting away in a crashed helicopter when an itinerant troll scavenger named Nicodemus showed up to pick through the wreckage before anyone else had the chance.
Nicodemus is a sight to see. You already read about the crazy arm claw, but his most interesting augmentation (and that term is used loosely here) has to be his right leg or (as he puts it) his left leg. As the story goes, Nicodemus ended up on the wrong end of an gang hoop beating and lost the use of his right leg. Unfortunately, the only thing he had managed to scavenge close to his own size was the left leg from an ork street sam who had bought it a year earlier. Making a horribly sour lemonade out of the lemons the gang had given him, Nic installed the smaller left leg where his right leg had been and has been hobbling and lurching around ever since.
Enough about Nic though, you wanted to know about Jack. So Nic pulls this unconscious ork out of the helicopter. The ork is wearing a jumpsuit with the nametag JACK VII sewn over the left breast pocket. Nic pulls Jack Vii off to the side and tries to get him to wake up so he can figure out what’s worthwhile to take. The ork, however, is out cold and not waking up. Nic proceeds to pick through the wreckage as quickly as he can. Grabbing what he could, he dumps everything into his grocery cart along with the unconscious ork. Nic didn’t know how the helicopter had crashed, but he didn’t want to hang around for the owners to show up and hoped that he might be able to make some money off the ork by rescuing him from the fire. As Nic departed, he noticed a few vehicles turning the corner at a nearby intersection and heading to the crash at high speeds.
Returning to his squat/shop, Nic tended to what injuries his limited medical skills could address and took note of the wiz cyber Jack was sporting. After several hours, the ork finally woke with no memory of what had happened to him or of anything before the crash. Grumbling, Nic realized that the dreamed of payday wasn’t in the cards. At the same time, he realized he had a pretty valuable potential helper in front of him and offered to let Jack stay with him while he recovered. Not really having any other idea of what to do, Jack accepted and has been staying with the troll for several months.
Slowly, some of his memories have returned, mostly from his childhood although a few flashes of his adult life have popped up, mostly images of cubicles and meetings. Jack has slowly learned how to access the varied cyberware in his body and recently accessed the trove of skillsoft stored on his skilljack. The revelation of the type of skills downloaded to his skillwire system have made him wonder what the frag is going on, given that the brief flashes of memories from his adult life and his frequent recollections about corporate life don’t seem to jive with the military skillsoft.
Alias: Emilio Sanchez, former Aztlan soldier and sole proprietor of Sanchez Security, is a certified personnel protection specialist and bodyguard. The training and cyberware he received as a member of the Atztan military lend themselves well to his chosen profession. His primary business is providing personnel protection to non-local clients visiting Denver, providing him a diverse client base.