Hey everyone, have you every had strange characters in your games (either as GM or player) and just rolled with it and not kill them off in mission (unless they really deserve it).
This is mos likely a compilation of strange player habits or really strange PCs that have been created or have done as a spur of the moment.
I'll start with own of my own stories, with a PC called Misty.
Misty player is one of my friends who for the longest times I've known him hardly ever RP, and when we rolled up new characters for shadowrun he created a female PC. at first we thought it jus t a detail, but around the second or third job he did something none of us expected. Apparently, Misty had a personal collection of people she force fed roofies and take pictures of them naked. She would then proceed to dress them back up and put them to bed and leave a small amount of nuyen on their dresser or somewhere close by.
Mind you, most of my friend's characters have a personality of a rock and Misty was no different. The sudden RP from him was unexpected so we rolled with it, thinking it was a one off. Well turns out it wasn't as when he has a chance, he would do so to NPCs (that weren't our contacts or mission critical characters) and most recently to one of the other player. now all the other players (myself included) do not want to be alone with Misty and do not want to her to know where they live.