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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
1) When a short-barreled Defiance T-250 shotgun is loaded with shot does it use heavy pistol ranges (as it does with slugs) or standard shotgun shot ranges?
2) Is stealth possible if any of your gear has wireless switched on at all, or can anyone with a modicum of skill spot you automatically by seeing your supposedly hidden nodes?
3) How much are principles worth?
4) Are specialist weapons like flamethrowers and squirtguns really worth it?
5) ???
6) Profit.
1. I think you are still stuck with heavy pistol ranges, which is kinda silly.
2. It should be possible to be stealth. However, if you leave your comlink(which I assume everything is slaved too) in hidden, I do think people get the opposed computer + intuition versus your logic + sleaze if they take a martix perception action. I wouldn't expect everyday people to be doing this, but spiders might be.
3. Depends on the person?
4. Probably not, the squirtgun has the benefit of being completely nonlethal, but you can get similar results with a crossbow and injection bolts to deliver enough stun knock someone out instead of killing them. The pain inducer might be cool, but have never seen it used.

Assuming SR5 for these, based off the second question.
QUOTE (MrGlee @ Mar 5 2014, 08:02 PM) *
2. It should be possible to be stealth. However, if you leave your comlink(which I assume everything is slaved too) in hidden, I do think people get the opposed computer + intuition versus your logic + sleaze if they take a martix perception action. I wouldn't expect everyday people to be doing this, but spiders might be.

I'd expect the everyday person to have some Computer skill, but they wouldn't be bothered to make those rolls often if at all.

1) Rules say heavy pistol.
2) Possible, yes, especially if stuff is slaved to a cyberdeck to help it run hidden.
3) Either nothing, or everything.
4) For most characters, I really don't think so.
QUOTE (RHat @ Mar 5 2014, 08:36 PM) *
I'd expect the everyday person to have some Computer skill, but they wouldn't be bothered to make those rolls often if at all.

That is what I meant, sorry if it wasn't clear.
Yeah, it's kinda like how the every day person isn't gonna be looking for the pistol under your jacket - even if there's something there, they're pretty sure they don't want to know.
2: Haven't looked at the SR5 book for a while in that regard, but IIRC anything and everything that is wireless (and not in Hidden mode or slaved to something in Hidden mode, assuming it can hide without a Sleaze attribute) is automatically detectable within 100m.

"Yeah, we caught this shadowrunner trying to sneak into an Ares affiliate warehouse. How'd we catch the unlucky slot? By the serial RFID in his Joe Boxer underwear."
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Mar 5 2014, 09:42 PM) *
2: Haven't looked at the SR5 book for a while in that regard, but IIRC anything and everything that is wireless (and not in Hidden mode or slaved to something in Hidden mode, assuming it can hide without a Sleaze attribute) is automatically detectable within 100m.

"Yeah, we caught this shadowrunner trying to sneak into an Ares affiliate warehouse. How'd we catch the unlucky slot? By the serial RFID in his Joe Boxer underwear."

Which is why you run Hidden, which anything can do - Sleaze makes it more effective, but is not a requirement.
So then everything wireless effectively has a Sleaze and Attack profile, and even if these are zero they can do anything that does not have a Limit set by Attack or Sleaze. Good to know.
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Mar 5 2014, 11:18 PM) *
So then everything wireless effectively has a Sleaze and Attack profile, and even if these are zero they can do anything that does not have a Limit set by Attack or Sleaze. Good to know.

I don't think that includes anything other than Data Processing/Firewall actions and Running Silent...
Another reason to wait for the matrix book. Hopefully some stuff will be cleared up.

And makes me like SR4 just a little more.
QUOTE (RHat @ Mar 5 2014, 10:36 PM) *
I'd expect the everyday person to have some Computer skill, but they wouldn't be bothered to make those rolls often if at all.

You'd think that...
Clients From Hell would argue otherwise.

Edit: sorry about that, link fixed. I dotcommed when I should have dotnetted.
QUOTE (Rubic @ Mar 6 2014, 02:45 AM) *
You'd think that...
Clients From Hell would argue otherwise.

link is not going anywhere, but I can guess what it is on about. nyahnyah.gif
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