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Full Version: Need Help & Input with a backgroundstory [SR5]
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hello Chummers
I need a little Help and Input for a fellow Player :
I'm playing a mystic adept ( a Thai ) with the Neg quality Corp Born SIN who escaped the clutches of evil Wuxing.
He is a NAN Wannabee , Friend of the Cascade Orcs and moved recently to Seattle to start his Carreer in the shadows .
Now a fellow Player of mine intends to play a similar Char:
a Dwarfen Mystic Adept with Totem Bear, a Healer and protector with German /Norwegian Roots. (His Schamanism is more
Nordic Rune magic) He also has corp Born SIN (with Neonet).
Even though we will end up playing at different Tables, we want to intertwine our Backgrounds and need some Input, some Ideas .Because we plan to have a Multi-User-Session sometime we want to have something in common, something that unites us.We already have the same Fixer but thats not quite enough, thats why I'm asking for advice/ideas

He who dances with other Shamans
You could share a common mentor figure, maybe a magical instructor. To up the cliche, the mentor figure could have been killed before the start of the campaign and so you're both focused on solving the mystery eventually and getting revenge.

You're both focused on obtaining some important artifact or creating some new spell formula (a macguffin) and this common goal unites you.

You ended up as roommates at some point in the past, maybe at some corp training exercise or conference and coordinated your escapes from corporate clutches together.
My own Char (the Human) was trained as an Adept only in a S.W.A.T. Team . Not before he escaped and got to develop his full potential by training with the Shaman from the Cascade Orcs he discovered that he is a mystic adept and not a "mere" adept.
While my Chummers Char has been trained to become a Bodyguard with Healing abilities.

To up the cliche, the mentor figure could have been killed before the start of the campaign and so you're both focused on solving the mystery eventually and getting revenge.

No , thats not possible, because this shaman/Mentor is also the Fixer for both of our Chars , so he can't be dead....

Here's some ideas:
  • One of you has an on-again-off-again thing with the other's sister.
  • Bonded over a mutually antagonistic barroom brawl (ala Soldier/Demoman from TF2).
  • While chatting one night, you both discovered that the same person was behind the reasons you left your respective Corps.
  • Surprise! You're cousins!
  • You know each other from a message board or forum on the matrix.
  • Remember that rash you got the other night...?
  • I don't know... there's just something about those eyes... *sigh*
  • See, how dis workz iz, if youz two a' more d'an 100 ft from ee'chuddah, the bombz in both o' yurr heds go boom. Dig? Now da job...
  • Okay, damn, we need to hide these bodies! Quick!
While chatting one night, you both discovered that the same person was behind the reasons you left your respective Corps.

i think I'l l take a variant.
One that involves Dreamwalk and our Totems (Lynx & Bear) 'cause we're both mystic Adept Shamans
Thanks for the Input (and the Laughter)

with a Dreamdance
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