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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Interesting Indeed... smile.gif
Looks exciting.

I'm not sure I want people digging around inside my head though. Think about the kind of privacy invasion we have with smart phones and apply the same kind of system to headware.

Still, it would be nice to have an internal hard drive for keeping track of things. My memory for the mundane is pretty terrible. I forgot I had scheduled an oil change on my car this morning until it was already too late to get over there (they were open, but I was at the office to quickly put together a techdemo).
You might want to read 'Psychohistorical Crisis' by Donald Kingsbury.


Yes please. Foundation was awesome and the whole concept of psychohistory is brilliant.

Added to my (ever growing) stack of books to read.
I like the whole external organic computer brain they had, especially when you realize it was originally used to control the masses, but was evolved to protect against exactly that.

But it did raise a valid concern, an overreliance on said processing power.

When all you know is how to use an IPad or GPS, what happens when you try to navigate with just a flat paper map?

How many kids run math in their head instead of just bringing up a calculator on the screen to do the heavy crunching?

QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 15 2014, 12:11 PM) *
When all you know is how to use an IPad or GPS, what happens when you try to navigate with just a flat paper map?

I've been failing at paper-map navigation for years. And not because of overuse of GPS, but because I have a generally poor spacial sense. I get lost easily and tend to not realize it until its seriously too late.

How many kids run math in their head instead of just bringing up a calculator on the screen to do the heavy crunching?

I graduated college and instantly lost the ability to correctly solve math in my head. And it isn't because I have a computer to do it for me, but because with the things that I do the exact answer is unimportant. The formula is.

I need to know how to calculate how far an object should move on a grid-based system (x and y position) with a given heading, not the exact output values of any given input scenario.
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